The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1173: Fourth Grade Intermediate Soul Master!

Just like what Lu Zhuo said, there are half-step Yuanzong Realm experts on the horse, plus two Yuan Emperor Realm ninth-layers, leading a dozen other Yuan Emperor Realm experts, with such strength, if it was in the past, it would definitely be able to push the overlord Zong!

But what they didn't expect was that not long ago, the Qing Emperor, the Yin-Yang Underworld Emperor, and the Soul Devouring Emperor had all been promoted crazily, and their strengths had greatly increased!

Moreover, the Yin-Yang Underworld Emperor has gone through the separation of Yin and Yang, and turned into two people, Yang Ming and Yin Ming. When the two are combined, their strength is even close to half a step of the Yuanzong Realm!

In addition, Su Xiaoshuai also broke through to the Demon Emperor Realm. With the strength of the Phoenix bloodline, even if he is dealing with ordinary high-ranking Yuan Emperor Realm, he is not in vain at all!

These are things that the Jade Cauldron Sect can't figure out no matter what!

So, where did your Third Elder and another Yuanhuang Realm Ninth Layer go?

After a while, Su Yi asked again.

After a fierce battle, I didn't see half a step of the Yuanzong Realm and another Yuanhuang Realm Ninth Layer, which was inconsistent with what Lu Zhuo said.

They went to Bawangzong's mine, and they wanted to take advantage of your attack on Qingmingzong and take down the mine in one fell swoop!

Lu Zhuo shrank his neck and said, Su Yi and Su Xiaoshuai didn't touch him for a while, so Lu Zhuo spoke a little sharply.

To the mines!

Su Yi, Su Xiaoshuai, and Flame Winged Demon Tiger were all taken aback. This result surprised them.

However, Lu Zhuo explained a little later, and told Su Yi about the plan of the third elder and others.

I see!

After listening, Su Yi and the others were all a little dazed.

It turned out that the members of the Jade Cauldron Sect had already found out that the Overlord Zong Xiwuqing did not come with him, only Su Yi and the others.

Therefore, the Jade Cauldron Sect's powerhouses couldn't wait at all, and wanted to divide their forces into two groups, one to suppress Su Yi and several Beast Emperors, and the other to attack Bawangzong's mine and end the battle quickly.

According to the previous situation, they have absolute certainty in this move, and there will be no surprises.

But they probably would never have thought that the current Overlord Sect has already grown in strength, and it is no longer the Overlord Sect from before!

Thousands of calculations, I didn't expect to count myself into it!

Su Yi sneered, feeling inexplicably happy in his heart.

It's because the Jade Cauldron Sect deserved such a defeat because they underestimated the Overlord Sect!

If the third elder of the half-step Yuanzong Realm and another ninth-level Yuanhuang Realm stayed behind at the Qingmingzong, plus more than a dozen Yuanhuangjing were here, Su Yi would definitely eat one if he rushed to the Qingmingzong. Huge loss!

Don't talk about rescuing Ji Hannuo, I'm afraid everyone will experience terrible damage here, and some people will fall!

It's a pity that the Jade Cauldron Sect was eager to get the mine, and planned to break the Overlord Sect's division, but plotted against himself instead!

Hahaha, the third elder of the Jade Cauldron Sect, we really want to thank him!

Su Xiaoshuai laughed directly, gloating incomparably, but at the same time his tone was cold.

Looking back, the Jade Cauldron Sect was lured by the Sky Spider Sect not long ago, and wanted to occupy the mines of the Overlord Sect, but actually asked for a share of the Overlord Sect, and at the same time behaved with the intention of giving alms.

Perhaps from then on, the reconciliation between them and the Overlord Sect was doomed to be irreconcilable.

Master, why don't we hurry back, Mr. Xiwuqing stays at the mine alone, I'm afraid there will be some troubles!

Beside Su Yi, the Flame Winged Demon Tiger thought for a while and said.

You shouldn't be in a hurry, brother Xiwuqing controls Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, and Hong Qianglong escaped at a disadvantage. This time, can they still turn the world upside down?

Su Xiaoshuai curled his lips and said disdainfully.

This time, the Jade Cauldron Sect only has a strong man at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, so there is nothing to worry about. Once they break into the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, they will definitely die!

Su Yi pondered for a moment, and said: I am afraid that the third elder of the Jade Cauldron Sect is not stupid, there must be a stronger follower, otherwise how dare to break into the mine?

This conjecture is definitely not wrong, Hong Qianglong has personally confirmed the horror of the Overlord Sect's Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, and the third elder of the Jade Cauldron Sect must have expected it, and it is impossible to kill him like Lengtouqing.

They must have prepared even more terrifying means.

Su Yi said, when he looked at Lu Zhuo again, he found that the other party's eyes were a little dodge.

Su Yi's eyes turned sideways, and he said sharply: You still have something to hide from me!

no no

Lu Zhuo's body trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes on Su Yi seemed to be struck by lightning, which made him panic.

However, he still gritted his teeth tightly and denied Su Yi's deduction.


Su Yi's tone was cold, and he suddenly slapped out a palm, and a terrifying light burst out, like a mountain cracking a rock, directly hitting Lu Zhuo's other arm!

With a bang, Lu Zhuo's other arm exploded directly, turning into blood mist!


He screamed again, his body writhed on the ground, and blood gushed out from the broken arm.

