The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1044: What medicine is sold in the gourd?

All around, people from all major forces nodded silently when they heard the words, and no one objected anymore.

The most important reason for this is probably not the strength of the red-robed old man or the ferocity of the forces behind it, but that this move will not bring any harm to the ten major forces in the alliance.

In the eyes of these people, the third-rate and fourth-rate forces and countless casual cultivators in the chaotic domain are not important, and it doesn't matter who gets the qualifications.

The middle-aged man in the Yuanhuang Realm took his orders and left, and under Su Yi's expectant eyes, he came back under the ring again.

After he relayed the decision made by the alliance powerhouse just now, Su Yi's whole body suddenly burst into ecstasy.

"This is really good!"

He looked excited, excited for such a result.

"You have to give up the ring that you have won, and then accept challenges from multiple parties at the same time. Only by succeeding can you become a new ring leader. Otherwise, you will completely lose the qualification for the conference. You should think carefully before making a decision."

The middle-aged man took a deep look at Su Yi again, feeling that this young man was too different, so he continued: "Besides, for the sake of fairness, you have to accept at least three rounds of challenges to count, unless no one dares If you challenge yourself, you will be promoted automatically after one hour."

The last sentence was also confessed by the alliance powerhouse just now.

"Is that so?" Su Yi touched his nose and raised his eyebrows.

This request is acceptable to him, after all, it can barely be considered fair in this way.

Especially the fact that three rounds of challenges must be accepted, if it is not stipulated in this way, Su Yi will only enter the arena at the end of the game and win other people's rings, then other forces are still playing a fart!

"Okay, I accept!"

Seeing that time was running out, Su Yi immediately nodded and agreed.

The middle-aged man looked at him and smiled angrily, "Can you still not accept it?"

Su Yi rolled his eyes, and without any delay, he directly asked the middle-aged man to announce his decision.

At the same time, he ran back into the crowd, found Ji Tianfu, and then notified Xi Wuqing and the others to go.

"The Overlord Sect gave up the tenth ring, is there anyone willing to be the ring leader?"

When the middle-aged man announced the news, the whole square erupted.

"What? Overlord Sect gave up the tenth arena? Why?"

"Is that kid stupid, actually wanting to give up the qualifications he got for the conference?"

"It's hard for others to get the qualification for the conference. He said he would let it go. What the hell is this Overlord Sect going to do?"

"It shouldn't be that simple, what kind of medicine is sold in Bawangzong's gourd?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. They were still wondering before. They didn't know what the boy was muttering to the middle-aged man, and they didn't know what the middle-aged man said to the alliance powerhouse. Now it seems that they must be discussing this matter.

For a moment, the crowd in the entire square was in a state of confusion, and no one could figure out what the Bawangzong was doing.

It's a good quota, how can I just let it out?

"I, Yang Yanzong, want this quota!"

Just when everyone didn't know why, a voice shouted, and then someone rushed to the vicinity of the ring.

Then, many forces responded.

A arena, that represents a qualification for the conference, and everyone has given it up. Where can I find such a cheap thing?

"I want the tenth arena from Liuli Palace!"

"My Gale Sect also wants this qualification!"

"And I, Feihong Pavilion!"

"I, Fentian Pavilion, also want to fight!"

As the members of Yang Yanzong spoke, many remaining forces woke up like a dream, and immediately opened their mouths loudly, rushing to the front of the ring.

Everyone has a strong look of hope, wanting to get that spot.

A fool would not want such a good thing, no matter what tricks the Overlord Sect is doing.

"A total of seventeen sects want it, so let's draw lots to decide!"

The middle-aged man quickly ordered some blank bamboo sticks to be used as pens, and carved a mark on each bamboo stick, and the mark on one of the bamboo sticks was different from the others.

Seventeen bamboo sticks were put into the stick, held by the middle-aged man, and the forces who had just signed up stepped forward to draw one by one.

These lottery drawers are all below the Yuanxu Realm, and in front of the middle-aged man, who is the Yuanhuang Realm, they don't have to play any tricks.

Soon, the results of the lottery appeared.

"Yang Yanzong has won the lottery, and will be the new master of the tenth ring!"

The middle-aged man said in a clear voice, and everyone from other forces felt sad for a while.

And a group of people from Yang Yanzong jumped up with joy, everyone was as happy as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

"Great, I actually got another chance to compete in the group arena!"

A young man exclaimed excitedly, this is simply a turn of events.

Originally, they had completely lost their chance, but they never thought that they would suddenly be overjoyed.

"The group arena is coming to an end, there is only less than an hour left, as long as we stand up to the last stage, we can qualify for the next round of the competition!"

There were also young people who were very excited and said so.

"Don't take it lightly. The last person on the court will bite people like a mad dog. It's very fierce! And now we have lost three powerful players. There will definitely be many people who think we are easy to bully and hit us on the head. superior."

