The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1120: Heavy damage!

Thinking of such a result, how could Hong Qianglong, as the master of the sect, be able to calm down!

However, just as he was speaking furiously, he saw the figure of an old man walking quickly in the boundless flames, and soon appeared in front of him!

"Are you going to tear us into pieces? With your current appearance, how dare you say such arrogant words?"

It was Xi Wuqing who came, and he sneered at Hong Qianglong.

He gave up sitting in the center and came here directly to face Hong Qianglong.

"Xi Wuqing! One day, I will make you regret coming to this world!"

Hong Qianglong said sharply, his eyes filled with inexhaustible hatred.

If it wasn't for this old man, he would have been able to kill Su Yi from the very beginning.

In addition, there is no need to think too much about it, this Qimen Phantom Soul Realm must also have something to do with this Xi Wuqing.

If it weren't for this thing, his Tiangang Sect wouldn't be trapped here, and a small Overlord Sect could easily be crushed.

"I advise you to think more about how to save your life and stop talking big words!"

Xi Wuqing sneered, stepped on the void, and followed a strange trajectory.

And the miraculous thing is that every time he takes a step, Li Gui and Tie Guo around him seem to be completely unaware of his existence, completely ignoring him, so that De Xiwuqing was not attacked or killed at all.

This scene was also seen by Hong Qianglong, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt a stronger sense of crisis in his heart.

But Xi Wuqing didn't care about these, his eyes suddenly closed slightly, and his soul power surged instantly.


There was a ferocious roar, and then out of thin air, a flood dragon phantom was summoned, attacking and killing Hong Qianglong brazenly.

Along the way, the ghosts and the chains were blatantly pushed back by the flood dragon.


The phantom of the flood dragon collided with the invisible field outside Hong Qianglong's body, causing a dull sound, the space trembled, and then was bounced away.


Hong Qianglong let out a muffled grunt in his throat, and received a huge shock.

He was trying his best to hold on, but at this time he was harassed again, and his energy and blood surged, and his injuries added to his injuries!

"I want to see how long you can last!"

Xi Wuqing sneered again, watching the dragon rushing out ferociously again.

There was another "bang" sound, and the dead space was shaken.

Hong Qianglong's face turned pale again, the shock was not small!

He really wanted to remove the protection and fight Xi Wuqing head-on, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't dare to do so.

For one thing, when it comes to real combat strength, Xi Wuqing is no weaker than him. At this time, he is seriously injured and the opponent is in full strength, which is completely different.

In addition, in this strange world of phantom souls, if I confront a powerful soul master head-on, this kind of behavior is tantamount to courting death!

Hong Qianglong is waiting, he will not sit still, but now is not a good time to make a move!

However, Xi Wuqing would not let Hong Qianglong go so easily.

Another phantom of a ferocious bird was summoned by him. With the huge wings flapping, the purple flame in the space stirred up thousands of fire waves!


The ferocious bird neighed, piercing through gold and cracking stones, and grabbed it with sharp claws, tearing a big gap in the absolute domain power outside Hong Qianglong's body!


Xi Wuqing snorted coldly, and controlled the dragon phantom and the fierce bird phantom to launch rounds of terrifying attacks, and his own soul power was also rapidly consumed.

On the other side, Su Yi, Qing Huang, Yin Yang Ming Huang, and Ling Devouring Emperor have completely killed the four Tiangang Sect experts in Jingmen!

When they withdrew and retreated, their injuries increased one by one.

But fortunately, such an injury did not have a particularly great impact on combat power, and several of them still retained their absolute strength.

"Concentrate your strength and get rid of the remaining Liangpingmen!"

Su Yi's eyes were extremely cold, and he followed the guidance of the formation map, walking through the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm.

Qing Huang, Yin Yang Ming Huang, and Ling Devouring Emperor are all full of murderous intent, like a hot wave!

Already, eight high-ranking Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses had died in their hands, which made them all feel fierce for no reason.

"Boss, you are here!"

Without thanking you, the four of Su Yi joined Su Xiaoshuai and Huang Jian in one place.

During this period of time, these two people constantly harassed the people of Dumen and Jingmen, so that they had no time to be distracted to crack the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, and could only be on guard against being attacked.


With a wave of his arm, Su Yi led everyone into the Du gate in an instant.

There are six people in total, four of them are emperor-level powerhouses, Su Xiaoshuai's strength is comparable to that of the third level of the Demon Emperor Realm, and the weakest is Su Yi, who is at the fifth level of the Primordial Void Realm.

This group of people launched an attack, mainly Qing Huang, Yin Yang Ming Huang, and Ling Devouring Emperor, with Huang Jian, Su Xiaoshuai, and Su Yi assisting.

In addition, the original four members of the Tiangang Sect suffered some trauma, and at this time they showed a state of being crushed again.

