The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1137: Misunderstanding?

Amidst a disagreement, Dragon Rhinoceros made a direct move, accompanied by a jet of black-golden light, its burly and strong body rushed out like a mountain, as if it wanted to smash through the space, the momentum was terrifying!

Seeing this, the three members of the Sky Spider Sect immediately became serious.

It is not difficult for them to perceive that the man in golden clothes on the opposite side has reached the fifth level of the Demon Emperor Realm, and he is really strong!

"I'll deal with him!"

Among the three members of the Sky Spider Sect, the middle-aged man who was also dressed in gold rushed out, waving his left and right eight arms, facing the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor.

"Golden Spider, be careful!" Luo Jing reminded in a deep voice.

"A venomous poisonous spider from the Demon Emperor Realm?"

Seeing the collision between Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor and the middle-aged man called Golden Spider, Purple Elephant Emperor couldn't help but raised his brows and said.

This Demon King Realm poisonous spider might not be easy to deal with, not to mention that the opponent is also at the fifth level of the Demon King Realm, which is about the same level as the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor.

"Then let me take you two down!"

The Purple Elephant Emperor let out a deep sigh, and also took a heavy step, spreading the terrifying purple flames, attacking and killing Luo Jing and Elder Namu!

He punched out violently, piercing Changhong with force, and smashed into Luo Jing's chest instantly!

This punch contained the aura of destroying everything, causing the air to burst violently!

"No matter who you are, you must spread the price today!"

Luo Jing drank coldly, and the vitality in his body gushed out wildly, and he also punched him away!


The two collided in an instant, and when their fists collided, there was an earth-shattering sound. The huge sound waves swept like a tsunami, and the surrounding trees were broken one by one under this, and they fell to the ground!

"So strong!"

Luo Jing's figure was directly blasted backwards, and he flew hundreds of meters away like a meteor before trying to stabilize his figure.

His vitality was surging endlessly, and he received a huge shock!

On the other hand, Zixianghuang only retreated seventy feet to stabilize his body.

In terms of strength, the two competed to decide!

"Yuanhuang Realm seventh level, that's all!"

The Purple Elephant Emperor chuckled, and rushed out again. Every step fell into the void, like a hill falling down, making a loud noise, and soon rushed to Luo Jing again.

The purple fire on his body danced wildly, turning into a wild elephant, screaming at the sky, the trunk of the elephant swept across swiftly, and slammed towards Luo Jing fiercely.

"Elder Mu, you and I will join hands to suppress this demon emperor!"

Seeing the Purple Elephant Emperor rushing towards him, Luo Jing roared, and then fought with the Purple Elephant Emperor again.

A terrible attack erupted between the two, the seventh level of the Yuan Emperor Realm faced the fifth level of the Demon Emperor Realm, and the terrifying power shook in the void like a mountain roaring and a tsunami!

A ferocious energy storm swept across, and the rocks and trees below were destroyed, turning into dust and dust in pieces.


The white-haired old man who came with Luo Jing felt his scalp tingling and his whole body was extremely nervous.

Luo Jing asked him to join forces to deal with the beast emperor, which made the old man feel very dangerous.

If he was in the third level of the Yuanhuang Realm, if he was careless, he would end up in an extremely miserable end.

The terrible purple fire was burning, so he didn't dare to get close to it.

But Elder Mu still bite the bullet and flew over, erratic on the periphery, constantly attacking the Purple Elephant Emperor.

On the other side, the battle between the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor and the Golden Spider Emperor was also very fierce!


The sound of cow moo came from the mouth of the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor, and the horns on his head were shining with bright black gold light, and a huge black gold dragon rhinoceros phantom took shape behind him, like a mountain, coming out of the sky!

"Chi Chi..."

The golden spider's movements were also not slow, I saw its eight arms waving its ribs, articulate, and a golden thread shot out, entangled towards the dragon rhinoceros emperor!

This is the spider silk of the Heavenly Fiend poisonous spider. It is extremely tough and can entangle countless powerful creatures!

However, what he met today was the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor, a beast emperor known for his strength!

But seeing spider silk flying all over the sky, intertwining and lingering, spreading out a big net, covering the sky!

It's just that after the dragon and rhinoceros emperor rushed past, the spider threads on the big web were stretched one by one, and they couldn't effectively hinder him at all.

The burly black golden dragon rhinoceros rampaged, pushing in all directions with an absolutely domineering attitude, smashing all obstacles, and then ruthlessly slammed into the golden spider! VI see the main w | version} A chapter y section HS on \\y cool craftsman#.网0F


The figure was knocked flying out, slashed a straight line, traveled for several miles, and smashed a small hill into the air, with cluttered rocks flying across the sky, and smoke and dust covering the sun!

The entire body of the golden spider was buried by the rocks, and it took a while before it broke free and flew into the air again.

"What a powerful force!"

Looking at the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor opposite, Jin Zhu's expression was solemn.

Being hit by the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor made his blood churn endlessly, as if his body was about to explode.

"Hmph, I advise you to catch him without a fight!"