A calmer person thought about it and analyzed it.

Hearing what he said, the rest of the people also quieted down and nodded one after another.

But at this moment, their eyes caught a glimpse of three figures walking quickly not far away.

"Everyone, we had some misunderstandings before, but we can talk about these later. I think you must also need the help of the three of us now. Why don't we work together again?"

A young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came in front of everyone in Yang Yanzong, followed by two other young men.

These three people were Tang Tianxing, Shi Rongchang, and Du Zhao who replaced Chen Chuan and cooperated with Yang Yanzong. They were all loose cultivators and powerful.

Watching them appear, the person in charge of the Yangyan Sect was silent for a moment, and then simply said: "Okay, let's not mention the past, I hope this time we can completely win this quota."

The three of Tang Tianxing are strong, if they can still cooperate with them, it will be very helpful to defend the ring in the future.

Right now, for Yang Yanzong, they have no better choice.

"Okay, let's go to the ring!"

Tang Tianxing smiled, looking treacherous.

A total of 20 people from both sides directly stepped onto the tenth ring, replacing the Overlord Sect's position.

"This Yang Yanzong is really lucky, and he has become the ring master again!"

"Seventeen bamboo sticks, but that one was chosen by them, this luck is indeed good enough!"

"With their strength, if they want to defend to the end, the hope is great!"

Off the court, many people spoke sourly, all envious.

Not long after Yang Yanzong was kicked out of the ring by Xuanjianmen, he climbed up again. I have to say that it was really luck.

And their strength is not weak in the first place, and other forces have already been depleted by this time, and there is really not much to fight against.

Therefore, many people even think that Yang Yanzong has completely won this spot.

Not only that, but the people of Yang Yanzong also had the same idea. Although many people tried their best to restrain their emotions, they still couldn't help showing their excitement.

Faintly, the aura of the entire Yangyan Sect is different, as if looking forward to being challenged.

"My Xuanjianmen admit defeat!"

At this moment, Ji Tianfu's voice came out in the distance, allowing everyone near the ring to hear it.

At this time, the fierce battle between Xuanjianmen and Qingmingzong was in full swing. Qingmingzong was strong, but it was not easy to completely defeat Xuanjianmen. If they really wanted to fight to the end, they would really have to shed their skins if they wanted to win.



The disciples of Xuanjianmen were a little surprised, but none of them disobeyed Ji Tianfu. Yu Wenxuan, Ji Hannuo and others stopped fighting, jumped off the ring one by one, and walked towards this side.

"Hmph, Yu Wenxuan, it turns out that your Xuanjian Sect is really so unbearable!"

In Qing Mingzong, looking at the backs of everyone in Xuanjianmen, someone said mockingly.

"Forget them to be wise, otherwise half of their disciples will not be able to get out of this ring today!"

The young man named Jiang Xu spoke in a cold voice, full of murderous intent.

"Young Sect Master is right, but it's a pity that Xuanjianmen is just a bunch of scumbags who have no seeds!"

Beside, many Qing Mingzong disciples echoed.

Jiang Xu is their young suzerain, with profound cultivation and powerful strength, he has already stepped into the eighth level of Yuanzhen Realm.

Even among the second-rate forces, there are few rivals among the same generation.

As for Jiang Xu and Yu Wenxuan, they also had confrontations with each other, and because of the bad relationship between the two sects, they treated them like enemies.

"Brother..." Some disciples of the Xuanjian Sect were outraged and wanted to refute something.

"Ignore them!"

Yu Wenxuan stopped the disciple and led everyone back to Ji Tianfu's side.

"That boy Su Yi, what is he going to do?"

Ji Tianfu moved his eyes, looked at the young man who had already communicated with Xi Wuqing and others, and then went to the ring again, full of doubts in his heart.

Xuanjianmen directly surrendered and admitted defeat, which was also what Su Yi asked him to do.

Ji Tianfu didn't think much about this, let alone resist.

Anyway, looking at the situation, it is indeed difficult for Xuanjianmen to defend the ring, so it is better to admit defeat directly, so as to avoid damage to the disciples under the sect. #V酷…: Craftsman Genuine First O Release 0oR

What surprised Ji Tianfu the most was the fact that Su Yi gave up the tenth ring.

Dimly, Ji Tianfu felt that Su Yi's mind must not be that simple, and with that kid's personality, he would never do anything to be disadvantaged.

Therefore, not only did he not feel that there was anything wrong, but he also looked forward to it.

Ji Tianfu really wanted to see what tricks that kid could come up with after reaching this point.

"Young Sect Master, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the Overlord Sect?"

At this time, Qing Mingzong finally began to pay attention to the change of ownership of the tenth arena. They scratched their heads and couldn't figure it out. Overlord Zong Mingming had already successfully obtained a spot, why did he suddenly give up?

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