The God of Sky & Earth

The first thousand and ninety-four chapters: even broken triple!

According to the situation of the last alliance conference, Director Nielong can continue to provide vigorous energy for several days, allowing a group of young and strong people to be tempered.

And the shortest, it will take nearly three days to end.

When it was about to end, the vast energy began to recede from below, the first layer ended first, then the second layer, the third layer and so on!

But the current situation is a bit too unusual, in just one day, the energy of the lower layers is about to be exhausted.

Not only that, even on the seventh, eighth, ninth and other upper floors, the energy is greatly weakened, as if passing too fast.

swish swish

Shi Susu, Qin Yusheng, and Jing Qiran opened their eyes almost simultaneously on the third floor of the Nirvana Terrace, emitting a strong light.

They all felt keenly that there was something unusual about everything.

Although standing on the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors, the energy is still very strong at this time, but compared to the beginning, it has changed too much.

how so?

These people frowned, feeling very puzzled.

But no matter how they think about it, they can't know the cause of the matter, because no one can see through the situation on other layers at this time.

Realizing such a situation, after everyone was slightly puzzled, how could they dare to delay any longer.

If the energy is weakened at this rate, I am afraid that it will not be long before everything will disappear completely, and the transformation of the Nirvana Terrace will also end. At that time, perhaps no benefits will be obtained anymore.

Instead of thinking too much about the incomprehension in my heart, it is better to take advantage of this last time to draw more strength.

Headed by Shi Susu, Qin Yusheng, Jing Qiran, Fu Dongxuan, and Cao Yunfei, five Yuanxuan experts, dozens of young disciples frantically absorbed the power from the Nirvana Stage.

On the tenth floor, Su Yi's internal and external changes are still going on at the same time, his body is like a bottomless pit, manifesting a huge vortex, devouring all possible devouring power.

Not far away, Ji Hannuo, Yu Wenxuan, Lin Bingyao and others were not greatly affected. The energy of the tenth floor of the Nirvana Terrace was much stronger than before!

hula la

Su Yi, Shi Susu, Qin Yusheng and the others seemed to be engaged in a battle for snatching.

They are all frantically plundering, absorbing as much power as possible from the Nirvana Stage.

However, in comparison, Su Yi's devouring speed is much more terrifying than the sum of the others!

Every trace of pure power passed into Su Yi's body, and eventually all of it turned into the fire of True Yang, which was then used to refine Yuanyang's heavenly bones!

Su Yi's whole body seemed to have turned into a soldering iron, the heat wave was billowing, scorching hot, the space seemed to be under this heat, it became somewhat distorted and blurred, making it difficult to see clearly.


As time goes by, the energy on the overall Nirvana platform is getting thinner and thinner, and it can no longer maintain the needs of other layers!

At this time, Su Yi's tempering speed also dropped a lot, just because the energy was too thin.

In more than a day, more than a hundred bones were tempered!

Su Yi gradually sobered up a little bit, the shock in his heart had reached the point where it couldn't be more.

The eyes opened, and everything written in them was unbelievable.

There are more than 200 bones in the human body, and more than 100 bones have been tempered in just over a day. In addition to the twenty or so ribs that were tempered earlier, there is already a bone in Su Yi's body at this time. More than one hundred and fifty Yuanyang Heavenly Bone!

This amount must be said to be extremely terrifying!

If you practice step by step, relying on the transformation of vitality in your body, it will take at least a year to do this!

But now, it's all done in just over a day!


The opportunity must never be missed, Su Yi suppressed the excitement in his heart, let out a low growl in his throat, and continued to devour the energy outside his body.

hula la

This time, Su Yi started to devour it actively, instantly affecting the entire Nirvana Terrace and making a buzzing sound.

Shi Susu, Qin Yusheng and others above other levels suddenly felt that the energy around them was suddenly emptied, passing away like flowing water, as if they were suddenly snatched away by someone!

it's wired!

Qin Yusheng, Jing Qiran and others frowned deeply.

This is not a normal situation at all. According to imagination, even when it is about to end, all the energy will slowly become thinner, rather than suddenly disappear!

This made them aware that something was extremely wrong, but they couldn't figure out where the problem was in the end!

It didn't take long, even on the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors of the Nirvana Terrace, the remaining energy is very scarce, and it can't be of much use to the powerhouses. Worked.

chi chi

However, at this moment, Su Yi's body was still undergoing changes.

Relying on arbitrarily snatching, he finally tempered a few pieces of Yuanyang Tianbone again, which made the energy on the tenth floor of the Nirvana Platform no longer able to sustain his consumption.

Is it over?

At this moment, Ji Hannuo, Yu Wenxuan, Lin Donghao, Chen Chu'an and others slowly opened their eyes. It took almost two days for them to get huge benefits.

