The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1178: Back to the mountain.

At this moment, Lei Yunhe, the soul supreme, was deeply angry.

He never expected that a woman at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm would suddenly appear in the Qimen Illusory Soul Realm, and all his previous actions would be in vain.

Lei Yunhe originally wanted to continue to crack, but every time he started to concentrate on the investigation, the woman would suddenly attack and kill him, causing a huge obstacle to him!

Including the Third Elder and Elder Yan, it was not difficult for the three of them to perceive that the woman's cultivation was extremely powerful, and she was actually at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm!

Such a strong person appearing in the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm and continuously attacking and killing them is absolutely terrifying.

explain what? I also want to know this question!

Hearing Lei Yunhe's furious words, the third elder's expression also became extremely ugly.

While dealing with the attack and killing of the flame madman, he was also very angry in his heart.


Lei Yunhe's voice was hoarse and gloomy, his eyes under the black robe were fixed on the Third Elder and Elder Yan, and he said: When you asked the old man to take action, you made a promise by patting your chest! Now that this happens, do you want to bully the old man if you don't know?

He was really angry. The situation that happened right now was unexpected, and he was completely unprepared for it.

It was extremely difficult to deal with Xi Wuqing who was manipulating the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, but the sudden appearance of another person was enough to disrupt all their plans!

Lei Yunhe, you only acted for Xuanshuang Lingzhu, how can you blame the old man and Yudingzong when you are trapped in this place!

The third elder had a sullen face, controlled the cauldron and once again gave the flame giant a hard shake.

The huge impact made his face turn pale, and a stream of blood rushed to his throat, which he forcibly swallowed.

Sovereign Soul, no matter who is right or wrong, let's not talk about it for now, let's find a way to break the situation here!

Seeing that Lei Yunhe was showing signs of going berserk, Elder Yan said from the side.

If I knew this earlier, even if the Jade Cauldron Sect gave me ten Xuanshuang Lingzhu, I would never agree to do it!

Lei Yunhe snorted coldly, and his eyes flickered immediately.

When he saw the figure of the woman appearing from not far away again, heading towards this side, his figure rushed away and quickly retreated in another direction!

The old man is going to take a step first, and you wish for luck!

At the same time as his figure was looting, Lei Yunhe opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood, spraying it in the void, forming a mysterious pattern in front of him.

In this pattern, there was a roar of remnant souls!

Lei Yunhe's face was instantly pale as paper, he slapped the pattern with his palm, and shouted: Open!


The pattern exploded directly, and a power of destroying the world erupted from it, turning into a bright light, just like the scorching sun disintegrating, it was extremely terrifying!

And where the pattern exploded, a pitch-black hole appeared. Lei Yunhe didn't even think about it, a large piece of lightning light shot up from his body, and he went straight into it.

After he entered, the hole disappeared in the blink of an eye, and his figure disappeared, leaving only wisps of lightning still flickering!

Lei Yunhe, how dare you!

The third elder yelled in horror, his hair stretched like a wild lion!

Lei Yunhe retreated suddenly, which was tantamount to cutting off all their retreats!

Without the guidance of this powerful soul master, he and Elder Yan will only have a dead end!

If one escaped, then kill you first!

Immortal Fairy's voice came out, and a white palm suddenly slapped Elder Yan's chest!


Elder Yan spurted blood wildly, and his chest was deeply sunken!

Fairy Wuchang gained power and relentlessly chased after him. Another slap fell, sending Elder Yan flying, and rushed towards the flame giant!


The flame giant roared, and also waved its huge palm, hitting Elder Yan like a fly swatter!

Looking at this scene, the corners of the eyes of the remaining three elders twitched violently.

He saw the flame madman raise his palm again, but the figure of Elder Yan did not appear again!

Damn it!

The third elder's eyes were about to split open, and he shouted angrily, urging the power of the absolute domain with all his strength, trying to trap and kill the woman in it.

But Fairy Wuchang retreated quickly and disappeared again.


The third elder was furious, but there was nothing he could do!

For the next time, while he was facing the flame giant, he also had to prevent a sneak attack!

When they came, there were five people, but now the three powerhouses were dead, and the soul master who had placed the greatest hope escaped by himself, which made the third elder feel heartbroken!

It turned out to be a member of the Jade Cauldron Sect, but he couldn't escape!

From the central position of Huoxuanyang Realm, Xi Wuqing sensed everything.

There is only one half-step Yuan Zongjing left, and the opponent's strength has been consumed enormously, so it is no longer too difficult to kill it!

As the primordial stones on the stone platform under Xi Wuqing were consumed rapidly, terrifying attacks fell again and again, frantically attacking and killing the three elders!

West is ruthless! Overlord Sect! Su Yi!

After a long time, the outrageous resentment of the three elders spread from the gate of death: Jade Cauldron Sect will definitely raze the Overlord Sect to the ground, and all of you will suffer a terrible death!

