The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1092: Su Yi's melancholy!

The battle at Nirvana Terrace is over, and the alliance meeting is gradually coming to an end.

Countless people in the Nine Star City are still watching, wanting to see what kind of benefits the final top ten talents can get on the Nirvana Terrace!

However, some astute people began to discover that the three first-rate forces, seven second-rate forces, and ten third-rate forces qualified for the Zhaoling Secret Realm, and some of their elders began to head towards the Zhaoling Secret Realm.

Invisibly, there is an undercurrent surging.

The Tiangang Sect must have dispatched an extremely strong man to block Su Yi outside the secret realm!

The young master Hong Jianqiu died in the hands of that young man, Hong Qianglong, the master of the Tiangang sect, would not let him go!

Not only the Tiangang Sect, but people from the Nine Stars Valley might also go there, after all, Su Yi killed Wu Jiuyou before!

Some forces or casual cultivators noticed these things and couldn't help discussing them in private.

Apart from going to meet the disciples of the sect, some of the major forces have to deal with certain things smoothly.

Although it has been agreed before entering the Zhaoling Secret Realm, once you enter it, life and death will be judged on your own.

But if the Tiangang Sect would never pay attention to such a statement, they would definitely attack Su Yi to avenge Hong Jianqiu's death!

This is the realm of chaos. As long as it exceeds the bottom line that those big forces can accept, they will not care about the rules at all, and everything depends on their strength!

There will definitely be big excitement happening next, let's go and see!

Secretly, I don't know how many people started to walk out of Nine Star City and gathered towards the place where the Zhaoling Secret Realm is located.

Su Yi is the proud king of this alliance conference, he was born out of nowhere, he is the best in the world, invincible, unrivaled among his peers!

Such a young man does not know what kind of fate he will face after he walks out of the Zhaoling Mystery Realm, which makes everyone curious.

As for what kind of benefits they can get on the Nirvana Stage, it is no longer so concerned.

On the Nirvana Terrace, every floor is occupied by people, a total of ten floors, representing the top ten talents of this generation in Chaos Realm!

Next, you can reap the benefits.

Su Yi muttered softly, according to the procedure, the next thing is to get benefits on the Nirvana Terrace.

However, Su Yi was not particularly keen on this, he was a little hard to imagine how much transformation that benefit could bring to himself.

After all, he holds a lot of extraordinary things in his hands. No matter how great the benefits on the Nirvana Stage are, it can't compare to the mysterious space and spiritual liquid!

So Su Yi felt that he might be able to get some benefits, but he was not particularly looking forward to it.

There are still ten spots, so don't let them go to waste!

Suddenly Su Yi's heart moved, he only felt a mysterious power awakened on the Nirvana Stage, which resonated with him to a certain extent.

Under Su Yi's mind-to-heart communication, a thick beam of light swept out from the tenth floor of the Nirvana Terrace in an instant, and swept down like a lamp, hitting a spot of light on the ground.

Just after this scene appeared, beams of light also appeared one after another on the other Nirvana platforms below, but relatively speaking, each layer became smaller and smaller, and the area of ​​the light spots became smaller and smaller.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Yi knew what this beam of light was for.

He smiled slightly, controlled the beam of light to move, and landed directly in front of Xuanjianmen, Liuhezong and others.

Girl Hannuo, and Chen Chuan, Shen Hong, Ye Haokong, you four come up first! There are still six places left, three each from Xuanjianmen and Liuhezong, the specific ones are up to you to decide!

Su Yi spoke, and the voice came out along the beam of light, saying so.

Upon hearing this, Ji Hannuo, Chen Chu'an, Shen Hong, Ye Haokong, Lin Bingyao, Lin Donghao, Yu Wenxuan and others were overjoyed.

For them, this is simply a benefit that fell from the sky!

Thank you Brother Su Yi!

Yu Wenxuan and Lin Donghao were extremely excited and thanked immediately.

Without hesitation, they quickly selected three people from their respective doors, followed behind Ji Hannuo and the others, and stepped into the range of the beam of light.

In an instant, the entire beam of light began to gather, leading the group of ten people into the air, and finally landed on the second floor of the Nirvana Platform!

After they came to the stage, Su Yi could clearly feel that the rules of the Nirvana Terrace had changed a bit. The surging and roaring terrifying energy seemed to bring different suppression powers according to the different cultivation levels of the ten people.

If not, Ji Hannuo, Chen Chuan and the others would certainly not be able to gain a foothold on the tenth floor of the Nirvana Platform!

I really can't imagine that we third-rate forces can also have the opportunity to set foot on this Nirvana Terrace!

A disciple of Xuanjianmen's face was flushed, and he was extremely excited.

The people next to him also nodded one by one, expressing their agreement.

This is not an ordinary benefit. As children of Chaos Domain, they have all heard of the strength of Nirvana Terrace.

For these ten warriors in the Yuanzhen Realm, even if they only get 1% of Su Yi's benefits, it is enough to make them happy!