But the attack and killing in Dumen is quite different from the situation in Injury and Jingmen. There is no influence of the power of Qimen Phantom Soul Realm here, so Su Yi and others have spent a lot of effort to fight hard. Suppressed the four Tiangangmen powerhouses.

This time, it took quite a while before everyone tried their best to kill all four of them!

In the end, Su Yi and the others were seriously injured.

"There is another Jingmen, continue!"

Su Yi's eyes were bright and bloodthirsty.

He does not intend to let go of any Tiangangmen who entered the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm.

When Su Yi and the others rushed into the Jingmen, the power of the entire Qimen Illusory Soul Realm had already begun to gradually weaken.

In the central position, more than half of the last 10,000 primeval stones on the stone platform have been consumed.

At this time, the strength of every part of this Lihuo Xuanyang Realm is constantly weakening.

"The power of the flame has a tendency to weaken. If we work harder, we should be able to break it in a short time!"

In the sky outside the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, Elder Wu and other four members of the Tiangang Sect are launching bombardments one after another at this time, trying to break through the flame block below, causing the sect master Hong Qianglong and a dozen other strong men to attack. get away.

Seeing that the strength of the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm was weakening, they immediately became excited.

"Quick, let's shoot together!"

The Golden Sword Sect and the Seven Star Sword Sect and the more than a dozen Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses also made their moves at this time, each of them exerting all their strength, trying to break through the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm below with all their strength.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of powerful attacks fell, and at this time, a huge roar was finally caused, no longer like the stone sinking into the sea at the beginning.

Seeing the effect, everyone worked harder.


When such a sound came from the door of death in Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, Hong Qianglong frowned suddenly.

As for Xi Wuqing, his face darkened a bit.

They all knew that probably the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm couldn't hold on any longer, and it was on the verge of collapsing.

Indeed, the colors of the surrounding flames began to change, and the purple light was no longer visible.

"Jie Jie... Let's see how you can trap me!"

Hong Qianglong let out a mournful laugh. At this time, his hair was disheveled, and Xi Wuqing summoned a fierce bird to shatter the space of the Absolute Domain, and suffered more attacks on his body.

Between the words, Hong Qianglong's figure rose from the sky, and at the same time, his whole body surged with momentum, wanting to open this space brazenly!

"I'm afraid, you are too happy!"

Such words came out of Xi Wuqing's mouth, and his eyes were closed again, and his hands and fingers were pinched quickly, forming a series of wonderful marks.

At the same time, the power of the soul spread in the void like flowing water, stirring the invisible power of the remnant soul!

All of a sudden, a terrifying phantom of a bone dragon suddenly manifested!


The bone dragon let out a roar, its mouth opened wide, from top to bottom, it bit towards Hong Qianglong who was rushing upwards.

This scene came extremely suddenly, Hong Qianglong was not mentally prepared at all, it looked as if he was about to send himself into the bone dragon's mouth.

When he reacted, half of his body had already fallen into the giant mouth of the bone dragon.


A word popped out of Xi Wuqing's mouth, and immediately he saw the bone bit down!


Hong Qianglong uttered a scream directly, and blood flowed out from his body, like a rain of blood, gurgling down, and then being burned into flying ash by the surrounding flames!

Under the bite of the bone dragon, Hong Qianglong's spine collapsed directly, and his body bowed into the shape of a soft prawn, falling into the void.

But the bone dragon took advantage of the victory and pursued, biting down again!

Facing this scene, how could Hong Qianglong dare to be negligent in the slightest, he tried his best to mobilize the remaining strength in his body, and struggled to move laterally twenty feet away, only then did he escape this attack!


Xiwuqing snorted softly, and with a movement of soul power, the bone dragon turned around again, and chased Hong Qianglong closely. (, look at section B of the original chapter; cool@F扎M网;0

A terrifying power was released from the bone dragon's mouth, turning into a vast and incomparable suction force, trying to pull Hong Qianglong to his body.


Hong Qianglong felt a great sense of crisis and ran away dragging his seriously injured body.

He knew that if he was not careful, he might even have to give up his life here today.

"How can I let you run away so easily!"

Xi Wuqing sneered again and again, controlling the bone dragon to move.

He had secretly prepared for the bone dragon's move a long time ago, just to cause a surprise attack on Hong Qianglong, and it did succeed in the end.

His strength is no less than that of the opponent, and with the help of Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, he is even more like a fish in water.

After several attacks and killings, Hong Qianglong has been forced into an extremely miserable place!

If his own strength was stronger, or the strength of the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm was stronger, perhaps he would be able to take the opponent's life by this time.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, the vibration of the external attack became louder, and each attack made the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm viciously shake!

After several times, a black gap appeared, and through the gap, bright stars in the night sky could be seen.

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