The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1125: Killing the Golden Knife Sect!

At this moment, many strong men of the Overlord Sect couldn't calm down. They were frightened by the young man's domineering aura!

Dozens of Yuanxu Realm powerhouses were all killed by him alone. Such a fierce and terrifying method was actually done by a young man!

That is to say, from this moment on, these people in the Overlord Sect all felt a deep awe of the young Sect Master!

The same goes for Nangong Ningyue, Yuan Yi, Yuan Er and others!

In the beginning, Nangong Ningyue was willing to follow Su Yi, but she just felt that this young man was different and would have achievements beyond ordinary people, so she was willing to follow!

But now, they really have a sense of awe. This kind of awe comes not only from strength, but also from the absolute means of domination. It is impossible not to respect and fear!


Above the sky, Ran Jianxuan was going crazy!

Seeing all the core strength of the Seven Star Sword Sect die, his heart was filled with grief and anger, and he wanted to go crazy!

While going crazy, Ran Jianxuan calmed down in the deepest part of his heart. He thought of the first thing, the enmity with the Overlord Sect was all because of his arrogant son.

Perhaps it was doomed from the very beginning that the Seven Star Sword Sect's foundation for many years would be destroyed because of Ran Yan!

"Stop howling, I'll send you to hell!"

At this moment, the Qing Emperor yelled violently, and a huge cyan beam of light shot out from his hand, with the momentum of destroying mountains and mountains, it blatantly blasted on Ran Jianxuan's chest!

At the same time, black and white light came from another direction, hitting Ran Jianxuan's back straight!


After these two attacks fell, Ran Jianxuan vomited blood profusely.

Just when he was about to continue his actions, the icy aura of the Soul Devouring Emperor filled the air, killing everything, directly freezing his body, and even his soul was frozen together!

An ice sculpture took shape, stood in mid-air, and then fell down rapidly!


The ice sculpture directly smashed into the mountains below, and was shattered. As the cold air dissipated, it turned into a handful of fly ash, leaving only a few fragments!

Under the oppression of the three Beast Emperors at the fifth level of the Demon Emperor Realm, he simply couldn't resist for too long!

Ran Jianxuan, Seven Star Sword Sect, has died since then!

"Master, all the people in Yuanhuang Realm and Yuanxu Realm have been killed!"

Qing Huang, Yin Yang Ming Huang, Ling Devouring Emperor, Huang Jian and others landed beside Su Yi and said to him.

"Boy, how are you doing?"

Xi Wuqing also came and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, it's just a little too much consumption!"

Su Yi shook his head, he had already taken out the spiritual liquid and took a sip.

Killing dozens of Yuanxu Realm one after another just now exhausted him too much.

It was good at the beginning, relying on the horror of the demon god's battle armor, killing many people, it didn't consume too much!

Afterwards, he used the Golden Scale Fierce Sky Bow several times, each time with all his strength, even with the vastness of Su Yi's Taixu Divine Sea, it was too much for him.

Fortunately, now that the overall situation has been settled, there is no need for him to act!

"Let's do the final cleaning!" Su Yi ordered.

"Boy, there are many disciples in the Seven Star Sword Sect, some of them are not core disciples, do you consider including them in the Overlord Sect?"

At this moment, Xi Wuqing stood beside Su Yi and asked.

As soon as he said this, Su Yi understood the meaning.

For ordinary disciples, they would not have a strong sense of belonging to the sect.

The strong in the sect will die, and it is impossible for them to think about revenge.

In fact, for many expanding forces, they will recruit the opponent's manpower. This is the same as gathering remnants on the battlefield. We don't expect them to play much role, but at least they can be used as cannon fodder!

Today's Overlord Sect is still extremely short of manpower. Apart from being able to mobilize many savage monsters, the real manpower is only more than a hundred, which is a bit shabby.

Therefore, they can consider recruiting those not too strong disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect and make them work for the Overlord Sect!

"Let's forget it! The Overlord Sect doesn't have enough manpower now. If ordinary people want to join, they can accept them all, but the people of the Seven Star Sword Sect are enemies after all, and it is not suitable to close them at the moment. We are short of people, but the Overlord Sect I believe that many people will want to join us soon!"

Su Yi thought for a while, then shook his head and said.

A strong self-confidence gushed out of him. After the alliance meeting, coupled with the encounters of the Tiangangmen and the Seven Star Sword Sect, the name of the Overlord Sect will spread throughout the chaotic domain.

At that time, are you afraid that no one will come to seek refuge?

"You are right!"

Xi Wuqing nodded, and said: "Then I will listen to you! Let me watch the rest, and you should recover your strength!"


Su Yi nodded, landed on a boulder in the mountains below, and began to adjust his breath to recover.

But at the same time, Su thought of another thing.

The Overlord Sect needs to expand, and when there are more people, it must not be managed by him alone, or by a certain person. The Overlord Sect has to start to establish its own system!

Of course, now is not the time to think about this matter, Su Yi just remembered this matter, as for the specific matters, we will talk about it later.

