The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1141: Nine Absolutes Shake the Universe!

Seeing this scene, Su Yi felt relieved a lot.

He is still quite worried about the poison of Heavenly Fiend that Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor is poisoning.

Now that there is big brother Xi Wurui's elixir to maintain, there is no fear that there will be any major problems with the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor.

It's just that I don't know when that golden spider will appear again, and then it must be suppressed to obtain blood essence.

I am going to practice with peace of mind for a while!

Afterwards, both Xi Wuqing and Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor were sent out of the mysterious space, while Su Yi himself stayed inside.

Su Yi hasn't had a good retreat for several months since he participated in the alliance meeting.

Yuanyang Tiangu, only about 20% of the bones left have not yet completed their transformation!

Su Yi sat cross-legged on the ground and gently closed his eyes.

Last time on the Nirvana Terrace, he tempered more than a hundred Yuanyang Heavenly Bones in one go, at an astonishing speed.

Su Yi also learned later that the benefits of each of the other nine-story young powerhouses of Nirvana Terrace are extremely limited, which is countless times worse than in the past.

Others didn't know why, but Su Yi figured it out after a little thought, it probably had something to do with him.

Su Yi got so much improvement after robbing the benefits of so many people, the rest can only be cultivated slowly.

Judging from the past speed, it may take a lot of time to reach the sixth level of the Hunyuan Demon Physique.

Let's practice martial arts first!

Su Yi thought in his heart, there was a piece of information flashing through his mind, and the cultivation method of Bahuang's anger was turned up in his memory.

Ba Huang Fu, like Ba Wang Fist, is a martial skill derived from Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu.

Bawangquan is simple and domineering, extremely brutal, and has the effect of reducing power by ten times, it can destroy mountains and shake mountains, and kill everything!

Bahuang's anger is not the case, this is a kick method, relatively more complicated, but it is also unrivaled and overbearing, with the tendency of kicking Bahuang.

There are three forms of Eight Desolation Fury, the first two forms are Suppressing Mountains and Rivers with one foot, and Shattering Nine Nethers with Storm Shadow. Su Yi has already successfully cultivated it, and it is his great method!

The third form of the Eight Desolation Fury, the nine absolutes shake the world!

Su Yi muttered, chanting the name of the third style.

The detailed cultivation method of this style passed through his mind simultaneously, and the vitality in his body was running according to the route of luck.

Su Yi's vitality was surging all over, and it was all moving toward his legs.

All of a sudden, his figure sitting cross-legged bounced off the ground, flying into the air!

Su Yi's right foot suddenly stepped hard into the void, with great force, as if a mountain had been smashed down, causing a huge earthquake, and the surrounding space was shaking!

Just when the momentum had just begun to spread, the figure of the young man in mid-air moved again, and stepped out fiercely again!


A louder sound vibration was at least twice as strong as before!

But all this was just the beginning. After Su Yi's two feet fell one after another, he stepped down several times in succession. Each time, it was like a huge mountain shaking the sky, and each time it became stronger and stronger, and the power multiplied upwards!

However, in just two breaths, he stepped out nine times in a row, until the last foot landed, the momentum of the first foot dissipated.

And the power of this last kick has been terrifying to the point of horror. In the mysterious space, everyone within a radius of one mile is trembling endlessly, as if all the mountains are collapsing, fierce and turbulent!

Su Yi fell into the void, and the surrounding momentum gradually disappeared.

With his hands on his knees, he kicked heavily, and beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

No, it's too far away!

When the aura calmed down a little, Su Yi frowned tightly, only feeling that the power and influence he displayed was far from the real Nine Ultimates Shaking the Universe.

According to the requirements of the cultivation method, the nine kicks must be kicked in the blink of an eye, and the power of each kick will increase exponentially. When the last kick is reached, the real power is already more than five hundred of the first kick. times!

I have to say, this is a bit too scary.

But Su Yi knew very well that his last kick just now was far from this level.

According to the description, Jiujue Shaking the Universe can really shake the universe, that is, shake the space!

Such power can only be achieved by a real Yuanhuang Realm powerhouse!

Continue to practice!

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and then flew into the midair again, kicking fiercely with one after another footsteps.

He kept practicing this style of martial arts, and Kuangba's power was constantly oscillating, setting off fierce storms one after another in the mysterious space.

The third form of Eight Desolation's Fury consumes vitality extremely terrifyingly. For a warrior in the normal Yuanxu realm, it may be difficult to practice even once.

It is also fortunate that Su Yi Taixu's divine sea is vast and boundless, and his vitality is many times stronger than that of ordinary people, so that he can practice again and again.

But after half a day, Su Yi stopped again.

He only felt that some parts of his body felt severe soreness, which rarely happened.

