The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1035: Killing nine people in a row! 【Four Bigger Chapters】

"Chi Chi..."

The aura of Su Yi's body spread in the void, causing the onlookers under the ring to tremble suddenly.

This murderous aura is too terrifying, majestic, majestic and vast!

Especially the members of the two sects standing on the ring, at this moment, their whole bodies tensed up, and their souls trembled.

They stood opposite Su Yi, and they could clearly see that the pupils of the young man seemed to reflect some kind of terrifying and ominous thing!

"What a weird kid, it's scary!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy, let's go together and kill him!"

The twenty disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Knife Sect forcibly suppressed the horror in their hearts, and then twenty figures rushed out in an instant, forming an orderly formation with each other, and surrounded and killed Su Yi.

Before coming to the stage, Ran Jianxuan and Yang Baikun had told them that these twenty disciples must not underestimate the enemy.

The lion is fighting the rabbit with all its strength, not to mention that this kid has a higher level of cultivation than all of them, so there is no room for taking it lightly.

"Take your life!"

A disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect shouted loudly, the long sword in his hand was shining with blue light, he lifted it directly above his head, transformed into a terrifying sword light, and chopped it down!

This is the vitality of the wood attribute, full of vitality, but also contains boundless killing power!

"Kill him!"

Next to it, there is also a young man with a sword facing the sky, shining with golden light, and sweeping with sharp aura.

All of a sudden, all kinds of lights on the arena shot up into the sky, and the swords and swords blared together, all of them were attacking and killing Su Yi.

The incomparable energy is seething and vibrating crazily, making the momentum here extremely huge, suppressing all the momentum on the other arenas. (L update vo update*the fastest R... go to Kujiang ◎ net $: 0gg

"As expected of being the strongest selected from the two sects, it is indeed terrifying!"

Someone in the audience looked at each other and murmured.

That scene was very scary, especially when attacking the same person at the same time, it was as if the stormy waves were hitting the shore, it was hard to resist!

Many people looked at it, only thinking that the young man on the opposite side would be very troublesome.

However, in the next moment, they also saw the boy make a move!


Seeing the opponent rushing towards him, Su Yi took out a long knife that was only at the Xuanbing level from the interspatial bag, held it in his hand, and let out a cold shout from his throat.

Then he jumped up with a "shua", his feet stepped on the void again and again, and mysterious and miraculous steps appeared under his feet.

This is the ever-changing step of Fuyao, known for its unpredictable, erratic and weird.

Under Su Yi's display, this set of martial arts moves to the extreme, turning his figure into a phantom, elusive.

"Little bastard, die!"

Someone yelled, accompanied by a sharp long sword stabbing from the side, piercing through Su Yi's figure at once.

"Disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect, go and be buried with your young Sect Master!"

But this person hadn't had time to be happy, the next moment, such a voice rang in the disciple's ear, which made him startled.

He found that he stabbed in the air, and what the long sword slashed was just an afterimage.

But at some point, a knife flashed in front of his eyes, directly attacking the top of his head!

Such a scene made this disciple of Seven Star Sword Sect's hair stand on end, unable to make a full-scale resistance, so he had to hastily draw back his long sword and tried his best to block it!


When the light of the knife fell completely, the disciple watched helplessly as the sword in his hand was cut off with a single blow, and then his body was also blatantly cut open from it!

Blood gushes out like a spring, spraying in the void, and the blood mist is long.

Su Yi rushed past the slowly falling corpses, under the protection of vitality, not a single drop of blood stained his lapel.


Such three words came out of Su Yi's mouth, and he did not stop at the ever-changing steps, but his eyes were aimed at another disciple of the Golden Sword Sect.

But seeing his body moving across the sky, he forcibly dodged several attacks of saber light and sword light, and then appeared beside the target!


Su Yi yelled loudly, and slashed out with a big knife in his hand, his courage was unstoppable!

The light of the sword is like a rainbow in the sky, like a horse training, it slashes out obliquely, instantly defeating the defensive momentum of the disciple of the Golden Sword Sect, it cuts in from his right shoulder, and comes out from the left abdomen!

His entire body was cut off at once, and he died unexpectedly!

"the second!"

Su Yi uttered a cold voice again, his eyes turned again, and he was staring at the third person again!

The dense knife light and sword light moved across, like a violent storm, trying to roll Su Yi's body!

But his figure is extremely erratic, sometimes in the east, sometimes in the west, there is no trace to follow at all!

None of the attacks from the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect and the Seven Star Sword Sect could land on him!


Su Yi raised the long knife in his hand again, and while his body was spinning, strength erupted, lingering between the necks of a disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect, and then he saw a head flying into the sky, and then in the terrifying attack In the storm, he was strangled into a cloud of blood mist!