In the mountains below, the fighting is still going on!

However, many disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect also knew at this time that their suzerain and elders had dozens of guardians, all dead!

Therefore, no one wants to fight anymore!

One after another figure went towards the periphery, wanting to escape.

The Overlord Sect members and many barbaric monsters did not intentionally pursue and kill these Seven Star Sword Sect disciples. With the strength of these people, they could not cause any trouble.

An hour later, the fighting in the entire mountain range subsided, and the disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect fled to death, and none of them are still alive here.

"Don't let go of the interspatial bags on everyone, search them all out, be careful!"

The Overlord Sect was cleaning the battlefield, Qing Huang and others did not make a move, but were led by Nangong Ningyue and Weng Zhengquan.

The person who spoke just now was Weng Zhengquan.

The skinny little old man's eyes glowed green, and he couldn't restrain his excitement when he thought of the many benefits he would reap this time.

"This guy!"

Seeing this scene, Xi Wuqing couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked at Su Yi who was beside him, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Weng Zhengquan's money-greedy appearance really resembles this kid.

In fact, after killing Ran Jianxuan and the others, their interspatial bags were immediately recovered by Qinghuang and the others and handed over to Su Yi.

"There must be other hidden treasures in this Seven Star Sword Sect. Come and follow me. We need to search for it!"

After searching all the dead disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect in the mountain range, Weng Zhengquan led his men again and rushed towards the buildings, continuing his search!

Not long after, Su Yi woke up.

"Master, let's continue to destroy the Golden Sword Sect!"

Seeing Su Yi wake up, the Qing Emperor couldn't help but say this, with murderous aura in his eyes!

"If there are no problems, then let's go! Move earlier to prevent Yang Baikun and the others from escaping!"

Su Yi stepped slowly into the air, and said in a deep voice. *Update q{the fastest/"fastest) on cool... | Craftsman" network ¤0g!

Hearing his words, Qinghuang and others began to issue orders to gather a large group of wild monsters again!


Soon, Weng Zhengquan also flew to Su Yi's side.

The skinny old man bowed and handed over a space bag to Su Yi and said, "Sect Master, in this space bag are all the belongings of all the disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect, please accept it!"

Weng Zhengquan actually felt a little regretful, he had just searched, but he didn't find any hidden treasures in the Seven Star Sword Sect, so there was only such a little harvest.

"You don't need to give me the things here, just share it with everyone when you find time!" Su Yi said.

Su Yi's words made Weng Zhengquan stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

As a casual cultivator before, he was poor and useless. All the property he got was used to improve his strength, and there was nothing left.

It's all right now, even if the things on this disciple of the Seven Star Sword Sect are not very good, it can't hold up too much!

If it doesn't work out, there is a good chance for him to take a small step forward in cultivation!

Thinking of this, Weng Zhengquan was extremely excited!

But at this time, Su Yi's voice sounded again: "If you are ready, then continue to set off and kill the Golden Sword Sect!"

Weng Zhengquan's expression froze, and he was incomparably serious. After hearing this, the other people below also became emotionally excited!

"Suppressing the Seven Star Sword Sect, and destroying the Golden Sword Sect! Before joining the Overlord Sect, I never dared to imagine such a crazy thing!"

"Haha, enjoy yourself! A few days ago, there were disciples of the Golden Sword Sect who bullied me. This time, I can take revenge!"

Everyone in the Overlord Sect was extremely excited, and everyone had a high fighting spirit.

If it was said at the beginning that they wanted to crush the Seven Star Sword Sect, many people still felt panic in their hearts.

But now, this panic has absolutely dissipated.

With the strength of the Overlord Sect, it would be absolutely easy to destroy the Golden Sword Sect!

"Kill! Raze the Golden Sword Sect!"

Someone howled and started walking in the direction of the Golden Sword Sect.

Su Yi, Xi Wuqing, Qinghuang and others took the lead again, while Nangong Ningyue, Weng Zhengquan and others also jumped on the back of the wild monster.

The Overlord Sect set off again and charged towards the Golden Sword Sect!

An emperor-level powerhouse in the sky was aura surging, and powerful birds and wild monsters swept across.

The endless tide of beasts on the ground followed closely behind, like a huge wave pushing!

Not long after Su Yi and others left the place where the Seven Star Sword Sect was, many figures rushed over and landed in this area.

"A lot of people died, almost all of them were disciples of Seven Star Sword Sect!"

These people were shocked to find that the Seven Star Mountain Range was full of corpses, all of them were disciples of the Seven Star Sword Sect.

"It was the work of the beast army! Such a powerful force!"

Someone said in horror, the Seven Star Sword Sect looked so miserable, which shocked countless people!

"Where are the experts from the Seven Star Sword Sect? Where are their Yuanhuang Realm experts?"

Suddenly, someone asked such a question, but just after the question was asked, he heard him say: "They...wouldn't be all dead too!"

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