Come on, if you don't tell the truth, I will never be polite! Su Yi said in a deep voice.

i said i said

Lu Zhuo screamed in panic, accompanied by howling in pain, his face was covered with tears and snot, and he was extremely disgusted. He said eagerly: But you have to promise not to kill me

You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me!

Hearing this, Su Yi swung out another palm, hitting Lu Zhuo's right leg and smashing it!


This area was completely filled with Lu Zhuo's screams.

Seeing this scene, an outrageous aura was brewed in Su Yi's hands again!

Terrible power rolled in the air, and the fiery air waves danced like sharp blades, making a terrifying howl!

Lu Zhuo's body was cut with tiny wounds, bleeding profusely!

He yelled in a hurry: "Don't kill me! I said that the suzerain invited a fourth-rank mid-level soul master, and went to the mine with the third elder."

What! A fourth-rank intermediate soul master!

Su Yi's expression suddenly moved, and he was horrified!

Both Su Xiaoshuai and Flame Winged Demon Tiger were also moved at the same time!

Fourth-rank intermediate soul masters, they all know what kind of concept this is, because there are two soul masters in the Overlord School, namely Jueming Yan Luoxi Wuqing and Su Yi.

Fourth-rank middle-level, a soul master of this level is already a very terrifying existence!

Among the three first-class forces in the chaotic domain, none of them may have such a powerful generation!

Even if they are placed in the Six Continents, Three States and One Sea, the fourth-rank intermediate soul masters will be offered up as VIPs by one mountain, two religions, three sects and four sects!

This kind of treatment does not come from their own strength, but because of their status as soul masters!

Su Yi and others all know that Xi Wuqing is also a fourth-rank soul master, and before he swallowed the Huangji Tianhun Pill, he was only a fourth-rank middle-level master!

What a Jade Cauldron Sect!

Su Yi's eyes were watery, and his heart was extremely gloomy.

Unexpectedly, the Jade Cauldron Sect could invite a fourth-rank mid-level soul master to deal with the Overlord Sect. With such an existence, in the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, it is not easy to come and go, but it must be easy too much!

Coupled with the simultaneous movement of half a step of the Yuan Zong Realm and the Ninth Layer of the Yuan Emperor Realm, it might really make big brother Xi Wuqing face great trouble!

After all, the mine is only guarded by Xi Wuqing, a powerhouse of the Yuanhuang Realm of the Overlord Sect. With his lack of skills, something big may really happen!

As for Weng Zhengquan, who was in the first level of the Yuanhuang Realm, he would be useless against such an opponent.

Boss, what shall we do? Su Xiaoshuai landed on Su Yi's shoulder and asked.

Set off immediately and rush back to the mine with all your strength. I hope that the big brother can last until we come back to help!

Su Yi didn't even think about it, his figure immediately soared into the sky, and he didn't dare to delay any longer.

As long as the big brother Xiruthlessly supports them until they come back for help, then a few beast emperors will break into the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, and they will be able to ravage the Yudingzong people.

I just hope it's all in time!

Master, what about this kid?

Below, the Flame Winged Demon Tiger glanced at Lu Zhuo and shouted!

killed! Su Yi's indifferent voice came!

don't kill me don't kill me

Lu Zhuo's eyes were wide open, and he was terrified. He kicked the ground hard with his only remaining leg, but he couldn't escape at all.

Boy, blame yourselves, you shouldn't offend our Overlord Sect, you shouldn't anger the master!

The Flame Winged Demon Tiger snorted coldly, and with a flap of its wings, a large piece of flame appeared, enveloping Lu Zhuo's body.

When the screams fell and the flames were extinguished, there was only a pile of black ash left on the spot, Lu Zhuo died extremely thoroughly!

And at this time, the Flame Winged Demon Tiger had already soared into the sky, chasing Su Yi directly.

Qing Huang, Yang Ming, Yin Ming, and Ling Devouring Emperor quickly gathered together and came to Su Yi's side.


With a wave of Su Yi's hand, the group of people walked at full speed again, heading towards the Bawangzong Mine.

In the original place, a large number of wild monsters are still searching, vowing to kill all the disciples of Qing Mingzong.

Under Su Yi's instruction, the Flame Winged Demon Tiger took charge of everything, and rushed back to the Overlord School after the task was completed.

Several figures disappeared into the distance, and a few hours later, a group of wild monsters also finished their search and retreated slowly.

There was dead silence in the entire Qingming Mountain Range, only corpses and bloodstains were left all over the mountain, and there were dilapidated ruins everywhere.

After a long time, only warriors came here carefully from afar, and walked slowly towards Qingming Mountain.

As it continued to deepen, every warrior's face was filled with boundless horror!

Qing Mingzong was destroyed!

They quickly realized this fact, and couldn't help being shocked beyond measure.

Not only that, but with the passage of time, everyone gradually discovered that there was not a single person left alive in Qing Mingzong, no matter whether they were senior officials or disciples, they were all killed, and the blood became popular in a large area of ​​the land!

Overlord Sect, this is going against the sky!

A third-rate force disappeared again, shocking countless people.

After the Seven Star Sword Sect, the Golden Sword Sect, and the Sky Spider Sect, the Qingming Sect was once again destroyed by the Overlord Sect!

But the warriors who got the news were shocked. They couldn't imagine that in the near future, there would be an even more terrifying news, which made the scalp tingle!

They didn't know where the news leaked from, but they heard a rumor that besides Qing Mingzong, twelve Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses from Jade Cauldron Sect died in this battle!

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