The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1083: A Ferocious Dragon Crossing the River [Burst Fourteen Updates]

It has to be said that Su Yi's scream did attract enough attention. Many people secretly ridiculed him. They only felt that this young man was probably among the first- and second-rate powerhouses, and felt a little unbalanced. So come and find presence.

That's right, in front of these arrogant leaders, it's normal for Su Yi, who shined in the primaries of the conference, to feel disappointed.

But after all, the battle on the Nirvana Terrace is the most important now, and everyone plans to turn around again and continue watching.

However, at this moment, a figure appeared in the distance and flew towards the Nirvana Terrace, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

Look, that looks like Wu Jiuyou from the Blood Yang Sect!

Someone yelled and pointed at the figure flying in mid-air.

It was really him, and he arrived just in time!

Some disciples of the Blood Yang Sect became happy. Like people from other forces, they thought that Wu Jiuyou could be lost in the secret realm at first.

If that's the case, then the Blood Yang Sect's loss would be too great.

It's all right now, the number one of the younger generation of their sect has returned at this time.

Many people looked over and saw that Wu Jiuyou flew over without relying on vitality to transform into form at all, so it must be in Yuanxu Realm.

How dare you show up at this time?

Su Yi also turned his head, his brows gradually wrinkled.

Before, he was determined to kill Wu Jiuyou, and he was the only one who knew about the small beast that he had obtained.

If it can be killed, then this secret can be hidden, and it will save myself a lot of trouble.

He definitely didn't know that it was the battle armor of the demon god!

Su Yi frowned, thinking in his heart.

This is not a good place to do it. There are colorful stones all around. Obviously, everything that happens here will be transmitted back to Nine Star City simultaneously.

Moreover, the disciples of all major forces are here, if Wu Jiuyou is killed here, I am afraid that the strong men of the Blood Yang Sect will surround him outside the secret realm by then.

It's okay to say that the second-rate force of Tiangangmen has no chance to fight, but if there is another first-rate force

Su Yi shook his head, only thinking that he might die a miserable death!

But fortunately, although the little spirit beast is extraordinary, it did not reveal the real artifact. No one knew that it was the demon god battle armor of the Heavenly Demon Sect nine thousand years ago.

If not, once the news leaked out, Su Yi would not be able to die even if he had a hundred lives!

Or play it by ear!

Su Yi frowned, took a deep look at the figure that was about to fly near the Nirvana Terrace, and murmured.

Hey, look at that Su Yi's expression!

At this moment, a voice suddenly spread through the crowd.

As the voice fell, everyone turned their heads in unison, seeing the young man's face.

Hehe, he actually showed such an expression to Wu Jiuyou, is he looking for trouble?

So many Tianjiao have already attracted all the attention, and now another one comes, let alone Su Yi, who is probably very melancholy in his heart!

A small Overlord Sect dares to compare with the first person of the younger generation of the Blood Yang Sect, what kind of thing is he?

Hehehe, in fact, he has managed to attract our attention, but he is just like a clown!

Crying and sarcastic voices spread among the crowd, most of them came from first- and second-rate forces.

They had heard about Su Yi's deeds, but they all agreed that this young man was nothing more than that, after all, his age was there.

It's no skill to be fierce among the third-rate forces. You see, when you face our first-rate and second-rate forces, you should immediately be cowardly!

Someone laughed out loud, feeling that they were really looking at a sensationalist clown.

A bunch of idiots!

Su Yi didn't care too much about how these people looked at him. In fact, from his point of view, the real idiots were those who wantonly laughed at him.

Wu Jiuyou is here, he should step directly onto the Nirvana Terrace!

Soon, Yuan Kong's figure came up to him not long after.

Everyone felt that since the other disciples of the first-class forces had already set foot on the Nirvana Terrace and began to fight for the front, Wu Jiuyou must have no reason to delay any longer.

However, the reality was quite different from what they had imagined. After Wu Jiuyou flew over, he stopped suddenly, his eyes fixed on the bottom, and murderous intent rose from his body.

Su Yi!

He gritted his teeth tightly, clenched his fists and looked at the boy in the crowd.

It took more than a day before he hurried to the Nirvana Terrace.

It's just that his injury is still very serious, which is very unfavorable for the ensuing battle.

Are you trying to kill me?

Sensing Wu Jiuyou's aura, Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and stepped up directly, standing opposite Wu Jiuyou.

Su Yi felt that if this person really wanted to kill him, then he had absolutely no reason to keep the other person's life!

Su Yi didn't want to provoke the Blood Yang Sect, but he wasn't afraid if he really wanted to go that far!