"The third!"

At this moment, Su Yi was like a god of killing, with one strike, he would harvest a life!

But after beheading several people in a row, his robe was never stained with blood!

Such a scene makes it look even more scary!

"What a strong strength, what a powerful method!"

The onlookers under the stage were all shocked at this moment.

The killing intent emanating from Su Yi's body made everyone's scalp tingle.

Killing one person with one blow of the sword, how overbearing and absolute is this!

Everyone realized that this young man from the Overlord Sect was definitely not easy to provoke, and when he dealt with Ji Xuanzong, he only wounded everyone, but facing the killing intent of the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect, this young man did not have the slightest intention to kill him. Be soft!

Under its powerful strength, it only took a short while to kill several disciples of the opponent!

"How can this little bastard be so strong! How can he be so strong!"

Among the Seven Star Sword Sect lineup in the audience, Ran Jianxuan clenched his fat hands into fists, his nails were embedded in the flesh, but he couldn't feel the slightest pain.

Su Yi's strength shocked him. He was still calm and unhurried in the face of 20 people attacking at the same time, and he could kill several people one after another!

This is terrible, how could there be such a character among the younger generation?

"Be sure to hold on and kill that kid!"

Yang Baikun's expression was extremely gloomy, and his teeth were almost crushed.

The two sects pinned all their hopes on those disciples on the stage, and only hoped that those people could successfully kill Su Yi.

But I really didn't expect that the boy was so strong.

When every disciple died at the hands of the other party, no matter if it was Yang Baikun or Ran Jianxuan, it was as if someone took a knife and cut off their hearts piece by piece, the pain dripped blood!

The other disciples of the two sects watching the battle also had extremely ugly faces, very gloomy!

And at this moment, after Su Yi killed the third disciple, his eyes moved again, and he focused on a brand new target!

This time, it was another disciple of the Golden Sword Sect!


Knife collided with knives, in terms of momentum alone, the saber momentum of the disciples of the Golden Knife Sect was even better!

However, that golden knife's momentum was defeated by the long knife in Su Yi's hand, and he couldn't resist half a point!

The knife in Su Yi's hand advanced into the opponent's chest, and came out from the back, stabbing the opponent's heart!

"the fourth!"

Su Yi turned into a god of killing, with a fierce light in his eyes, extremely frightening!

He was like a prehistoric beast, every time he stared at the disciples of Seven Star Sword Sect and Golden Sword Sect, it was like he was staring at a prey.

Under the effect of Fuyao's ever-changing steps, Su Yi's figure was erratic, almost like a ghost, he shuttled wantonly among the disciples of Seven Star Sword Sect and Golden Saber Sect.

All the attacks didn't touch his body at all!




One after another muffled sounds resounded in the arena, every time Su Yi raised the knife and dropped it, it was accompanied by the end of a life, and there was a rain of blood spraying in the sky, gurgling down!

Such a scene really shocked everyone present!

That young man's method was too bloody, but none of the people he targeted was alive, they were all killed with one blow, and they couldn't die anymore!

In less than half a stick of incense, nine people from the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect died in his hands.

Such a decisive character, even in this chaotic domain, makes people feel chills down the spine!

That boy is really terrifying!

"The members of the Golden Sword Sect and the Seven Star Sword Sect are not going to go up and kill people, they are just delivering food!"

"How long has it been? Twenty people have died, and nearly half of them have died!"

"But that young man from the Overlord Sect didn't even have a tear in his clothes!"

"It's too scary, that boy is too scary!"

"This is absolute strength crushing, there really are such geniuses in this world!"

"At the age of seventeen, he can reach such a state. How terrifying it will be when he grows up!"

All the strong onlookers were all boiling, and the battle on the other rings was interrupted again.

Everyone watched the young man rise and fall with horrified eyes, moving like a rabbit!

Everyone was shocked beyond measure, including those alliance powerhouses in the stands, and some of them stood up.

Su Yi's talent was beyond their imagination. If he could give that young man a "horrifying" evaluation for killing the twenty people of Jixuanzong before, then now, he can only be described as "perverted"!

"If we lose, we still lose!"

Ran Jianxuan's finger bones were almost broken, and there was a "clack" sound, which showed how violent his heart was.

"We still underestimated him too much! How could that kid be so strong!"

Yang Baikun's eyes were full of hatred, but also full of deep helplessness.

Su Yi's strength was too strong, far beyond their expectations.

I thought that sending twenty of the strongest disciples from the two sects was enough to pay attention to each other.

But now it seems that he still can't even touch the corner of the other party's clothes!

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