The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1149: The rules have to change!

It has to be said that the income of a third-rate sect is indeed considerable. With so many resources, it is enough for normal expenses for a long time.

Originally, under the Seven Star Sword Sect, there were three cities in total, and their income was huge.

After the Seven Star Sword Sect was destroyed, so many resources were confiscated at once, which is indeed a gratifying income.

Su Yi thought to himself, if all three cities were sold, how much primordial stones would it be worth.

"Su Zongzhu, these incomes are nothing, and there will be more real benefits in the future. The three cities combined should be able to provide so many resources every year." Elder Liu said with a smile.

Su Yi nodded, he can provide a lot of resources every year, which is a steady stream of wealth.

So, if you want to sell a city, you will be on a dead end.

Su Yi now has a mine in his hands, if he really needs primordial stones, the sum of several cities will not be worth a corner of that rich mine.

"Thank you, Elder Liu."

After putting away the space bag, Su Yi was in a good mood.

He reckoned when he would go to the two original cities of the Golden Knife Sect, presumably the Liuhe Sect had also reaped a lot of benefits.

"By the way, is there any other force that manages this Sword Star City together with Xuanjianmen?"

Su Yi asked suddenly, with curiosity.

Because those young disciples who were patrolling the streets before were not from Xuanjianmen, which is a bit strange.

Elder Liu gave a wry smile, and said: "Sect Master Su doesn't know, my Xuanjianmen itself has three cities to manage, and three more cities will feel a bit difficult, so I have recruited a few small forces of the fourth and fifth ranks. Come to help and give them some benefits. After all, there are still not enough people, if you send too many, there will be no one guarding the sect."

"So it is." Su Yi understood.

"Those people in this Sword Star City are members of the Red Tiger Gang. The Red Tiger Gang is not weak. Its gang leader Zhuang Changren is at the first level of the Yuanhuang Realm. He is not weak. Jianmen holds the position of elder. Wu Pingliang, the deputy head of the Red Tiger Gang, is the seventh level of the Yuanxu Realm, and he is the deputy city master in this Sword Star City." Elder Liu said.

Su Yi nodded again, it is also very important to have Yuanhuang Realm and Yuanxu Realm sitting in the same city.

Counting by pinching fingers, there are probably not many such strongmen left in the Xuanjianmen sect.

"I came here this time to see how the Sword Star City is being managed. I also walked around the street before, and everything is still in order." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Haha, Sect Master Su, don't worry, I, Xuanjian Sect, temporarily take charge of the three cities, and I also want to reap benefits from them, so naturally I won't mess things up." Elder Liu said.

"By the way, I wonder what Master Ji has been up to lately?"

Su Yi suddenly asked, in fact, it was not Ji Tianfu, but Ji Hannuo who was thinking more in his heart.

He himself doesn't know what's going on, but he often misses that girl recently, which is very strange.

As soon as Su Yi asked about this matter, Elder Liu's expression straightened immediately. He looked around and saw that there were no outsiders present inside and outside the hall, so he said seriously to Su Yi: "I'm about to talk about this with Sect Master Su. Before the sect head went to find Sect Master Su, in addition to taking the share of the Overlord Sect, he just wanted to invite the Overlord Sect to join hands with my Xuanjian Sect and Liuhe Sect to destroy the Qingming Sect!"

"Qing Mingzong!"

Su Yi's expression became solemn, speaking of which, Qing Mingzong also had some small grievances with him.

It just so happens that there are only a few third-rate forces in this area. The Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect have all been wiped out. The Sky Spider Sect, which is a little further away from here, has also been taken over by the Overlord Sect. Now only the Qingming Sect is left. in the way.

Su Yi also knew one thing, Xuanjian Sect and Qing Mingzong had an old grudge, back then they ordered the Hailong Gang to kidnap Ji Hannuo just to deal with Xuanjian Sect, but he just ruined it.

"The Qingming Sect has been harassing my Xuanjian Sect recently. If it weren't for the need to take charge of the six cities, the head of the sect would have led someone to fight them! Fortunately, with the help of the Liuhe Sect, the Qingming Sect would not be right. We caused too much obstruction!" Elder Liu said. L update A update fastest l online cool jL craftsman p◎net+0'l

Suddenly, he showed some strange expressions again, and said: "However, it's been very strange recently. For no reason, Qing Mingzong gave up intruding on us and became very honest. I don't know what happened."

Su Yi also frowned, and murmured: "If things go wrong, there must be demons. They couldn't be holding back something bad, right?"

Su Yi couldn't understand this question when he was thinking about it here. He didn't pay much attention to it, but said: "When I see Master Ji, I will discuss this matter with him. A little Qing Mingzong, If it jumps too happily, it should be wiped out."

While speaking, there is a murderous aura bursting out!

Elder Liu stood aside with a trembling expression, taken by the young man's spirit!

If someone else said this, he might still find it unimaginable.

