The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1205: A big piece of fat!


Su Yi crazily devoured the power of the primordial stone in the mine, and desperately snatched it for his own use. At the same time, Yutian Jue was running crazily, and the eyes of the Tianyuan demon soul in his mind opened suddenly, and his soul power boiled!

Suddenly, a phantom appeared behind Su Yi, and boundless golden light burst out, piercing so hard that people couldn't open their eyes!

This phantom was hundreds of feet long, and it was a mighty and burly golden dragon, appearing in the void, looking down at Luo Cheng and the others!

The huge pupils turned like two rounds of scorching sun!

The golden dragon's body is covered with scales, and every inch of muscle carries explosive power, exuding an incomparably terrifying coercion!

Su Yi, Luo Cheng, and the old man at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm of the Tiangang Gate all looked as insignificant as ants in front of this golden dragon!

All of a sudden, the Tianyuan demon soul in Su Yi's mind opened its mouth and howled, and following it, the golden dragon's eyes flickered, and a dragon's roar suddenly roared from its throat!


The roar exploded like a thunder, and the terrifying power scattered in all directions, shaking the universe, causing the surrounding sky to tremble, and there was a billowing wind and thunder gathering together!

In an instant, an invisible force turned into a terrifying storm and rushed towards Luo Cheng's Tiangangmen not far in front of Su Yi!

The powerful torrent of energy instantly covered the two of them at the same time!

"What a terrifying power, this coercion is too powerful!"

People from various forces in the distance also felt the terrifying power fluctuations, and the golden dragon descended on them with unparalleled coercion, so that everyone had to use their vitality to resist!

Luo Cheng and Tiangang Sect's Yuanhuang Realm ninth-level powerhouse were the first to bear the brunt, and they all exerted their full strength, forming a light shield outside their bodies, and firmly protecting their bodies inside!

They have already seen Su Yi's methods, even Hong Qianglong's half-step Yuan Zongjing can injure him, so the two dare not underestimate him at this time! E, look at the positive _ version `X chapter Q section? On the cool rP craftsman (网0#

However, what the two of them could not have imagined was that when the torrent of energy in the sky approached them, the sound of the dragon's chant suddenly magnified infinitely, and it rang directly in the ears of Luo Cheng and the other two!


The sound of the dragon's chant was like a bell, and it was like a thunder piercing through the ears. Carrying a terrifying force of tearing, it rushed into the minds of Luo Cheng and the strong man of Tiangangmen in an instant!


Invisibly, something seemed to be torn apart.

Then he saw that the strong man at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm froze, his eyes burst out suddenly, horror was written on his face, and then he fell headfirst!

Almost at the same time, Luo Cheng's seriously injured body was bombarded by a heavy hammer, hitting his head so hard that his eyes were about to pop out of their sockets, it was extremely scary!

Then, the power outside his body suddenly collapsed, and the power of the absolute domain disappeared instantly!

Luo Cheng fell down slowly, and the vitality in his body gradually disappeared...

"Hoo hoo..."

Behind Su Yi, the phantom of the golden dragon also gradually dissipated without causing much fluctuation, and the Tianyuan demon soul in his body also slowly fell silent.

His body softened, and he fell to the ground again.

However, at this moment, among the surrounding crowd, there was a deathly silence. Everyone seemed to be pinched by the throat, and it was difficult to make a sound!

Elder Xie, Elder Tang, Elder Bi, Hong Qianglong, Ji Tianfu, Lin Zhenyang and others all stared at the young man on the mountain below with shining eyes. It took a long time before someone spoke the first sentence with difficulty!

"Luo Cheng and the others... are dead..."

Accompanied by the sound of throat rolling, someone said shockingly.

There are no weak people here, they can easily perceive that Luo Cheng and the old man of the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm of the Tiangang Sect have lost their vitality at this time, and turned into two corpses lying on the ground!

Don't need to think about this scene, it is definitely related to the golden dragon phantom method that Su Yi just used!

The important point is that neither Luo Cheng nor the strong man from the Tian Gang Sect had any obvious scars on his body because of the scene just now, even the strong man from the Gang Sect was in good condition that day, not even a trace of blood spilled!

But just like that, the two fell down and died unexpectedly!

"Soul attack! This is the means of soul attack!"

Soon someone discovered this fact, and Su Yishi displayed his soul means, and with a sudden blow, Luo Cheng and the old man in the Yuanhuang Realm were caught off guard!

"We forgot, that boy is still a powerful soul master..."

Someone murmured and said such a sentence.

Only then did they remember Su Yi's identity as a soul master. It seems that many people have forgotten this for a long time. Until today, he used the method of soul attack!

This is so shocking, there are not many soul attack methods in this world, and even the rare soul masters, not all of them have mastered this method.

But for an alchemist or an ordinary martial artist, the effect of using a soul attack would not be very good!

But Su Yi did it, and unexpectedly killed the two of them instantly!

"What level of means must this be, and how powerful is that young man's soul power!"

Everyone was amazed and horrified. It was unimaginable that a strong man at the ninth level of the Yuanzong Realm and the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm died in Su Yi's hands like this!

"Jade Cauldron Sect, there shouldn't be any trouble now, right?"

For everyone's surprise, Su Yi himself didn't care, he just thought in his heart.

Killing those two people was just what he expected!

Others don't know it, but he himself knows very well that his current soul power is already comparable to that of a normal high-ranking Yuanhuang Realm powerhouse!

In other words, purely in terms of soul power, he is not weaker than the ninth-layer Yuanhuang Realm powerhouse of the Gangmen that day, and even wins!

Coupled with the power of Tianyuan Yaohun and Yutian Jue, and the blessing of "Suppressing the World Dragon Soul", it was superimposed several times, and it was unparalleled in ferocity. It rushed into the minds of Luo Cheng and the old man in an instant, directly blowing their souls. Torn to shreds!

"It's incredible! It's incredible!"

Elder Xie of Cangyun Palace was shocked, and kept talking to himself: "This young man is really amazing! From now on, the Jade Cauldron Sect will be completely destroyed!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around either silently nodded in agreement, or remained silent with shock.

What Elder Xie said is true, the only two Yuan Zongjing of Jade Cauldron Sect died here today, which is so shocking!

Coupled with the fact that dozens of people from the Yuanhuang Realm were exterminated by the Overlord Sect earlier, the Jade Cauldron Sect has already existed in name only, and the real strength of the remaining people from the Yuanhuang Realm is only slightly stronger than some third-rate forces. little bit.

Compared to the Overlord Sect, they can no longer make any waves!

With the wall falling and people pushing, and the drum being broken by thousands of people, Jade Cauldron Sect will definitely become the target of countless people attacking it. It is a huge piece of fat that will make many powerful forces envious!

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