Swish Swish Swish

In just a moment, Su Yi saw that the beams of light from the nine Nirvana Terraces below were all retracted one by one.

In each beam of light, there are some figures, from top to bottom, there are nine people, eight people, seven people, and the bottom layer is one person!

These are all disciples of the major forces, and the quota has already been arranged.

Only in that group of Blood Yang Sect crowd, everyone's complexion is not very good-looking.

In such a huge first-rate force, there are only five disciples who can go up with them to gain benefits. Even the third-rate force, Xuanjianmen, is almost the same in this point!

This incident will definitely make the Blood Yang Sect the laughing stock of many people!


Just at this moment, a terrifying roar was heard, and the entire Nirvana Terrace erupted with a terrifying tremor, as if being grabbed by an invisible hand, it shook fiercely!

hula la

In an instant, the vision suddenly appeared!

Under the towering jade-like nirvana platform, a fire dragon jumped up out of thin air, swung its head and tail, and rushed straight up, carrying terrifying power, burning all the way up!

chi chi

Then, endless layers of clouds gathered on the sky, and thunder flashed in it. The thunder and lightning, which was thicker than the mountains, struck down ferociously and slammed down on the Nirvana Platform!


There was a metallic sound spreading, and the vigor was radiating, and the sky and the earth were shaking, as if about to be shattered!

In just a short moment, the seven attribute powers of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder seemed to be revived again, crazily and mightily, sweeping the sky and the earth, completely swallowing the entire Nirvana Terrace.

The domineering and destructive energy was vented endlessly, completely enveloping the majestic Nirvana Terrace, from the outside, all the figures inside could no longer be seen clearly.

It's started, they are going to reap the benefits!

Under the Nirvana Stage, I don't know how many people's eyes flickered, and they murmured with inexhaustible envy.

The visions and wonders of the Nirvana Terrace will bring unimaginable benefits, and the top ten talents will bear the brunt.

And those disciples of various sects who were brought in later will also gain a lot, which is something that people cannot but envy.

chi chi

On the Nirvana Stage, all the people on each floor sat down cross-legged, with their eyes slightly closed, waiting for the mysterious power on the stage to be instilled into their bodies.

On the tenth floor, Su Yi also sat down, ready to accept the power of the Nirvana Platform.

It is said that at that time, there will be incomparably magnificent secret power poured directly into the body, baptizing the body of the martial artist on the stage, and strengthening the physical body!

In particular, the top ten talents will receive more than 90% of their strength, and the remaining people will share the remaining less than 10% of the benefits.

After such a chance, some people's physical bodies will even undergo transformation, which is extremely solid and much stronger than before!

Not only that, but the sea of ​​qi in the dantian in the body will also become more magnificent, and the improvement is not small!

That's it!

After climbing to the tenth floor of the Nirvana Terrace, Yu Wenxuan also told him these things under Su Yi's inquiry.

But after Su Yi finished listening, he felt even less interested.

Now, no matter his body or soul, whether it is his dantian or his sea of ​​energy, he has reached a peak state.

In the process of cultivating the Hunyuan Demon Body, all these are raised to a level that ordinary people can never reach.

Therefore, after hearing Yu Wenxuan's announcement of the effectiveness of the Nirvana Platform, Su Yi immediately felt a little melancholy, even faintly disappointed.

He didn't feel at all that the Nirvana Terrace could bring him any benefits, at most it would temper his body and Dantian Qi sea a little bit, but it would certainly not bring about a major improvement.

But Yu Wenxuan, Lin Donghao, Lin Bingyao, Chen Chu'an and others were all extremely excited, so naturally they didn't notice Su Yi's helpless expression.

Only Ji Hannuo frowned slightly, wanting to ask something, but a ferocious force came directly from the Nirvana Stage, and what he was about to say was directly interrupted!

here we go!

Su Yi's eyes moved, and he closed his eyes like everyone else, but he didn't have any sense of expectation at all.

In his feeling, the terrifying power outside his body was like waves slapping towards him, Su Yi only felt that his whole body was surrounded by a ferocious torrent!

He slowly circulated the vitality in his body, and the four attributes of earth, fire, water, and wind were rolling.

Under this, the energy that surged from the Nirvana Platform was pulled, and immediately turned into the purest energy, and entered Su Yi's body.

This Nirvana Terrace is really miraculous!

Su Yi was extremely surprised. After the energy of Nirvana Terrace entered his body, it evolved into four energies of earth, fire, water, and wind, which were mobilized by him.

It seems that as long as you stay here and run your vitality, you can get the energy of the corresponding attribute.

It is indeed majestic and magnificent enough!

Su Yi muttered to himself, this energy is indeed powerful, if it is used by ordinary people, it will definitely play a great role in tempering and washing the body.

But Su Yi could only feel helpless. Now that his physical body had already cultivated to the extreme that should be at the second level of Yuanxu Realm, it was extremely difficult to go further.

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