The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1033: Two cases join forces!

The purpose of this primary election is to select the ten most powerful forces.

Just imagine, there are hundreds of factions participating in the conference, and each faction probably needs to go through dozens of contests. If they can reach the final winner, they must be outstanding.

However, this is also a very difficult process. After all, there are many people who want to take advantage of loopholes and are unwilling to make a premature move. They just want to save their strength until the end, and when others are exhausted, they will strike hard and completely win the champion.

It has to be said that there are not a few people who hold such thoughts.

But if you look at it from another angle, if you occupy a ring in advance, you can also take a bit of an advantage.

The stronger the strength you show, the fewer people want to challenge you, which will make it easier and increase the chance of winning!

The most intuitive presentation of this truth was the young man on the tenth ring right now.

Su Yi really had time to relax. He watched the nine rings in front of him fight extremely lively, and the winners and losers were determined one after another, but his side had been at rest for a long time, and no one came up to challenge.

Someone had brought a timing instrument long ago, and placed it beside the tenth ring, and just waited for an hour to pass, if no one challenged, then Su Yi would be able to advance directly and occupy a spot.

Even so, many people were anxious to see the timer move little by little, but it was still difficult to see anyone on the field.

The strength displayed by that young man was too extraordinary, obviously driving Ji Xuanzong off the ring did not show his full strength.

No one wants to act rashly without knowing the true depth.

However, the major forces participating in the competition also had estimates in their hearts, and they all felt that Su Yi's strength was undoubtedly at the ninth level of the Yuanzhen Realm, and he might have reached the peak!

Among the third-rate forces in the chaotic domain, those who are under the age of 30 and those with advanced cultivation are roughly around the seventh level of the Yuanzhen Realm, and there are indeed people in the eighth level, but the number is not large, and the total is only thirty or fifty. human appearance.

In this way, no matter which side of the force confronts the young man, they will not get any advantage.

Therefore, no one is willing to be that early bird, even if he really has the strength to fight that Overlord Sect boy to the point of exhaustion, in the end it is very likely that he will still take advantage of others.

"If there is no one to challenge, then the kid will be promoted automatically!"

Among the crowd of onlookers, some people watched the time pass by quickly, and couldn't help but said anxiously, but they didn't dare to challenge themselves, so they could only hope that others would come forward.

Su Yicai didn't care what these people thought, he watched the other rings, and the second group of people had already started to challenge.

Unintentionally, his eyes glanced across the bottom of the ring, and Su Yi saw some familiar figures in the distance.

Among them, a young man with a slender and graceful figure was waving his hand happily.

Su Yi also smiled back at this, seeing the girl's smile, something special seemed to arise in his heart.

"The strength of Xuanjianmen is also very strong!"

Su Yi looked around the girl, and could find that there were quite a few disciples from the Mysterious Sword Sect with deep auras, which were unusual.

After nodding to each other with Ji Tianfu, Su Yi sensed another gaze. T latest *Chapter Dn section. Cool Craftsman:Net◇0

After looking around, I found that it was another group of people from the Liuhe Sect.

The other party still smiled at me politely, especially the young couple who showed kindness.

Naturally, Su Yi would not refuse such a friendly attitude, and also sincerely returned the gift.

"Master, let's go up and get rid of that kid! I don't believe that he alone can deal with the twenty members of our Seven Star Sword Sect!"

On the other side, where the Seven Star Sword Sect was, the leading disciple stood beside Ran Jianxuan and said confidently.

Their Seven Star Sword Sect is not that Extreme Xuan Sect, their strength is much stronger, they are not at the same level at all.

This disciple has self-confidence, and if he wants to deal with the boy of the Overlord Sect, it's not that the twenty of them have a chance.

The most important thing is that no one dared to challenge them again, which really made them feel anxious and unbearable.

"Sect Master Yang, do you have any good ideas?"

Ran Jianxuan was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but looked in the direction of the Golden Sword Sect, and asked Yang Baikun.

He doesn't have such strong confidence as his disciple, that kid is very difficult to deal with, and he might suffer a big loss.

"Sect Master Ran probably already has a solution in his mind. You might as well just say it straight. As long as you can kill that kid to avenge my son, even if you want me to give up this competition!"

Yang Baikun took a deep look at Ran Jianxuan, and said murderously.

He knew that Ran Jianxuan was not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he must have some thoughts.

"Okay, my thoughts are the same as Sect Master Yang's! If that's the case, let's work together again!"

Ran Jianxuan nodded, turned his gaze back to the young man above the ring, and said word by word: "This boy is very strange. We already know that he is very strong. Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill my son Ran Yan and your son!"

