The God of Sky & Earth

The first thousand and sixty-eight chapters: The young man is bold!

"Senior Brother Ma... is dead!"

A Tiangang Sect disciple ran out, checked the situation of Senior Brother Ma just now, and said to the others.

Hearing this, the remaining seven people were all shocked.

Su Yi shot too fast just now, and killed Senior Brother Ma in an absolutely crushing way.

With such strength, Hong Jianqiu and the others became serious.

"This kid is too powerful, let's fight together, today I want him to die without a place to bury him!"

Hong Jianqiu's words were extremely deep, he stared at Su Yi and said every word.

No one thought that a person at the peak of the eighth level of Yuanzheng would not even have the qualifications to compete against Su Yi.

"Yes, young suzerain!"

After Hong Jianqiu issued the order, the rest of the Tiangang Sect stood up in battle, raising their swords in unison, all facing Su Yi.

A wave of ferocious power emanated from their bodies, the light bloomed, and the void trembled.

"Is this a disciple of a second-rate force? It looks like that!"

Su Yi didn't feel nervous at all, he curled his lips and said lightly.

In front of him, those who cultivated in the Yuanzhen Realm no longer had any challenges.

"Don't be ashamed, kid. Don't think that we will continue to be negligent. This time, I will tear you to pieces!"

A Tiangang Sect disciple said in a cold voice, but what he said sounded far from the confidence he had at the beginning.


Su Yi sneered, and said: "I still say the same thing, if you chop off Hong Jianqiu's head, I can consider letting you go!"

His complexion was still a bit unsightly, not only because of these Tiangangmen disciples, but mainly because they scared away the Qiling little beast.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, go up together and kill him!"

Hong Jianqiu's complexion changed, and he said in a loud voice.

After the words fell, the seven figures rushed out together, killing Su Yi!

"I haven't settled with you guys for scaring away Qi Ling, yet you even took the initiative to provoke me!"

Su Yi sneered again and again, only to hear him slowly say: "If you die here today, you can't blame others, but you can only blame your own blindness, you shouldn't cause trouble yourself!"

When such a voice was uttered, Su Yi directly stepped up, his footsteps kept stepping in the void, and every time he landed, there was a very mysterious artistic conception, making his figure seem like a ghost, erratic and erratic.

The swords of all the people in the Tiangang Sect could not touch his body, and the boy passed through the rain of swords without touching his body at all!


At the same time when the Swinging Steps were launched, Su Yi also calmly slapped a palm. With one strike, a person was instantly sent flying, and blood was scattered in the void.

"This... is this... Yuanxu Realm?"

Soon, Hong Jianqiu discovered something was wrong.

The strength displayed by Su Yi completely crushed them, and the other party stepped in the void without relying on vitality to transform into form at all!

And this can only show one thing, that is, what they are facing is a strong man in the Yuanxu Realm!

"How can this be!"

All the disciples of the Tiangang Sect were horrified beyond measure, and everyone's eyes were filled with horror.

Yuanxu Realm!

Seventeen-year-old Yuanxu Realm!

If the outside powerhouses knew about this, how many people would be scared to death?

Such a young man, not to mention the chaotic domain, I am afraid that it is difficult to find a second one in the whole six lands, three states and one sea?

For such a talented and brilliant person, it is really normal for the Holy Son of the Holy Mountain to be defeated by him!

"Run! Run away!"

At this moment, Hong Jianqiu was the first to react.

He knew that Tiangangmen's plan this time was completely in vain.

With their strength, Su Yi of the Overlord Sect couldn't kill him at all.

Not to mention the Tiangang Sect, even those from Cangyun Palace, Nine Star Valley, and Blood Yang Sect might not be able to keep this young man!

"Run away!"

Hong Jianqiu couldn't care about the other disciples anymore, and immediately retreated, wanting to escape.

This joke was too big, in front of the strong man in Yuanxu Realm, he had no other choice but to run for his life.

Unless there are a few people with the same strength as him around him, he can forcefully contend, but it's just a delay for some time.

"Come when you want, leave when you want? I have no habit of letting go of any enemy. Since you want to kill me, then all of you should leave your lives here!"

Su Yi said in a cold voice, every time he swung his palm, he hit a disciple of Tiangang Sect in the chest.

Accompanied by the scene of blood spurting, the sound of viscera exploding in the chests of those people could be heard.

After everyone was blown away, they all landed in the distance, dead beyond belief.

"You can't run away!"

Such words came from Su Yi's mouth. After finishing everyone, his vitality floated, and he chased after Hong Jianqiu again.

"Hoo hoo..."

When Su Yi's last palm came behind him with the sound of wind, Hong Jianqiu's hairs all stood on end.

Before dying, he screamed: "Yang Baikun killed me!"

The body was blown away, the chest burst open, and blood poured out.

The Young Sect Master of Tiangang Sect died tragically at the hands of Su Yi.

