The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1176: Why don't you beg me!

Xi Wuqing even felt that, in terms of proficiency in manipulating remnant souls and research on Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, the man in black might be even more accomplished than himself!

The biggest advantage he has now is that his soul quality and soul power are stronger than the opponent!

In this Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, it's not your turn to be rampant!

Xi Wuqing's face was icy cold, and he said coldly to himself.

He shook his hands and threw out a large amount of primordial stones, and placed them on the stone platform under his seat. This time, there were so many primordial stones that they piled up like a hill!

Under the surge of powerful soul power, there was a big rumbling sound in the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm.

But in Dumen, the flame space trembled violently, shaking unceasingly, becoming blurred, as if a pair of invisible big hands were grabbing this space and shaking it vigorously!


The surrounding boundless fire wall began to shrink violently towards the middle, oppressing the third elder and the others without any dead ends!

As this scene progressed, the temperature in the space became higher and higher, and the hair of several Jade Cauldron Sect experts began to curl and burn.

withstand! !

Lei Yunhe shouted loudly, his ten fingers pinching seals continuously, and his soul power also quickly explored the mystery of this.

The third elder let out a deep roar when he heard the words, and the power of space rapidly expanded and expanded, forming an absolute field, turning into an invisible mask, and colliding fiercely with the oppressive flame walls from all around!

The space is as if hit by a hundred thousand mountains, the loud noise shakes the world and is deafening!

Only after such a collision, the blazing flame wall suddenly began to disintegrate, and the space suddenly became chaotic!

Stay away from the fire! kill!

The voice of such words came out of Xi Wuqing's mouth, and as soon as his handprint changed, the surrounding primordial stones were consumed rapidly.

Immeasurable flames rushed towards the five members of Dumen, distorting and weakening the absolute domain of the three elders.

The blazing fire can burn everything up!

Beads of sweat rolled down from the third elder's forehead, and he had withstood all the pressure this time.

Fortunately, this place is the flat gate, if it is in the fierce gate, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Found the gate of life, let's go!

Lei Yunhe cried out in surprise again, then rushed out first, and rushed towards the diagonally upwards.

The three elders and five elders followed closely behind him. At the same time, the absolute domain power of the three elders did not relax at all, enveloping everyone and walking together.

Several people were excited in their hearts. Finding the door of life meant that they were not far from completely cracking the Huoxuanyang Realm.

Among the gates of life, if Xi Wuqing wants to change his formation again and drag them into the gate of evil, it will be even more difficult!

Surprisingly found the gate of life!

At the center, Xi Wuqing opened his eyes, the corners of which trembled violently.

The opponent's research attainments in the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm are indeed terrifying enough!

It can also turn the sky upside down for a few of you!

Xi Wuqing bit the tip of her tongue suddenly, and spurted out a mouthful of blood, which sprinkled on the stone platform.

Essence and blood turned into wisps of lines, flowing along the mysterious lines of the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm.

At the same time, a dreadful scream that made the scalp tingle came from all directions. It was the howling of the remnant soul, which emerged under the call of Xi Wurui.

The soul appears, and the gate of death opens!

The power of the soul was consumed like flowing water, and the entire Lihuo Xuanyang Realm seemed to have turned into eighteen layers of hell, with ghosts rampant and ghosts haunting it!

These ghosts and ghosts, under Xi Wurui's control, pushed the speed of the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm to ten times faster!

Lei Yunhe and the others moved along a peculiar route, passed through a tiny crack in the boundless flames, and already smelled the fresh breath.


But at this moment, a berserk Lihuo Kuanglong suddenly appeared in front of them, opened its huge mouth, and directly swallowed them in!


Lei Yunhe yelled that it was terrible, and the excitement on the faces of the third elder and other Jade Cauldron Sect powerhouses also turned into panic at this moment!

This scene came so suddenly that they were caught off guard!

And only when the third elder burst out with all his strength and wanted to break through all this with his absolute strength, the surrounding scene changed again!

boom boom boom

Tens of thousands of pillars of flame light descended from the top of the head, densely packed, caught off guard!


A muffled sound came out, and in a hurry, an old man at the eighth level of the Yuanhuang Realm was hit by a beam of light, his arm was directly broken, and his spine was compressed and bent!

The third elder next to him saw the opportunity very quickly, and knocked him out with a palm, which saved him from death in the end!

But the other eighth-layer Yuanhuang Realm powerhouse was not so lucky. In just a moment, he was blasted into a pile of debris, and then burned into a wisp of blue smoke by the flames.

very scary!

The corners of Elder Yan's eyes twitched, and the feeling of astonishment in his heart had reached the point where it could not be added.

