The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1194: Yudingzong, that's all!

"Boy, are you all okay!"

A moment later, when Su Yi fell in front of him, Xi Wuqing spoke weakly.

In front of him, Fairy Wuchang stood, with a trace of unconcealable distress and worry on her face.

"How are you, big brother?"

Su Yi frowned, Xi Wuqing sat cross-legged on the ground, the situation didn't look good, which made him worried.

Sweeping his gaze again, Lei Yunhe lay curled up on the ground, breathing with difficulty, coughing up blood constantly between his mouth and mouth.

"Brother, you and Lei Lao go to heal your wounds, and leave the rest to us!"

Su Yi narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

He also didn't care about Fairy Wuchang's presence, taking advantage of the smoke and dust in the sky, he directly opened the mysterious space, and brought his elder brother Xi Wuqing and Lei Yunhe into it.

"Boy, hold this, it will definitely come in handy!"

After entering the mysterious space, Xi Wuqing suddenly threw a space bag to Su Yi, saying so.

Su Yi accepted it, a little confused, but when he opened it, he froze on the spot!

"Soul Control Talisman! So many Soul Control Talismans!"

Su Yi almost screamed, and almost lost his grip on the interspatial bag in his hand.

That's right, the space bag given to him by his elder brother Xi Wuqing contained a large number of soul-controlling and killing charms. At a glance, there were at least two to three hundred pieces!

"Boy, this is the soul-controlling killing talisman that I have made in recent days. There are 2603 pieces in total, and 260 of them have the power of my full blow! The other two are more I need to be stronger when I go all out, and the last one is the soul shield, which is used at critical times! In order to refine these, I also consumed the remaining soul purple fire pill! So this time, don't let me Disappointed, clean up those two old dogs outside!"

Xi Wuqing looked at Su Yi and said so.

Su Yi's eyes twitched endlessly, he didn't expect all this!

He didn't know when Lingbao Pavilion sent the refining materials, but at this time he figured out one thing, that is, the elder brother suddenly ran to the Jade Cauldron Sect to look for him that day, and entered the mysterious space. There, use the huge soul stone to refine these soul-controlling and killing symbols!

The most frightening thing is that a total of two hundred and sixty of them have the power of a full blow from him, and the last three are even more fierce!

Su Yi's palm holding the interspatial bag trembled a little. With these Soul Control Talismans, he was more confident in dealing with the two Yuan Zongjing outside!

He tried his best to calm down his excitement and walked out of the mysterious space.

Fairy Wuchang watched Su Yi walk out of the light ball in front of him, but Xi Wuqing and Lei Yunhe didn't appear again, she couldn't help being shocked in her heart!

"Good boy, no wonder that old bastard said that you have a lot of treasures! Just now, there is probably an independent space?"

Fairy Wuchang raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise. Update@最快上上S#酷·企 E网0

"Let's talk to Sister Fairy about this later!"

Su Yi didn't explain anything, turned around and looked around, trying to find the figures of the two Yuan Zongjing powerhouses.

Cracking the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm is no easy task for those two, because they are not powerful soul masters!

Moreover, Su Yi believed that, as a besieged person, the terrible shock at the end would definitely hurt the two of them!

"They're all right, great!"

In the distance, more than a dozen people from Xuanjianmen and Liuhezong approached again, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Su Yi and others appear from a distance.

The momentum of the breakthrough of Qimen Phantom Soul Realm just now is too scary. Fortunately, many emperors of the Overlord Sect are very powerful and have not been injured.

Ji Tianfu and Lin Zhenyang were a little lucky, fortunately Su Yi didn't let them get involved directly, otherwise most of the dozen or so people from the two sects would have died just because of that moment.

You must know that most of them are still at the initial stage of the Yuanhuang Realm, and they simply cannot resist that huge power!

"I don't know what happened to the two Yuan Zongjing of Jade Cauldron Sect?"

Lin Zhenyang murmured, his eyes wandering around.

Su Yi and the others were also looking for the traces of those two people.

"good very good!"

At this moment, there was such a voice in the void, it sounded very ethereal, and it came from nowhere.

Su Yi, Qinghuang and the others were all refreshed, they could hear that the voice was from the middle-aged man of Jade Cauldron Sect.

"What a Overlord Sect, it really surprised me!"

Soon, another voice sounded, also erratic, and the specific location could not be found.

The words of the two people, one in front and one in the back, sounded like unparalleled anger!


The next moment, a light wind suddenly blew past, quickly blowing away all the smoke and dust on the mountain!

Under the eyes of Su Yi, Su Xiaoshuai, Wuchang Fairy and others, two figures appeared high above the sky, standing side by side, one middle-aged and one old, they were the two Yuan Emperors of the Jade Cauldron Sect!

It's just that both of them are in ragged clothes at this time, with pieces of cloth hanging on their bodies!

The faces were even darker, and the most eye-catching thing was that the skins of these two people were covered with blood, stained with dust, and they looked extremely embarrassed, just like beggars on the secular street!

However, after seeing these two people, Su Yi's expression froze tightly!