Dragon Rhinoceros said with a snort, but the next moment, a black light flashed on his face, and his expression also changed.

"Jie Jie..."

Seeing this scene, the Golden Spider on the opposite side sneered, and said solemnly: "Do you really think that you can do whatever you want because you absolutely suppress me in terms of strength? You are so arrogant, then enjoy the poison of my evil spirit." Let's taste it!"

The Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor's face was a little cloudy and uncertain. He had just fought against the Golden Spider, crushed it with absolute strength, and broke the spider threads one by one, but at the same time, his body was also contaminated with the poison of Heavenly Fiend!

This kind of toxin is unique to Tiansha poisonous spiders, and it is extremely powerful!

Even if an ordinary cultivator touches a little bit, countless spider silks will quickly grow from the body, from the inside to the outside, and then wrap the whole body, turning it into a big cocoon-like thing, until all vitality is exhausted .

The most frightening thing is that this kind of toxin is hard to get rid of. Once it gets on it, it seems to take root in the body.


Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor's complexion has changed, wisps of slender black air flowed around him, and he already felt some abnormal movements began to appear in his body.

Relying on his tyrannical cultivation, he forcibly suppressed the toxin, then stared at the golden spider coldly and said, "It's too simple to think about taking my life with this toxin! Even if it is really If you want to be poisoned, this emperor will take your life in the meantime!"

Between the words, the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor rushed out again, killing the Golden Spider.

Unparalleled power burst out, the void vibrated, the earth shook, the mountains trembled, powerful power pervaded, and invisible ripples spread!

Just under such momentum, the golden spider was shaking in an instant!

As the Beast Emperor, strength is indeed not what he is good at. If he fights head-on with the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor, the Golden Spider will definitely be at a disadvantage.

"You can kill me!"

Golden Spider had a serious expression on his face. He no longer dared to face it head-on, and his figure began to retreat violently.

The Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor stopped talking, and just as he was about to transform into the Wujin Dragon Rhinoceros body to crush the Golden Spider again, a purple figure on the other side was also shaken back.

This purple figure was the Purple Elephant Emperor, and under the cooperation of Luo Jing and Elder Mu, he didn't take advantage of anything, but he didn't suffer any disadvantages either.

"Emperor Dragon Rhinoceros, are you alright!"

The Purple Elephant Emperor landed next to the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor, turned to look at him and asked.

"I still can't die!" Dragon Rhinoceros said.

"Hmph, you two beast emperors are indeed very strong, but if you act presumptuously on the territory of our Heavenly Spider Sect, you will only have a dead end!"

At this time, Luo Jing also discovered that Dragon Rhinoceros had been poisoned by the golden spider, so he couldn't help but snorted and said.

But his words caused the Purple Elephant Emperor to be extremely disdainful.

"The little Sky Spider Sect is a fart, just wait to be uprooted by my Overlord Sect!" Purple Elephant Emperor said coldly.

"Overlord Sect!"

Luo Jing's expression froze immediately, and his expression froze for a moment.

The name of Overlord Sect has been in full swing recently, of course he has heard of it.

Such a powerful existence is no longer comparable to his Golden Spider Sect.

But Luo Jing is not stupid, he will definitely not provoke such a powerful enemy like Seven Star Sword Sect, Golden Sword Sect and others, that would be really unwise!

But who would have thought that the person who occupied the mine today is from the Overlord Sect, which is a bit too coincidental.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight, I really want to see how you die in the end!"

The Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, his whole body was full of momentum, and the horns on the top of his head were shining brightly, releasing a metallic luster.


Luo Jing was shocked for a moment, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Why, are you afraid?"

Purple Elephant Emperor sneered, looked at Luo Jing and asked.

The three members of the Sky Spider Sect fell silent, none of them spoke, their hearts beating violently.

There was an unspeakable fear in their hearts, until now they didn't know that these two beast emperors were from the Overlord Sect!

If they had known this earlier, they would not have fought directly anyway.

Not to mention the fate of the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Knife Sect, even the Tiangang Sect suffered a big loss in their hands, and this matter has already spread.

What's more, Luo Jing, who led the disciples of the Sky Spider Sect to go during the preliminary election of the Alliance Conference, has witnessed the strength of that young Su Yi with his own eyes!

The opponent's decisive method of killing and killing is still fresh in his memory, and his scalp feels numb just thinking about it!

"Since you are members of the Overlord Sect, there must be some misunderstanding!"

Luo Jing thought about it, thought of many things in an instant, and thought about many countermeasures, but in the end, he could only say this.

As soon as he said this, it was already tantamount to being subdued.


Purple Elephant Emperor raised his eyebrows, but didn't say much, wanting to hear what Luo Jing had to say next.

"Everyone must have known about the existence of primordial stone deposits here. To be honest, my Heavenly Spider Sect discovered it a long time ago, and began to send people to this place to prepare for mining. Unexpectedly, the Overlord Sect took the lead!"

Luo Jing was silent for a moment, then raised his eyes again, looked at Zixianghuang and Longxihuang seriously, and continued: "I want to see your suzerain and have a detailed talk with him!"

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