The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1167: Expose the mysterious space!

Qing Mingzong, the protector of Yuanxu Realm, was instantly sluggish, and the coercion on the Chilong was as if it had passed through the long river of time and came from the ancient times to the current world. It is extremely oppressive!

Faintly, he could even feel the breath gushing out of Chilong's mouth and nose, carrying an extremely cold air, trying to freeze his body!

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, but seeing Ji Hannuo standing behind Chilong, the corner of his blood-stained mouth moved slightly, and he spit out a word: "Go!"


The gigantic dragon rushed out suddenly, with its mouth wide open, its fangs thick, and its ferocious aura, it swallowed the body of the guardian of the primordial void in one fell swoop!

When the gigantic chilong body rushed past, it quickly faded away. The body of the guardian appeared out of nowhere from the tail of the dragon. It looked normal, but its eyes stared into a pair of copper bells, and its breath gradually disappeared. .

When he let go of his last breath, his body fell directly from the sky, straight down, and blatantly hit a square in Qingmingzong!

With a "bang", a network of cracks appeared on the bluestone ground, and a ball of blood shot out from the body of the guardian, like flowers blooming.

Such a scene was completely seen by the eyes of Qing Mingzong below!

"What an amazing girl!"

When the main hall collapsed, the remaining dozen or so members of the Jade Cauldron Sect also sensed the movement and walked out of the main hall. In addition, Jiang Zekun and others all took in everything that had just happened.

Even though most of these people were Yuanhuang Realm experts, their eyes were so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked.

Of course they could tell that the girl's cultivation was still at the Yuanzhen Realm, which was still far away from the Yuanxu Realm.

However, a strong man at the second level of Yuanxu Realm died under her blow, without the power to resist.

Although there is a great element of luck in this, it is undeniable that the girl's methods are extremely terrifying.

"Sovereign, it's not good, Young Sect Master, he...he..."

At this moment, a middle-aged man in Yuanzhen Realm rushed out from the original hall, and when he saw Jiang Zekun, he immediately cried out in mourning.

This person entered the main hall successively with the protector of Yuanxu Realm before, but the speed was far behind the protector, and it was only at this time that he ran out again.

"Xu'er, what happened to him?"

Jiang Zekun was startled immediately, realizing something was wrong. 》Updated the fastest☆ f on M cool y craftsman'u net 0

He immediately pulled his face down, and quickly rushed into the already dilapidated hall, and saw Jiang Xu's body lying on the ground at a glance.


Jiang Zekun cried out in grief, stepped forward and hugged Jiang Xu in his arms, and burst into tears instantly.

On Jiang Xu's body, he didn't see any wounds, but the vitality in his body was completely cut off, which was exactly the same as the guardian just now.

In an instant, Jiang Zekun roughly guessed what happened.

His only son, Jiang Xu, died at the hands of Ji Hannuo!

His eyes were instantly red, filled with endless anger!

"What a female thief, I want you to pay for my son's life! Ji Tianfu, Xuanjianmen, everyone will be buried for my son!"

Such words came from Jiang Zekun's mouth, and his figure shot up into the sky, quickly approaching Ji Hannuo.

After the death of his only son, monstrous hatred flooded into his mind, making him furious, and wanted to kill Ji Hannuo immediately!

A ferocious aura rose around him, and the cultivation base of the Yuanhuang Realm was fully mobilized, killing intent surged, and the majesty was destroyed!

At this time, Ji Hannuo, although relying on his vitality to transform into form, barely stood in midair, but he had no way to escape.

Just the pressure from Jiang Zekun's body emptied out, making her feel unable to breathe!

The gap between the two great realms cannot be smoothed out by secret methods, and the Chilong Sword Art cannot fill this huge gap!

"I bet, it will definitely be your Qing Mingzong who perishes in the end, not my Xuanjianmen."

Facing the attack and attack of a high-ranking Yuanhuang Realm expert, Ji Hannuo resisted the monstrous coercion, and tried his best to keep his voice calm.

Even though she already knew that Qingmingzong had climbed the big tree of Yudingzong, she had absolute confidence in Su Yi for no reason.

As long as that young man is there, Xuanjianmen will be safe!

And Qing Mingzong will also pay the absolute price for what he has done!

The price is death!

"No matter what happens in the future, I only want your life now, so as to comfort my son's spirit in heaven!"

Jiang Zekun drank violently, his eyes were bloodshot, and his canthus were about to burst!

He punched out violently, and a phantom of a saber-toothed savage tiger rushed out from above the fist, and rushed out, biting towards Ji Hannuo!

Ji Hannuo's beautiful eyes glowed faintly, she didn't respond to such a blow immediately, but raised her head slightly and looked into the distance.

"Su Yi, will you come?"

With the lips slightly parted, a soft voice came out, like a call from the deepest part of my heart.

She knew that she would definitely not be Jiang Zekun's opponent, after this blow, she narrowly escaped death!