Su Xiaoshuai, Qinghuang, Yangming, Yinming and other beast emperors also surged with energy in an instant, and they were ready to fight, even Fairy Wuchang's body tightened faintly!

They knew that although such two people were in a terrible state of distress, they were strong men in the Yuanzong Realm, and their cultivation bases were extremely terrifying, so they must not be taken lightly!

"Jade Cauldron Sect... seems to be nothing more than that!"

While Su Yi was serious in his heart, he sneered and mocked unabashedly: "A group of local chickens and dogs are vulnerable, and now two old dogs have jumped out to bite people! You Yudingzong, probably only That's enough patience!"

He looked at the two above with twinkling eyes, happy and fearless!

The death feud with Jade Cauldron Sect has long been forged, and there is no room for change!

Even in the face of the two Yuan Zongjing, it is impossible for Su Yi to give in!

Hearing Su Yi's words, the faces of the two Yuan Zongjing changed suddenly!

"Bastard! Yellow-mouthed kid, how dare you speak nonsense!"

Lu Yinghong was furious first, opened his eyes and shouted.

It was the first time someone called him an old dog in his old age, which made Lu Yinghong so furious that he was about to go berserk!

"Boy, you are probably Su Yi, the patriarch of the Overlord Sect! If you dare to kill my Jade Cauldron Sect's tens of Yuan Emperor Realm, your death will not be a pity!"

Next to him, Luo Cheng also had a gloomy face, and asked in a cold voice.

He was relatively calm, but he just stared at Su Yi fiercely, while being angry, he was also full of incomparable surprise!

The boy on the opposite side looked too young. He was only a teenager, but he had the ability to cause heavy losses to the Jade Cauldron Sect. Dozens of Yuan Huangjing were beheaded and killed, and their muscles and bones were severely injured!

From anyone's point of view, this is unimaginable!

The most important thing is that the two Yuan Zongjing were dispatched at the same time, and they fell into the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm. Although they forcibly broke through, they were also severely injured and lost most of their combat power!

I have to say that this little Overlord Sect really surprised them!

"Jade Cauldron Sect provoked me first! Once you do something, you have to bear the consequences! Don't you guys understand this truth?"

Su Yi didn't dodge or dodge, met Luo Cheng's fierce gaze, and said in a cold voice.

There was an absolute domineering feeling all over his body, his body stood up straight like a spear, and an outrageous aura pierced straight into the sky!

On that still immature face, it is full of unyielding spirit that would rather bend than bend, it is shocking!

Seeing this, the two Yuanzong Realm powerhouses of Yudingzong couldn't help being a little dazed for a moment. This little boy is really extraordinary!

In fact, for Su Yi, there are some things that he can choose to endure, and those powerful enemies, he can temporarily avoid the edge!

But if it involves people you care about, then there is no room for change!

Ji Hannuo was captured and almost humiliated, this is something he can't forgive!

Whether it is the Qingming Sect or the Jade Cauldron Sect, they all need to pay an absolute price for this!

"What a sharp-tongued kid!"

Luo Cheng's face was still as gloomy as water, and he looked at Su Yi like a sharp knife, and said word by word: "It's a pity that your Overlord Sect's strength is nowhere near as ear-splitting, and you're just asking for your own destruction by making an enemy of my Jade Cauldron Sect! , I would like to see what other skills you have to survive!"

While speaking, a ferocious aura emanated from him and spread in the void.

Suddenly, Su Yi and the others who were still far away suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the air seemed to freeze instantly under Luo Cheng's power, and everyone seemed to fall into a quagmire!

"Boy, do you need my help? But you have to pay for it!"

Beside Su Yi, Fairy Wuchang looked ahead and said softly.

Su Yi gave her a slightly surprised look, but she didn't expect Fairy Wuchang to offer her help.

"Sister Fairy would be the best if she could help. As for the reward, I will definitely not miss you!"

Su Yi nodded and said so.

"Okay! Then I will try it today, and see how powerful the real Yuanzong Realm is!"

An icy air rose from Yu Qiuhan, the fairy of impermanence, and was instantly covered with frost, and the surrounding area was tens of feet, as if he had entered a cold winter in an instant, and it was icy cold!

A long spear appeared in her hand. The barrel of the spear was crystal clear, as if it was made of ice, and a little scarlet bloomed from the tip, like the light of blood!

"Everyone in the Overlord Sect will disappear from this world!"

On the opposite side, Lu Yinghong yelled loudly, and under the fluctuation of vitality on his body, a fiery crimson flame melted, burning blazingly, and the void was a little blurred and distorted under it!

The old body stood upright, stepping away with one step, as if stepping on the veins between heaven and earth, there was a huge earthquake!

"Chi Chi..."

Luo Cheng also moved, the boundless sharp golden aura roared, and the inexhaustible steel blades carried the extremely sharp aura, like thousands of colorful butterflies flying in the air, they suddenly attacked and rushed towards Su Yi and the others!

The two Yuan Zongjing powerhouses shot at the same time, and the absolute domain space opened up again, and everything they passed was imprisoned!

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