When such a voice fell, the roar of the flame giant sounded again!

Sounds like the collapse of ten thousand mountains and the roar of thousands of waves rang out for a long time without rest, and the entire Qimen Phantom Soul Realm was trembling!

When this terrifying tremor slowly stabilized, there was no more major movement in Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, only the endless roaring flames remained.


Everything was restrained, but Xi Wuqing spit out a bloody arrow, but his face, which had turned pale, improved a bit.

Are you all right, old bastard?

I don't know when Fairy Wuchang will appear again, and a look of worry flashes in her beautiful eyes.

But when Xi Wuqing raised his head and looked at her with a smile, the worry was covered up.

Xiaohan, you still care about me! Xi smiled ruthlessly.

Fairy Wuchang gave him a fierce look, without replying, said: "The people who broke in are all dead, but the fourth-rank mid-level soul master you mentioned escaped." Now, you can put away Qimen Fantasy Soul Realm.

Xi Wuqing nodded, and under the slow fluctuation of the power of the soul, the flames in the sky receded slowly, revealing the clear sky, and a round of scorching sun shone bald.

That soul control master hurt himself and launched an escape method, which is equivalent to losing half of his life. He must not be able to escape far. Go and help me capture him back!

Xi Wuqing slowed down and said softly.

However, Fairy Wuchang raised her eyebrows and asked, "If I help you capture him back, what good will it do?"

Xi ruthlessly choked, not knowing how to answer.

It's better to wait for that kid Su Yi to come back, and go to him to ask for benefits!

After a long while, Xi Wuqing just said: There are many good things in that kid, but with his picky and searchy character, he will definitely not give it to you easily. But if he can catch a fourth-rank intermediate soul master back, he will definitely not be stingy.

When Fairy Wuchang heard this, a look of astonishment appeared in her beautiful eyes.

If this word came from someone else, she might still be skeptical, but if Xi Wuqing said this, it showed that the benefits that Su Yi could offer were definitely attractive.

What kind of treasure can a small Yuanxu Realm have?

Immortal Fairy still instinctively yelled at Xi Wuqing, and then said, "But it seems like a good idea to catch a fourth-rank mid-level soul master to play with."

After finishing speaking, she walked away lightly, and soon disappeared in front of Xi Wuqing.

The soul supreme, Lei Yunhe, has disappeared for nearly a hundred years, but he did not expect to reappear now!

Watching Fairy Wuchang leave, Xi Wuqing said to himself.

Every powerful soul control master will be extremely famous in the entire Tianman continent, Xi Wuqing has also heard of some deeds of the supreme soul.

However, that was a strong man of the older generation, who had a great reputation in the chaotic domain back then and caused a huge disturbance.

However, in the past hundred years, there has been no news about the other party, so there are not too many people who really know him.

In terms of age, Xi Wuqing is much younger than the other party!

His soul quality should also be at the quasi-celestial level, or even half-step heavenly level.

Xi Wuqing murmured softly, since such a soul master came together with Jade Cauldron Sect to trouble the Overlord Sect, he must not let the other party go away easily.

No matter what, he must be captured first, no matter whether he is killed or kept, we will wait for that boy Su Yi to come back.

Xi Wuqing stopped thinking about it, took out a few pills from the interspatial bag and swallowed them, and began to close his eyes and adjust his breath.

The battle that took place in the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm was over. Nangong Ningyue, Weng Zhengquan and others from the Overlord Sect were all excited because of the Overlord Sect's victory.

Not long after, several figures flew over the mine, it was Su Yi, Su Xiaoshuai, Qinghuang and six others.

Brother, are you okay?

After returning to the mine, Su Yi immediately found Xi Wuqing and asked.

I'm fine, it's just that my soul power is exhausted, and it takes some time to recover!

Xi Wuqing slowly opened his eyes and said, he roughly told what happened before, and at the same time Su Yi was terrified and frowned.

It's really thanks to Senior Wuchang Fairy, if it wasn't for her, I'm afraid the eldest brother would really be unable to support himself!

Su Yi knew that in this battle, it was because of Wuchang Fairy's attack that the Jade Cauldron Sect and his party were finally completely wiped out, so he couldn't help but feel lucky.

It seems that I was too careless, I didn't expect Qingmingzong to be close to the big tree of Yudingzong, and Yudingzong has always been jealous of Bawangzong's mine!

Su Yi was afraid of the future. If he dispatched next time, he should think more about the consequences. No matter what, the Bawangzong's base should not be troubled.

Just like this time, even if Qinghuang is allowed to stay in the mine, it will definitely be settled quickly without the help of Wuchang Fairy, and the eldest brother will not consume such a serious soul.

Boy, the Jade Cauldron Sect is not good at humans. After suffering such a big loss this time, it will definitely make a comeback. What are your plans?

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