Even if Headmaster Ji and Sect Master Lin of Liuhe Sect spoke out at the same time, saying that they wanted to destroy Qing Mingzong, it is still a matter for discussion.

After all, Qing Mingzong's strength is not weak. Without the absolute power to suppress them, if Xuanjianmen and Liuhezong join forces to destroy them, they must definitely take off a layer of skin.

But for Overlord Sect, this matter is too easy, Seven Star Sword Sect and Golden Sword Sect are lessons from the past.

Su Yi chatted with Elder Liu again for a while, and after a while he cupped his hands and said, "Elder Liu, if I have nothing else to do, I will take my leave first. I will trouble you to worry about everything in Sword Star City."

"It should be!"

Elder Liu returned the gift politely, then got up to see him off in person, and sent Su Yi to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

And what they saw after going out made Su Yi and Elder Liu all startled.

"Su Zongzhu, the villain has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, and offended you, and I ask Su Zongzhu to come down!"

A dozen figures in a row knelt on the ground outside the door, lined up in a row, and the one in the middle was Wu Tianpeng.

These people were all trembling at this moment, their bodies trembling like they were sifting chaff.

Overlord Zong Suyi, with a fierce reputation, is known to everyone in the Chaos Realm. He is a domineering person who dares to kill even the most outstanding disciples of the first-rate forces. Role.

And they had offended such an overlord before.

Wu Tianpeng thought for a long time, and felt that escaping would not be able to change the mistakes he made, so if he admitted his mistakes frankly, he might be able to redeem something.

Otherwise, even if Su Yi didn't deal with them, those people from Xuanjianmen would definitely put shoes on them in the future.

"what happened?"

Before Su Yi opened his mouth to speak, Elder Liu's complexion changed, and the aura of the Yuan Emperor suddenly permeated his whole body, and he asked in a serious tone.

This Wu Tianpeng is the son of Wu Pingliang, the current deputy city lord. His talent and strength are not bad, but he didn't expect this guy to offend Su Yi, which made him furious.

However, Su Yi waved his hand, stopped Elder Liu, and signaled him to stay calm.

"I don't blame you, get up!"

Su Yi saw the crushed stone lions and pillars, and said to those kneeling on the ground.

Wu Tianpeng and the others remained silent for a while, listening to Su Yi's plain words, they unconsciously felt more fear in their hearts.

"Sect Master Su asked you to wake up, are you deaf?" Elder Liu immediately shouted coldly.

"Thank you... Thank you Sect Master Su!"

Wu Tianpeng's body trembled, and he stood up unsteadily, his legs still swinging.

"It's just a trivial matter. Since they are all our own people, there is no need to worry about it."

Su Yi smiled and said to Elder Liu, and then looked at Wu Tianpeng and his party: "The rule in the chaotic domain is that the strong are respected. This truth is true, and I agree with it very much. However, our purpose of controlling a city is to Earn more benefits. And these benefits come from those casual cultivators and people of small forces who come and go in the city. In other words, the more popular the city is, the more benefits we get. So in the future At that time, we don’t need to take things too far, as that will only make many people afraid to enter the city easily. In this way, the biggest loss is ourselves.”

Not only Wu Tianpeng, but also all the disciples of Xuanjianmen and Elder Liu fell into deep thought after hearing Su Yi's words.

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that it made sense.

"Elder Liu, I will take my leave first."

Su Yi didn't stay any longer, and took Su Xiaoshuai with him and left directly.

With the experience of the previous life, Su Yi naturally knows a truth, the more popular he can gather, the more money he can make.

He likes the rules of the chaotic domain, which is chaotic, full of killing and fighting, and everything depends on strength, which is suitable for the rise of the Overlord Sect.

But in the final analysis, when running a city, it is better to need some stable rules, after all, it is here to make money.

For Wu Tianpeng's deeds, he directly planted the blame on himself, and if he suffered such a big loss as an ordinary warrior, he would probably not come to Sword Star City again in the future.

Su Yi didn't bother to argue with Wu Tianpeng and others, after all, the other party was also a member of Xuanjianmen now.

"This Sect Master Su is really different from ordinary people!"

Watching Su Yi leave, Elder Liu stood there for a long while, and finally murmured.

He has heard too many legends about Su Yi, but today is the first time he has dealt with him. He just thinks that this young man is very extraordinary and has his own unique rules of conduct.

Survival of the fittest in the chaotic domain, strength is the most respected, so he crushed all his peers with his extremely strong strength and talent, and ruled the roost among outstanding people!

As for management, Su Yi's theory just now is very novel, and it is worth deliberating.

"It seems that our rules will change slightly in the future. To manage a city well is not just about running the industry and collecting taxes and fees!"

After pondering for a moment, Elder Liu turned around and returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

A group of disciples from the Xuanjian Sect and the original Chihu Gang also dispersed.

Wu Tianpeng and the others stood outside the door for a long time before letting out a sigh of relief, and then they left.

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