The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1222: People are not as good as birds!

At this moment, Su Xiaoshuai was in mid-air, and the monstrous coercion swept away from him!

This coercion is not aimed at a group of beast emperors, but it makes their bodies tremble, and they almost want to crawl down.

Even the three of them, Qing Huang, Yang Ming, and Yin Ming, who had the highest cultivation bases, had their legs trembling faintly, and their hearts trembled!

This is where the power of the supreme creature lies. As one of the most supreme monster clans, Su Xiaoshuai's power can bring a strong sense of threat to all the wild monsters! Most $|new ¤K chapter on cool craftsman 0


Under everyone's watchful eyes, Su Xiaoshuai let out a crisp phoenix cry, resounding through the mysterious space, resonating with some kind of mysterious space power in the invisible space, and a wave of phoenix cries emanated from the entire space. Unique charm.

Afterwards, the figure of the colorful phoenix slowly descended, and the light gradually subsided, and it was no longer so dazzling.

After a while, all the magnificence on Su Xiaoshuai's body disappeared again, and he returned to his normal state, looking very ordinary.

"Have you broken through?"

Soon, Su Xiaoshuai saw everyone's gaze, flew over and landed on Xi Wuqing's shoulder.

He also discovered that all the people in the mysterious space had made huge breakthroughs.

Moreover, Xi Wuqing, Qinghuang, Yangming, Yinming, and Lei Yunhe are already at the ninth level of the imperial level, even stronger than him.

In addition, Fairy Wuchang's cultivation base has also been greatly improved, and she is even stronger than before!

"Compared to you little guy, our breakthrough is really..."

Everyone smiled wryly, looking at Su Xiaoshuai, they were all speechless.

This little guy's talent is too outstanding, if compared with him, no one will have to live.

"The boss is also awake, and he has made a lot of breakthroughs!"

Su Xiaoshuai couldn't help but smile when he saw the crowd, and then looked at where Su Yi was.

At this time, the young man was full of energy, mighty energy, bright as a rainbow, fierce and fierce, as if he was about to explode!

Endless energy is brewing, as if you want to break through a certain shackle!

However, this kind of energy was being firmly suppressed. With the passage of time, all the power on Su Yi's body also converged and disappeared, and ceased to exist.

Everything receded like flowing water, whether it was the fluctuation of vitality or the power of the soul, it finally dissipated.


When Su Yi opened his eyes, he found a large group of figures around him, staring at him like monkeys, just like visitors to the zoo in his previous life.

"You...why are you all looking at me like that?"

Su Yi touched his nose, feeling a little strange in his heart.

"Boy, is it almost time to reach Yuanhuang Realm?"

Fairy Wuchang walked up to Su Yi first, looked him up and down, and said with admiration.

She was no longer shocked, and what she saw today had already made her numb.

Moreover, Su Yi's breakthrough all the way to the ninth level of Yuanxu Realm was something she witnessed with her own eyes.

However, Immortal Fairy instinctively wanted to confirm with Su Yi, and Wu Qing and all the beast emperors around her also looked at Su Yi.

"It's still a little bit away from the Yuanhuang Realm, and it will probably take some time to truly break through."

Su Yi didn't hide anything, and said so.

His cultivation has soared all the way, from the sixth level of the Yuanxu Realm to the late stage of the ninth level of the Yuanxu Realm, which is a huge leap.

In fact, Su Yi also had the opportunity to try to attack the real Yuanhuang Realm, but in the end he directly suppressed this trend and stabilized his cultivation at the ninth level of the Yuanxu Realm.

"Good boy, don't be greedy for aggressive advancement, know how to restrain yourself, very good!"

Xi Wuqing looked at the young man in front of him and said with a smile.

Everyone saw Su Yi's previous performance.

The hope of breaking through the Yuanhuang Realm is in sight, but it is very difficult for Su Yi to resist this temptation.

However, in this way, his foundation can be laid more firmly!

"Brother, I still have some sense of propriety!" Su Yi laughed.

Immediately after he also saw the situation of the people around him, he was shocked very quickly, and there was no movement for a long time, his heart was extremely horrified!

"It's actually improved so much, this..."

Before retreating, Su Yi couldn't imagine that everyone had a huge improvement this time.

Except for Fairy Wuchang, who was at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm and was unable to make a big breakthrough, the rest of the people had broken through levels one or two.

As for Su Xiaoshuai, he even broke through the sixth level in one go, from the second level of the Demon Emperor Realm to the eighth level of the Demon Emperor Realm!

This kind of span is too scary, much more exaggerated than Su Yi's breakthrough, after all, he himself is only at Yuanxu Realm, while Su Xiaoshuai is at Demon Emperor Realm!

"A man is not as good as a bird!"

The corner of Su Yi's mouth smiled wryly. Originally, he saw that the distance between him and this little guy was getting closer and closer, but now it's a good thing, it's still so huge, and it's almost a whole big difference!

Of course, Su Yi is clear that the speed of Su Xiaoshuai's breakthrough is related to his own blood.

"This confrontation with the Jade Cauldron Sect has cost everyone a lot of energy. In addition to the drastic changes in your space, everyone has benefited from this, so they can all advance by leaps and bounds."

Xi Wuqing looked at Su Yi and said with a little sigh.

Su Yi nodded when he heard the words, knowing that what the elder brother said was very reasonable.

Fighting is an excellent training, which can prove oneself. In the desperate situation, one can see many shortcomings of one's own.

And the great consumption of strength is also the baptism of the body and soul again and again.

During this period of time, elder brother Xi Wuqing has gone from controlling the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm in the mine to confronting the Third Elder, Lei Yunhe and others; , He rushed over from the mine again, entered the mysterious space, refined a large number of soul-controlling and killing talismans, and swallowed the last soul-purple fire pill during the process!

In the end, the two Yuanzong realms of the Jade Cauldron Sect arrived, and the elder brother was the leader again, presiding over the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm.

It can be said that the eldest brother Xi Wuqing has overdrawn his soul power again and again recently, and after the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm was broken, it can be said that the oil has run out, and there is no more power to use.

Entering the mysterious space under such circumstances, and meeting Su Yi's power of devouring the mine's primordial stone, the space changed drastically, and at the same time, he gained huge benefits!

So Xi Wuqing broke through to the ninth level of Yuanhuang Realm, this situation is not difficult to imagine.

As for Su Xiaoshuai, it was even more so.

The last blow he unleashed knocked Lu Yinghong down, and he was on the verge of dying, which also consumed a lot of his own strength.

As long as he doesn't die, Su Xiaoshuai will be able to awaken more blood talents and improve his cultivation!

"The overall strength of our Overlord Sect is getting stronger and stronger!"

Looking at the people around him, Su Yi felt an unconcealable excitement in his heart, and unconsciously clenched his fists.

The eldest brother Xiwuqing, Qinghuang, Yangming, and Yinming are still the strongest combat power of the Overlord Sect today!

In addition, after Su Xiaoshuai reached the eighth level of the Demon Emperor Realm, his true strength might not be inferior to these few people, and might even exceed some!

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