Ji Hannuo is not too afraid of death, but at this last moment, she still wants to see the figure that she misses for a long time on weekdays.

Just looking through the autumn water, the distance is empty after all!

"Ho Ho..."

At this moment, the roar of the saber-toothed tiger shook the void like thunder.

Ji Hannuo instantly gathered his mind, and at the same time as he made a formula with both hands, another big mouthful of blood spewed out!


Chilong reappears, its body crushes the void!

This blow, which condensed all of Ji Hannuo's last strength, blatantly collided with Jiang Zekun's offensive!

Chilong vs. savage tiger, a terrifying battle between dragons and tigers begins!

The two opened their teeth and claws at the same time, launching a fierce offensive!

However, the Chilong was still too inferior. After less than one breath, it was directly torn to pieces by the phantom of the saber-toothed tiger!

Then, the tall savage tiger rushed into Ji Hannuo's delicate body!


Unsurprisingly, Ji Hannuo shot away quickly, turning into a straight line, flying to an extremely far place!

Along the way, a string of desolate blood lines traversed the void, like drizzle gurgling down.

"Father, my daughter is going first!"

Ji Hannuo's last consciousness turned up, thinking of his father. In addition, the boy's figure finally emerged in his mind: "Su Yi, I hope to see you again in the next life!"

With such thoughts passing by, she finally lost consciousness and just continued to fly across the void.


Jiang Zekun moved again, and the saber-toothed tiger also flew away, faster than Ji Hannuo's flying speed!

"If you hurt my son's life, I will tear you to pieces!"

Jiang Zekun's voice was extremely gloomy, and the saber-toothed tiger roared again, and with a few huge strides, it rushed to the vicinity of Ji Hannuo, grabbed her with one claw, and wanted to tear her into pieces!

But suddenly, a black shadow rushed from a distance, as fast as thunder, as fast as lightning, and I don't know how many times faster than the speed of Jiang Zekun and Manhu Xuying!


Before the black shadow arrived, it was accompanied by a monstrous flame spreading, burning the sky red!

This is not an ordinary flame, with an extremely high temperature, it transformed into a phoenix state, directly suppressing on the phantom of the wild tiger!


Under the action of this flame power, the wild tiger's figure was burned into wisps of black air rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared before touching Ji Hannuo's body.

Such a scene made Jiang Zekun's pupils froze suddenly!

In the midst of his gaze, the figure of a little bird emerged, releasing an invisible energy, and floating Ji Hannuo's body in the void.

This little bird was small in stature and looked ordinary, but just now it exploded with a power that even Jiang Zekun was afraid of.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..."

And soon, there were several figures darting towards from a distance, and after a few breaths, they landed in the field.

"Su Yi..."

Seeing the person coming, Jiang Zekun sneered.

He naturally recognized that these people were members of the Overlord Sect, with Su Yi at the head.

The arrival of the Overlord Sect was already under their investigation, and the Qingming Sect had already made all preparations.

With the support of the Jade Cauldron Sect, no matter who comes from the Overlord Sect, he will die here completely!


After Su Yi arrived, Su Xiaoshuai handed Ji Hannuo into his hands.


Holding the girl's limp body in his arms, Su Yi's lips trembled a little.

After a little inspection, he found that the vitality in Ji Hannuo's body had actually been cut off.

"Take down the Qing Mingzong, but everyone who sees it will be killed without mercy!"

Faint words came out of Su Yi's mouth, his face sank like water, he hugged Ji Hannuo's body, fell to the ground, and said, "Xiao Shuai, protect me."

"Yes, boss!"

Su Xiaoshuai agreed and landed beside Su Yi.

"Chi Chi..."

In the next moment, a mysterious light emanated from Su Yi's body, and a terrifying aura permeated from the light, as if transcending the current world, with an ancient and wild charm.

The mysterious space was opened by Su Yi, and he directly led Ji Hannuo into it.

Time was running short, Su Yi didn't have time to find any hidden places, and he didn't care about the exposure of the mysterious space. He just wanted to seize every minute and second and try to save Ji Hannuo.

As for the outside world, Su Xiaoshuai stayed outside the light, not letting anyone get close.

"That is……"

The power of the mysterious light group caught Jiang Zekun's attention, but he couldn't find out its true details.

"This is definitely not an ordinary thing, it must be the treasure of that boy Su Yi!"

Seeing Su Yi disappear into the light group with Ji Hannuo, Elder Li and others from the Jade Cauldron Sect in the distance also saw this scene, and couldn't help but have guesses in their hearts.

The mysterious aura made them feel extremely throbbing, especially the eyes of Elder Li were even more shocked.

But at this moment, several figures stepped out of the air and landed directly in front of them.

"From today onwards, there will be no more Qing Mingzong in this world!"

Qing Huang, Yang Ming, Yin Ming, and Ling Devouring Emperor stood in the void, stepped forward, and faced Jiang Zekun.

The rolling murderous aura surged from the four beast emperors, like waves beating against the sky and the earth, causing the surrounding space to vibrate violently!

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