I don't believe it, you dare to do it here!

Wu Jiuyou's eyes were gloomy, like knives, wanting to cut Su Yi into pieces!

When he reached the Nirvana Terrace, he really didn't believe that Su Yi dared to attack him.

For one thing, dozens of disciples of the Blood Yang Sect are here, and there is another Yuanxu Realm beside them, how can Su Yi have a chance of winning by himself?

In addition, everything here must be projected in the Nine Star City right now, if something happens to him here, the Blood Yang Sect will definitely not let this kid go.

Do you think I dare not?

Su Yi's face suddenly sank, and a fierce aura rose from his body, and suddenly swept towards Wu Jiuyou like a turbid wave.

Invisibly, there seemed to be a terrifying long dragon dancing, carrying an unparalleled arrogance, directly pressing towards Wu Jiuyou!


Under this terrifying power, Wu Jiuyou let out a muffled groan from his chest, which had been sunken before but had recovered somewhat.

He only felt a sweetness in his throat, but he swallowed it forcefully.

Even so, under the oppression of Su Yi's aura, Wu Jiuyou stepped back in the void, retreating a distance of about ten feet, before regaining his footing.

But at this time, his face was extremely pale, as white as paper.

Wu Jiuyou

Seeing this situation, the disciples of the various sects watching below were all stunned, with incredible expressions on their faces.

What did they just see?

Wu Jiuyou actually stepped back ten feet in a row in front of Su Yi?

what is happening?

Many first- and second-rate influencers were all dumbfounded at this moment.

Su Yi, who was ridiculed by them before, turned out to be so tough.

In Yuanxu Realm, Su Yi is also in Yuanxu Realm!

Someone murmured, with incomparable shock.

As soon as these words came out, there was a gasp in the room.

It was only then that everyone realized that the boy was actually flying, and did not rely on his vitality to transform into form!

Such a method shows that Su Yi is also a Primordial Void Realm!

This result is difficult for many people to accept.

How can this be

Someone's throat rolled, and they couldn't believe what they saw anyway.

But before they could think more, Su Yi moved in mid-air!

With a flash of the young man's figure, he rushed towards Wu Jiuyou!

Su Yi, I will never let you go!

Wu Jiuyou roared in a low voice, then ran to the side.

He didn't dare to collide with Su Yi, the strength of the two had been divided before, and Wu Jiuyou was far from Su Yi's opponent!

In addition, right now, he has not recovered from serious injuries, once they fight, he will definitely suffer a big loss!

I want to see, why don't you let me go!

Su Yi snorted coldly, and launched a pursuit.

Under his feet, he stepped on the ever-changing step again and again, and every step he took, seemed to be stepping on a certain unique rhythm, which made him feel like a ghost, and his speed was extremely fast!


Su Yi swung out a fist, and the huge light fist seemed to be like a boulder across the sky, making a rumbling sound, and killed Wu Jiuyou.

After all, Wu Jiuyou was also a strong man in Yuanxu Realm. Although he was seriously injured, he was not completely powerless.

I saw him turn around and shoot out a piece of blood-red light, punching that light into pieces, and then continued to flee.

Under such circumstances, the two chased and fled, attracting the attention of all the sect disciples present.

Wu Jiuyou Ta Su Yi Ta

Someone opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Su Yi is stronger than Wu Jiuyou!

In the end, everyone had to admit what they saw. Wu Jiuyou was clearly being chased and killed by Su Yi, and he didn't dare to stop and fight back.

Is the gap between the two of them so big?


Someone swallowed hard, feeling their cheeks extremely hot.

Previously, many people felt that Su Yi was trying to please the public, and they regarded him as a disgusting clown!

But what happened in front of them was like a loud slap, slapping their faces hard, making them numb.

What kind of clown is this? This is definitely a terrifying dragon crossing the river!

Someone said in amazement, looking at the figure chasing high in the sky, the shock on his face could not fade away for a long time.

Su Yi's strength seems to have broken the previous pattern of the chaotic domain alliance conference.

He definitely has the ability to compete in Nielongtai, and he still wants to fight for a seat at a higher level!

Realizing such a result, the disciples of all sects only feel that their worldviews have been refreshed today!

When did Brother Su Yi reach Yuanxu Realm?

Not only Yuanxu Realm, but Yuanxu Realm stronger than Wu Jiuyou!

Xuanjianmen, Liuhezong, and Chen Chu'an and others also raised their heads and looked into the air at this time, with astonished faces.

These people who are familiar with Su Yi don't even know that the other party is already a strong man in Yuanxu Realm!

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