"So it's related to the Golden Sword Sect!"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows. It turned out that Hong Jianqiu was related to the Golden Sword Sect, and that's why he was hostile to him, and he wanted to kill him as soon as he came up.

There is no unreasonable hatred in this world, so it makes sense.


When Su Yi fell to the ground, two figures flashed and came to him.

These two people are none other than Shang Wangchen and Shui Yuechan that Su Yi had met before.

Su Yi had a good impression of them, much better than Ruan Zhuo of the Jade Cauldron Sect. At least from these two people, he didn't see the kind of arrogance that the disciples of the big school are used to.

"Su Yi, you..."

When Shang Wangchen saw the situation around him, he hesitated to speak.

The scene of Su Yi killing Hong Jianqiu was watched by him and Shui Yuechan from a distance.

"Are you guys old with this Hong Jianqiu?" Su Yi raised his eyes and asked lightly.

Although he had a good impression of these two, if the opponent made a move, Su Yi would not hesitate to kill them here.

"Brother Su Yi, you misunderstood!"

Shang Wangchen shook his head and said: "I have nothing to do with Tiangangmen, I just think you are too impulsive, and I am afraid it will lead to disaster!"

Shui Yuechan clasped a pair of jade hands in front of her body, nodded, but did not answer.

"Oh? What kind of disaster?"

Su Yi was puzzled, so he couldn't help asking Shang Wangchen.

"Look at those colorful stones!"

Shang Wangchen stretched out his finger, and following his gaze, Su Yi saw some colorful broken stones scattered not far away.

He remembered that there were a few complete colorful stones before, but when he finally killed Hong Jianqiu, his body smashed the stones away.

"Just some strange stones, nothing special, what's wrong?"

Su Yi was still puzzled. He had seen this kind of stone in the secret realm more than once, and had noticed it, but he didn't find anything unusual.

Seeing his appearance, Shui Yuechan flicked her clothes, stepped forward, and said in a clear voice: "That is a method set up by the strong of the alliance. It belongs to the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm. It can transmit the images here to the outside world. It has been seen by many people. There are many things in Zhaoling Secret Realm, and the purpose is to let the outside world watch the chances of the younger generation and the competition between them."

"I see."

Su Yi nodded, and he suddenly realized.

He had also heard before that outsiders would have a way to see the situation in the secret realm, but he didn't go to understand it in detail.

It turned out that the multicolored stones had this effect.

"That is to say, the people you just killed in the Tiangang Sect are probably already known to the outside world."

Shang Wangchen's words were a little dignified, and he said again: "In the Zhaoling Secret Realm, there is a danger of death, or dying in a strange place, or being buried in the belly of a wild monster, or dying under the competition of the same generation. Possibly. But that doesn’t mean that if you kill someone from the Tiangang Sect, their sect won’t trouble you, not to mention their young sect master Hong Jianqiu also died at your hands.”

As soon as Su Yi heard this, he understood that the trip to the Zhaoling Secret Realm was actually a training disciple for all forces, and he gained a huge opportunity.

But this does not mean that they will just watch their disciples die here.

So once the matter of the secret realm is over, the Tiangang Sect will definitely find Su Yi to avenge those disciples.

In fact, Su Yi understands that this is only because there is only one Overlord Sect behind him. If he is backed by one of the three first-class forces, Cangyun Palace, Nine Star Valley, and Blood Yang Sect, Tiangang Sect can only recognize it by holding his nose, what? All the bitterness had to be swallowed honestly.

"Kill them all, that's all." Su Yi was a little indifferent. uj Kujiang Wangshou @Y posted R+0√

"Brother Su Yi, you shouldn't have killed them, the Tiangang Sect is still very difficult, you'd better be careful!"

Seeing Su Yi's fearless look, Shang Wangchen admired him immensely and was shocked by the young man's courage, but he still couldn't help reminding him that it was all out of good intentions.


Su Yi raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Is there a holy mountain that is hard to deal with?"


Shang Wangchen and Shui Yuechan were both choked, unable to speak for a while.

That's right, this young man even dares to offend the Holy Mountain, even if he is still afraid of Tiangangmen?

The holy mountain, it is a place that fascinates countless people in the world, even if they are far away in the chaotic domain, they still admire it in their hearts.

You know, Cangyun Palace, Nine Star Valley, and Blood Yangzong, the three first-class forces in the chaotic domain combined, are not as powerful as the Holy Mountain, and it is definitely a terrifying giant!

In comparison, what is a small Tiangangmen?

"The young man is so courageous, so brave! What kind of guy is this?"

At this moment, both Shang Wangchen and Shui Yuechan felt an inexplicable aura rising from the young man in front of him, as if he was fearless in everything between the world and the earth!

The two outstanding children of the second-rate forces were inexplicably shocked!

Be courageous and fearless!

This is probably the attitude that a true practitioner should have!

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