These painful places are where the Yuanyang Tiangu has not been tempered!

Through perception, Su Yi discovered this situation.

Most of the bones in his body have transformed into Yuanyang Tianbon, but there are still dozens of bones that have not transformed.

But at this time, it was the organizations corresponding to these places that could not withstand the explosion of Jiujue's power to shake the world.

It seems that the third form of the Ninety-Eight Wild Wrath is not only something that can be successfully performed after successful cultivation, it must also be based on the transformation of all Yuanyang and Tiangu bones!

Su Yi thought about it, with this understanding.

Fortunately, the bones of the legs and feet with the greatest bearing capacity have already transformed into Yuanyang Tianbon, so although there is a little pain, Su Yi can still bear it.

But he knew one thing in his heart, that is, if he wanted to unleash the true power of Nine Absolutes to Shake the Universe, he still had to temper all the Yuanyang and Tiangu bones first.

Let's go step by step, until the day when this style is cultivated, maybe the Yuanyang Tiangu has been tempered completely!

Su Yi thought in his heart, he sat cross-legged on the ground, adjusted his breath and breathed out, and began to recover the vitality in Taixu Shenhai.

In the following half a month, Su Yi was immersed in this state of cultivation, and when he was full of energy, he tried his best to explore the way of cultivation that would shake the world.

And when his strength was exhausted, he recovered seriously without being anxious.

During this period, he also paid attention to the situation of the people in the mysterious space.

Qing Huang, Yin Yang Ming Huang, and Ling Devouring Emperor were all filled with monster aura, and the terrifying aura spread for dozens of miles.

The auras of the three great beast emperors rose steadily, becoming more and more terrifying, which really made the space tremble and shake, faintly distorted, and frightening folds appeared one after another.

This means that in the mysterious space, if it is in the outside world, I am afraid that I don't know how many people will be alarmed, and there will be countless wild monsters crawling and trembling!

Those two from the Sky Spider Sect didn't show up again, I don't know why!

In the past ten days or so, Su Yi also took time out of the mysterious space and walked around the mine.

To his surprise, the Heavenly Spider Sect Luo Jing and the Golden Spider, who came aggressively earlier, did not appear again for such a long time.

They had previously said that if Su Yi refused to agree to the conditions of joint mining, they would report the news of this place to a second-rate force.

But Su Yi was never afraid, with the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, even if a second-rate force came out in full force, it would be impossible to really crush the Overlord School.

So, Su Yi was rather disappointed. He also wanted to see how much better the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm arranged by elder brother Xi Wuqing this time was compared to the previous one.

Of course, in the end, having no enemies is a good thing, but the only thing he misses is getting the blood essence of the golden spider.

As the mining progressed, more and more primordial stones were excavated, and a total of almost two thousand miners worked with all their strength, and the efficiency was very high.

During this period of time, Su Xiaoshuai got a group of people from nowhere.

When it's almost time, the debt of Lingbao Pavilion must be paid off first!

Su Yi calculated the time, and now there are less than two months left before the one-year deadline.

If the one billion one-star primordial stones owed to Lingbao Pavilion were not returned, Su Yi would feel very sorry.

In addition, he always feels that although the Lingbao Pavilion black card has great authority, it is estimated that there will be a credit evaluation similar to that of the bank in his previous life. It may not be easy to get credit.

Continue to practice!

Su Yi has made a plan, and he will choose a day to pay off the debt only when the primordial stones mined from the mine are enough.

The most important thing now is to practice.

This Nine Ultimates Shaking the Universe should have the aura to suppress everything, and every kick should carry the aura of shaking the universe.

Su Yi pondered carefully, constantly thinking about the key to Jiujue shaking the world.

The cultivation of this move will be a relatively long process. It may take a long time to actually use it in actual combat and exert its due power.

Time passed quickly, and another half month passed without knowing it, and Su Yi was immersed in cultivation all the time.

It was also on this day that a terrifying sound of thunder erupted in the mysterious space.


Lightning bolts slashed horizontally and vertically in the sky, like terrifying electric dragons swimming around, with a huge momentum, shaking everything!

The power in the mysterious space was aroused, and a storm formed, sweeping towards the surroundings, as if destroying mountains and shaking mountains, it was extremely frightening!

A large part of the sky is shrouded in haze, and the wind is blowing between the heaven and the earth, and there are many visions.

what's going on!

Such a situation alarmed Su Yi all of a sudden.

And in the medicine field not far away, Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng also ran out, and asked Su Yi in horror.

The terrifying coercion filled the world, making it difficult for Bixue Lingshen to resist.

The lightning bolts ravaged across the sky that day, as if they could penetrate the sky and the earth, accompanied by a roar like a drum, which made people's scalp numb.

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