This scene is too terrifying, a Yuanhuang Realm Eightfold will lose the power to resist if he is careless!

But he didn't dare to relax, and tried his best to avoid the attack of the beam of light!


There was another muffled sound, and the old man at the eighth level of the Yuanhuang Realm who was shaken away by the third elder, after trying to dodge a few times, finally died under a beam of light, turned into powder, and died so badly that he could not even scum There was not left.

In a short time, the two powerhouses at the eighth level of Yuanhuang Realm fell and died unexpectedly!

Naxi was so ruthless that he forcibly opened the dead door!

Lei Yunhe reluctantly avoided, his real strength was second only to the third elder and elder Yan, and he was a soul control master, so he hadn't suffered any major trauma for a while.

No one knew the expression of this soul supreme under the robe, but his tone was beyond shock.

He knew that Xi Wuqing was forcibly dragging them into the door of death!

And to achieve this, I am afraid that there will be a lot of price to pay, unless Xi Wuqing is stronger than the legend!

what should we do?

The third chief shattered a blasting beam of light with one palm, and asked hastily.

The two quickly broke down here, and if they continued, Elder Yan would definitely be unable to hold on, and the situation would be very bad.

What else can I do, continue to find a way to crack it!

Lei Yunhe gritted his teeth, and said in a dark and hoarse voice: It will be more difficult to break through the door of death, all the previous efforts are in vain! Do your best, or we will all die here!

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and began to look for the flaws in the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm again!

In the sky, a pillar of flame thicker than a mountain fell, and it was about to hit the top of his head!

Seeing this, the third elder let out a deep shout, and the domineering domain emptied out, abruptly blocking the beam of light!

Elder Yan also dodged to protect Lei Yunhe's side!

They are all very aware of the fact that if there is no such Supreme Being, they will definitely die here today!

Lei Yunhe is their only hope of survival!


Beams of fire and light, like arms of the sky, hang down from the sky and bombard them continuously!

All of this was firmly carried down by the third elder!

But after a long time, the corner of his mouth also overflowed with blood, and he was seriously injured!

Elder Yan's situation was better, all frontal attacks fell on the absolute domain of the third elder.


Suddenly at a certain moment, the Third Elder, who was breathing rapidly, suddenly raised his eyes and found something unusual.

The power of this beam of light seems to have weakened a lot, what's going on?

He muttered in his mouth, quite surprised.

The third elder felt deeply powerless at first, and if Lei Yunhe couldn't crack it quickly, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

But now, even though the beams of light from above were still raining down, their power had weakened a lot compared to before, making it much easier for him to deal with it.

It was definitely Naxi Wuqing who paid a high price for dragging us into this place, so his soul power was consumed too much and he became depressed!

Next to him, Lei Yunhe didn't move, but he said such a sentence.

That being the case, will we be able to crack it soon! Elder Yan said in surprise.

If you don't want to die, pull up all your energy! Lei Yunhe let out a deep voice.

Immediately he stopped talking, and continued to try to crack the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm.

At the center, Xi Wuqing on the stone platform was very pale, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The consumption is really too great!

Xi Wuqing murmured, his expression showing some fatigue.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a fourth-rank intermediate soul master among the intruders, it would have been much easier to deal with. Only with the half-step Yuanzong Realm and a few Yuanhuang Realm, Li Huoxuanyang Realm could easily It can be destroyed, at worst, it will consume some primordial stones and soul power.

But now, Xi Wuqing also hurt some of his vitality, and that mouthful of blood drained him a lot!

Old bastard, can't hold on any longer?

Just as Xi Wuqing was talking to himself, a cold female voice came from behind.

Xi Wuqing didn't need to look to know that the voice came from Yu Qiuhan.

Fairy Wuchang stayed in the mine for a while, and retreated not far behind the stone platform.

Naturally, she sensed the opening of the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm immediately.

Moreover, Fairy Wuchang had been secretly observing Xi Wuqing's situation, seeing that he looked tired at this time, she couldn't help but walked out of the retreat.

Who said I can't hold on, I'm just a few clowns, and I can't make much waves!

Listening to the words behind him, Xi Wuqing couldn't help curling her lips and said.

You old bastard is still so stubborn, is it that difficult to confess your love in front of my old lady?

Fairy Wuchang walked to the side of the stone platform, rolled her eyes and said: I know your skills are powerful, but if you continue to consume them, you might hurt your foundation, right?

Xi Wuqing didn't answer this, but said without turning her head: You can just watch from the sidelines, these people today will definitely never return!

While speaking, he took out a large amount of primordial stones and placed them one by one on the stone platform.

Immortal Fairy suddenly said with a smile, "Old man, why don't you beg me, maybe if I am happy, I will help you."

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