The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1191: The Fear of Yuan Zongjing Powerhouse

"Elder Tao, Elder Dong, you two should go together! If there is a chance, bring that Su Yi back and try not to hurt him! Of course, if you encounter obstacles, you two can do it easily!"

After a while, the middle-aged man spoke softly and said to the void space.

"Yes, suzerain!" Look at qnzheng vX version z_chapter q section v Shangku\u0026'Jiangwang hH0

After the middle-aged man's voice fell, there were two responses from the space, but no one appeared.


Bawangzong Mine.

Every place is full of tense atmosphere, many miners are mining at the fastest speed under the instructions of Nangong Ningyue and Weng Zhengquan.

As for the four beast emperors, Qinghuang, Yangming, Yinming, and Soul Devouring Emperor, they adjusted their states to the strongest point, and each sat cross-legged on a small hill with their eyes closed.

In addition, the three beast emperors, Purple Elephant Emperor, Dragon Rhino Emperor, and Xuan Gui Emperor, also came here from the sect.

Even Su Xiaoshuai, who has always been active, stayed in the mine obediently, energized all day long, and kept an eye on the movement around him.

Among them, Su Yi and Lei Yunhe have been busy with the transformation and inspection of Lihuo Xuanyang Realm.

Two days later, Su Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief, all the work was completed, and he felt a little tired.

"After the transformation of the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, the power can be increased by 20 to 30%! Ordinary Yuanzong Realm one or two come in, you have to take off a layer of skin!"

At some point, Lei Yunhe found another black robe with a hood and put it on, but under the cap, there was a divine light shining.

"That's great!"

Su Yi nodded, and the Qimen Illusory Soul Realm whose power had been increased by 20 to 30% definitely had a qualitative change.

That is to say, Lei Yunhe, who has been studying carefully for many years, is really difficult for ordinary soul masters to make such a transformation.

"Old Lei, take a good rest, the Jade Cauldron Sect will kill you at any time!"

Su Yi said again, and left after giving Lei Yunhe a bottle of spiritual liquid.

He watched the situation in the mine, and talked with Qinghuang, Su Xiaoshuai and others about some things.

"Sovereign, this is the primordial stone we need to use this time!"

Not long after, Weng Zhengquan sent a space bag, which was filled with one-star primordial stones, all of which were mined from the mine, and used for the consumption of Qimen Phantom Soul Realm.

Su Yi took it and sighed endlessly.

The consumption of the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm alone has cost Bawangzong an unknown amount of primordial stones. Fortunately, they found a mine, otherwise they would not be able to afford it.

"Hoo hoo..."

Suddenly, just when Su Yi was about to explain something to Weng Zhengquan again, a different kind of charm rose up in the void near the mine!

A circle of ripples appeared, and the space seemed to be like water waves, giving birth to ripples!

Su Yi, Su Xiaoshuai, Qing Huang and the others all felt the pressure on their bodies suddenly increase in an instant, as if a mountain collapsed and was healed!


Su Yi's face darkened immediately, and he said so.

"It must be the Yuanzong Realm powerhouse of Jade Cauldron Sect!"

"Everyone, prepare for battle!"

Qinghuang drink lightly, Yangming, Yinming, Devouring Emperor, Purple Elephant Emperor, Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor, Black Turtle Emperor, etc. all instantly steamed with momentum and spread in the void!

The frightening fluctuations in space power obviously came from the strong Yuan Zongjing!

The most frightening thing is that two people came at once!


All of a sudden, an endless sea of ​​flames suddenly appeared, enveloping the entire mine, the blazing flames were blazing, and the terrifying power pervaded, if it could burn everything!

This is Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, Weng Zhengquan is sitting in the center, driving the operation!

"Sovereign, I will lead people to withdraw first, you have to be careful!"

Weng Zhengquan looked at Su Yi, saluted solemnly and said.

Seeing Su Yi nodding, he turned around and walked away, quickly walking through the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm according to the formation map in his mind.

Weng Zhengquan's mission is to take Nangong Ningyue and many disciples of the Overlord Sect away from the mine!

"You guys help Mr. Lei block it for a while, and I'll go and see how Big Brother is doing!"

Su Yi said to the people around him, and then directly entered the mysterious space.

Eldest brother Xi Wuqing rushed to the vicinity of Jade Cauldron Sect that day, found Su Yi and entered the mysterious space, but he didn't know what happened.

When Su Yi asked, he didn't say anything clearly.

In the past few days, Su Yi has been busy transforming the Qimen Illusory Soul Realm with Lei Yunhe, so he didn't have time to enter it.

Now that the Jade Cauldron Sect really has a strong Yuanzong Realm to kill, it is necessary to let the eldest brother Xi ruthlessly take action!

With him in charge, the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm can exert its greatest power!

"Boy, you are in such a hurry, is it someone from the Jade Cauldron Sect?"

Only when Su Yi first entered the mysterious space, Xi Wuqing's voice came out.

"Yes, big brother!" Su Yi nodded.

"Then let's go!"

Xi Wuqing was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, but now she stood up and walked straight out of the mysterious space.

Su Yi didn't ask what the elder brother was doing recently, but just handed the interspatial bag containing a lot of primordial stones to the elder brother, and then walked out together and entered the mine.