They didn't experience the ups and downs of energy like other people on the ninth floor, but they really ended with Su Yi's tempering, and finally ended.

It's just that they don't know all this yet.

Brother Su Yi

At this moment, after Yu Wenxuan opened his eyes, he stared suddenly, looking at the back of the young man not far ahead.

There, Su Yi's body still exuded a scorching light, and his whole body looked like a well-heated soldering iron, looking extremely terrifying.

Brother Su Yi's aura is terrifying!

Chen Chuan muttered, his whole body seemed to be stunned.

A terrifying force emanated from Su Yi's body, spreading out invisible, overwhelming, domineering and awe-inspiring, making people daunting!

That figure sitting cross-legged looks like a supreme being at this moment, which makes people feel awed unconsciously!


Suddenly, Su Yi's whole body trembled and let out a powerful roar!

In addition, the entire Nirvana Terrace trembled and shook!


Others couldn't see it, but Ji Hannuo, Yu Wenxuan and others could clearly see that a fierce and boundless aura suddenly rose from outside Su Yi, as if an ancient beast had awakened, opened its magnificent eyes, and stared at the world !

An invisible wave of air was pushed away, wind and thunder burst, and the power of gods and demons was mighty, overwhelming and peerless!

Such a strong evil spirit! How could his demonic aura be so strong?

There were monstrous ripples in Lin Bingyao's beautiful eyes. Together with everyone else, she retreated quickly and hid in the corner of Nielong Terrace, for fear of getting too close to Su Yi.

Some warriors in this world can use the power of the monster clan to cultivate, and even seize the innate means of some powerful and savage monsters and turn them into their own abilities, so it is not surprising that Su Yi has a monster aura.

But the strange thing is that this monster aura is too vast and mighty, monster but not evil, extremely domineering, fierce and boundless, as if Su Yi himself is a tyrannical monster, not a human being!


Only under the horrified eyes of these ten people, it can be seen that Su Yi's body burst out with immeasurable light, and the power of the four attributes of earth, fire, water and wind rushed out of his body and boiled in the void!

Against the background of these powerful lights, his body became erratic and misty, invisibly coating it with a layer of mystery.

What Ji Hannuo and others couldn't see was that the changes that took place in Su Yi's body at this time were far greater than what they saw on the outside!

In fact, when Su Yi terminated the tempering of the Yuanyang Heavenly Bone, out of the more than one hundred bones in his body, there was a fierce and boundless mysterious power gushing out in an instant!

This kind of mysterious power was born from the bones, like a ball of fire burning, mixed into the blood, and flowed through the whole body, making all the flesh, meridians, and internal organs of his body produce the most rigid and powerful power!

This power attracted Su Yi's whole body, making his vajra body more compact, and the Tianyuan demon soul throbbed.

Terrifying power poured into the heart of Tianyang, causing it to beat fiercely, as if it had turned into a heavy hammer, hitting Su Yi's chest forcefully and powerfully.

In addition, Su Yi Taixu Divine Sea set off monstrous waves, and the vitality like sea water was tumbling endlessly at this moment, arousing tens of thousands of huge waves!

Under such circumstances, the aura in Su Yi's body is constantly rising, becoming more and more vigorous, as vast as the sea, as vast as the abyss!


In an instant, the three barriers of the Yuanxu Realm were suddenly broken, and it was easy and freehand!

The domineering and absolute aura is so majestic that it makes one's scalp tingle.

But all this is not over yet, all changes are still going on!

Almost every once in a while, Su Yi's aura would fluctuate enormously.

Primordial Void Realm Triple Level

Primordial Void Realm Fourfold

In just one stick of incense, the breath on Su Yi's body directly broke through the fourth level of Yuanxu Realm, and the overall momentum was no less than ten times stronger!

It was at this moment that his aura seemed to have climbed to the peak of a phase, and it was not easy to step into a higher world!

The fifth level of Yuanxu Realm, break it for me!

Suddenly, Su Yi cried out in his heart!

With the appearance of this silent cry, there was a rumbling sound from the heart of Tianyang, like thunder suddenly appearing, and the sky and the earth trembled!

hula la

In the Taixu Divine Sea, the sea of ​​endless vitality rises up for nine days, the wind and waves are surging, the momentum is majestic, it is extremely frightening!

Vigorous power crazily washes over the meridians and flesh and blood in Su Yi's body, Yuanyang Tianbone shines brightly, mysterious power billows, various forces intertwine and collide with each other, absolutely domineering!

Su Yi circulated the power in his body to the extreme, and broke through with all his strength, wanting to break through the third level in one go, and break through the fifth level of Yuanxu Realm!


After a long time, a burst of powerful coercion blatantly spread!

Invisibly, another layer of barriers was broken, and suddenly a higher realm appeared in front of Su Yi!

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