Ran Jianxuan knew in his heart that the Overlord Sect kid was more than that, the other party's methods were cunning, and he could make his mount Qinggang Tianhu not dare to resist, and then his head was beheaded with a single knife.

Facing such an unusual young man, he did not dare to underestimate him in the slightest, otherwise, it would be tantamount to letting his disciple go up to his death.

Ran Jianxuan's words were gloomy, and he continued: "So, our two sects joined hands and sent ten of the strongest disciples to attack and kill the boy. Only in this way can we have the greatest confidence in killing him!"

At the end, Ran Jianxuan's pair of small eyes burst out with a strong light, which was unstoppable.

"I agree with this law!"

Yang Baikun nodded his head when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, he said again: "Then who should be credited for the quota for the first time?"

This is a relatively difficult question to choose, and it is very important to both the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect.

Each of their two cases has two places, no matter who it is, if it is consumed once, it will lose one chance to challenge on stage.

Yang Baikun said that as long as he could kill that kid, he would rather give up the qualification for this conference, but if he could have both, he would definitely not let go.

"We cooperate to attack and kill that kid, there will be two results! One, we win, successfully kill him, and then we can continue to defend the ring. If we can successfully get a spot, of course it is very important! Two, that kid is too Strong, we can't kill him even if we work together, and if we lose in his hands, this chance is a waste! Third, the kid sensed something was wrong, surrendered in advance, and saved his life, and we also gained the defense Qualifications!"

Ran Jianxuan spoke slowly and explained carefully.

While Yang Baikun was listening, he was also thinking in his heart that there would indeed be such three kinds of results.

And in addition, if he successfully killed the Overlord Sect boy in this way, and successfully defended the ring to the end, whoever got the quota would be the one who got the final qualification.

"Since we said that we need to work together, my opinion is that we don't need to worry so much. It's up to Sect Master Yang to decide who will get the quota. Anyway, apart from this time, there are still three opportunities to compete together. , even if you can't defend the ring once, you will have more chances to challenge!" Ran Jianxuan said.

Yang Baikun pondered for a while, and then said: "Sect Master Ran has already talked about this, so I, the Golden Knife Sect, will be the one to challenge for the first time. It is true that I can challenge today, but I will not be able to challenge until tomorrow." It’s a really critical time, and there will be the fiercest confrontation. We two have made up our minds to join forces, so let’s join forces to the end, it will be more competitive.”

The two continued to discuss. The two suzerains of the Golden Knife Sect and the Seven Star Sword Sect finally decided that the first place will go to the Golden Knife Sect. It would be best if they can successfully kill the kid, but if they fail, they are not without The opportunity to make another move, and to compete for the ring qualification.

In order to be able to kill Su Yi, the two forces that were in the same area and had been competing fiercely with each other had joined forces at this time.

"This son is not dead, how can I vent the hatred in my heart!"

Both Ran Jianxuan and Yang Baikun already hated Su Yi to the bone.

Especially Ran Jianxuan, the Seven Star Sword Sect suffered a huge loss because of that kid, it was hard to estimate.

The two selected the ten most outstanding disciples of their respective sects, gathered them together, came out in the name of the Golden Sword Sect, walked to the detection stone, and handed over the tokens.

The twenty disciples of the two sects were full of murderous aura, and everyone was looking at the tenth ring like knives!

"We, the Golden Knife Sect, are going to challenge the tenth arena!"

The disciple headed by the Golden Knife Sect is a young man in his twenties. After passing the test, he said loudly.

Then, twenty figures immediately stepped up through the air and rushed to the tenth ring.

Of these twenty figures, half of them held knives and half of them held swords, and their robes were also of two different colors, clearly distinguishing each other.

"The time is almost up, and you are actually challenging that kid at this time!"

"Hey, finally someone dares to go up and challenge. Now it's a good show!"

"Looking at the strength of this group of people, it seems that they are much stronger than that of Jixuanzong. I don't know what the result will be this time."

Discussions started immediately among the crowd. Many people were worried that no one would dare to go up to challenge the tenth ring, or that no one would want to gnaw on this tough bone.

Seeing that an hour is about to come, the boy of the Overlord Sect can advance directly. He never thought that at this time, someone would finally step up to the stage and challenge him.

The point is that many people can find that the twenty figures who came to the stage are much stronger than the previous person from the Xuanzong.

That vast and domineering aura, everyone is extraordinary.

In this way, countless people began to look forward to it, wanting to see what the final tenth ring would be like.

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