The sky was covered by a sea of ​​flames, and terrifying walls of fire "rumbling" moved, as if they were about to crush everything!

Xi Wuqing went directly to the center of Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, took over Lei Yunhe's position, and began to control the entire Qimen Phantom Soul Realm.

And Lei Yunhe became the underhand, helping Xi Wuqing maintain the operation of the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm!

"Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, a little-known Overlord Sect, actually has such a trick!"

Under the cover of the boundless sea of ​​flames, a middle-aged man stood quietly in the air, his eyebrows frowned, and around him, there were huge fire dragons entangled and writhing, carrying a ferocious might, they kept attacking him!

"What a Overlord Sect! Then let me see if this Qimen Phantom Soul Realm can trap me!"

In another place, an old man with a snow-white beard hummed, his hunched body suddenly straightened, and an invisible wave spread from his body, and the surrounding flames were directly separated, separating a huge space.

In an instant, the old man looked like the master of this space, with thousands of flames, it was difficult to get close to him for a while!

"Is this the real Yuanzong Realm?"

Su Yi was in the middle of the Xiumen, following the guidance of the formation map, pushed aside the raging fire, and seeing the power of the two, he couldn't help but let out a voice of emotion.

The middle-aged man and the old man, both of them have extraordinary bearing, they actually blocked the endless flames far away from them!

Su Yi knew that it was the unique absolute power of the Yuanzong Realm, and it was far, far stronger than Hong Qianglong, the Third Elder, etc. when they used half a step of the Yuanzong Realm!

Watching from a distance, Su Yi faintly felt that once he fell into that space, he might be suppressed instantly, without even the power to resist!

"Two Yuan Zongjing, two Yuan Zongjing came at the same time!"

Outside the mine, people from Xuanjianmen and Liuhezong are all there. According to Su Yi's request, they are far away from the mine and will not be involved in the battle for the time being.

However, seeing the appearance of the two Yuan Zongjing powerhouses, both Ji Tianfu and Lin Zhenyang's expressions changed a little.

"The middle-aged man must be Luo Cheng, the suzerain of the Jade Cauldron Sect hundreds of years ago, who single-handedly brought the Jade Cauldron Sect to glory, and quickly rose from a third-rate power to a second-rate power!"

"There is also that old man, probably the Supreme Elder Lu Yinghong of the Jade Cauldron Sect!"

"These two people haven't shown up for hundreds of years."

Ji Tianfu, Lin Zhenyang, Ge Ming, Feng Qizong and others all spoke in shock.

Naturally, they have heard about some things about the Jade Cauldron Sect, and they also know that the background of the Yuanzong Realm in the Jade Cauldron Sect legend is these two people.

Luo Cheng and Lu Yinghong were extremely terrifying existences back then, and they were famous hundreds of years ago. Since they broke through the Yuanzong Realm, they were rarely born again.

This time Yudingzong suffered heavy casualties, and the two appeared at the same time.

"It's really troublesome now!"

Ji Tianfu murmured, worried about Bawangzong.

The same is true for Lin Zhenyang and others. A total of more than a dozen Yuan Huangjing members from Xuanjianmen and Liuhezong all clenched their fists and looked nervously at Bawangzong, which was wrapped in boundless flames.

All they can do now is wait quietly!

"It's started, ready to shoot at any time!"

Xi Wuqing's voice came out from the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, and entered the ears of Su Yi, Qinghuang and others.

In an instant, all the beast emperors were ready to fight, and their strength was brewing to the extreme.

"Stay away from the fire and burn the sky!"

After Xi Wuqing's words fell, there was a "Hula", and in the space where the middle-aged man was, flames suddenly shot up into the sky, and the clusters of flames turned into purple, carrying the power of burning the sky and boiling the sea, towards the middle-aged man People are wrapped up in an instant!

This flame is different from ordinary ones, it is a real Lihuo, which distorts and distorts the space of the absolute domain outside the middle-aged man!

"Open it for me!"

The middle-aged man shouted loudly, and with a wave of his sleeve, countless bright blades shot out. The metallic power was so sharp that it cut the sky full of purple fire into pieces!

With another wave of his hand, the sky was filled with sharp roars, and thousands of golden blades attacked again, like a golden rain, directly splashing into the sky of purple flames!

"Chi la la..."

The two forces rubbed against each other, making a piercing sound.

The power of metal was originally restrained by the fire attribute.

However, at this moment, the terrifying golden blade frantically strangled, cutting all the flames into a mess and flying in the space!

This is absolute power suppression. With the power of the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, it will definitely not be easy to suppress the Yuanzong Realm!

"As expected of Yuan Zongjing, it's really scary!"

In the central place, Xi Wuqing muttered in his mouth, and his eyes were extremely shocked.

This is the power of the strong in the Yuanzong Realm, which is far beyond what the Yuanhuang Realm can match.

Under the slaying of the torrential purple fire, the normal ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm would vomit blood and be seriously injured in an instant, unable to resist at all, but the middle-aged man was easily eliminated.

A moment later, Xi Wuqing's eyes shone brightly, and he suddenly said in a deep voice: "However, it's not so easy for you to break through the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm!"

At this time, he already knew that the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm had been transformed by Lei Yunhe, and its power had greatly increased!

As a result, Xi Wuqing had even greater confidence in her heart!

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