The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1090: Then let's fight.

Such a strong sword intent!

When this happened, Qin Yusheng and Jing Qiran changed their expressions instantly, and looked at each other in shock.

The terrifying murderous aura is so real, it cuts on them and their bodies, making people feel raw skin pain!

And the burst of sword intent in it made people's soul tremble uncontrollably, wanting to crawl!

I'm afraid he is much stronger than we imagined, don't keep it anymore, let's fight with all our strength!

Jing Qiran gave a loud shout, and rose into the air, with both feet striding forward, the Milky Way suspended beneath his feet, and endless stars held tightly in his hands, like a god in the world, outrageously peerless and mighty!

Then let's fight!

The vitality in Qin Yusheng's body was vented out like a flood, and it rushed out like a flood, and it was poured out for thousands of miles, and it all gathered on his right fist and arm!

In the blink of an eye, the golden light on his arm completely subsided and turned into a crystal clear color, as if poured from molten gold!

With this punch, the void vibrated, the air roared, the energy on the Nirvana Stage surged wildly, and the energy of gods and demons rioted!

Jing Qiran and Qin Yusheng stepped up and down, forming horns with each other, and charged towards Su Yi!

In addition, Cao Yunfei and Fu Dongxuan also moved at the same time, each carrying terrifying power, cooperating with Qin Yusheng to move!

Everything happened very quickly, Su Yi's eyes were slightly closed, and at some point, a black sword was held in his hand, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder clanging on it, and a fierce aura waved out faintly.

chi chi

The next moment, Su Yi's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and two sword-like rays of light swept out from the depths of his pupils, and an extraordinary and refined aura came from his body, accompanied by a tremendous coercion. out.

Su Yi made a move, swung his sword out, the sword was dazzling, with a sharp sound of breaking the wind, and instantly collided violently with the attacks of the people in front!

Chi la la

The sword light was dazzling, and it whizzed away with the sound of breaking the wind, and the billowing breath swept across the sky and the earth, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the momentum was turbulent.

The violent wind and sharp sword light burst, causing the void to tremble, and the energy on the entire Nirvana Stage was greatly affected, as if the tide was receding crazily.

The fierce sword light sliced ​​through the stars of the galaxy, shattered the golden shadow of the fist, and spread directly in front of Qin Yusheng and Jing Qiran.


Under this force, Qin Yusheng and Jing Qiran were directly blown away, their bodies shot backwards, and a piece of scarlet blood spit out from their mouths!

bang bang!

Immediately afterwards, there were two muffled noises again. Under the attack of Su Yi's sword light, Fu Dongxuan and Cao Yunfei couldn't even resist, so they were bounced off hard and fell heavily on the ground. On the Nirvana Terrace not far away!

With the shattering of the offensive energy all over the sky, the power of the Nirvana Terrace was covered like a flood again, and the waves were overwhelming, oppressing everyone!


Under the suppression of this terrifying force, the four spurted blood again, and their faces were instantly pale as paper!

Su Yi won!

It's too scary, he actually won, and repelled the four of them at the same time!

How could he be so strong? The weakest of the four were not much worse than him!

Under the Nirvana Stage, in the Nine Star City, countless people were astonished beyond measure.

Under their gaze, the Overlord Sect youth's aura gradually receded, and he returned to his original appearance. Except for his pale face, he didn't have any injuries.

Such a scene caused fierce discussions to erupt in the venue!


Su Yi exhaled lightly, and under the operation of Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu, he resisted the power of Nirvana Platform.

In fact, only he himself knows that the power in his body is consumed at this time. If it is not for the vastness and endlessness of the Taixu Divine Sea, if it is an ordinary person, it will be enough to use up the mysterious sword intent just this time.

So, he was not as relaxed as he appeared on the surface.

But it is undeniable that Su Yi still has the absolute strength to fight again!

This kid is incredible!

In the stands of Nine Star City, Elder Xie of Cangyun Palace moved his lips slightly, and his eyes were staring like copper bells.

He clenched his fists tightly, as if something in his mind was shaken again at this moment.

It's a pity that he is not my disciple of Nine Stars Valley. If not, after decades, this child will be able to rule the entire chaotic domain, and it is difficult to find an opponent!

Elder Tang of Nine Star Valley also had twinkling eyes and a surging heart.

Over the years, at least eight seats on the tenth floor of Nirvana Terrace have been occupied by my three major forces! And on the highest floors, it is even more impossible to get the turn of others! This time, it seems that the previous pattern is about to be broken!

Elder Bi of the Blood Yang Sect had an ugly expression on his face. It's not that he didn't appreciate Su Yi, but after seeing that Su Yi wanted to kill Wu Jiuyou, Elder Bi no longer simply looked at Su Yi!

Upon hearing Elder Bi's words, both Elder Xie and Elder Tang fell into a brief silence, and did not speak for a long while.

What Elder Bi said is the truth. The three first-rate forces in the Chaos Domain seem to be really unable to keep the tenth Nirvana Terrace this time.

This is indeed unacceptable to them!

I'm afraid they won't fight anymore, otherwise it won't do any good for the next fight! Elder Xie said softly.

If Su Yi consumes too much, the next ranking battle between Qin Yusheng and others will be even more unfavorable.

Therefore, Elder Xie felt that since Su Yi was really irresistible, he might as well give up the tenth floor.

As for the faces of the three first-rate forces

Things have developed to this point, what face do they have?

Su Yi, you are very strong!

On the Nirvana Stage, Qin Yusheng stood up from the ground, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Su Yi and said: "I surrender!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yusheng turned around very simply and walked down the tenth floor of Nirvana Terrace.

Qin Yu gave birth to you

Fu Dongxuan, Cao Yunfei, and Jing Qiran were all unwilling. They wanted to fight Su Yi again.

However, Qin Yusheng left at this time, and it was obvious that the three of them could no longer be rivals!

let's go!

Jing Qiran stared closely at Su Yi for a while, said in a deep voice, then turned and left.

Fu Dongxuan and Cao Yunfei gritted their teeth, full of unwillingness, but finally left.

Looking at all this with both eyes, Su Yi didn't say anything, but couldn't help but look at Qin Yusheng's background more.

He is an open-minded person!

Su Yi murmured, he couldn't help but feel a little better about the chief disciple of Cangyun Palace.

When a group of people walked down the tenth floor of Nirvana Terrace, the Nine Star City erupted like a roar of mountains and tsunami!

Su Yi finally occupied the tenth floor of Nirvana Terrace and became the king of Tianjiao!

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