The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1228: A blessing in disguise!

This kind of transformation is very powerful, Ji Hannuo's aura soared all the way for no reason!

After entering the ninth level of Yuanzhen Realm, all this is still going on.

As time went by, the chilong's body became more and more fierce, like a real thing, majestic and mighty!


In the end, Chilong uttered a roaring dragon chant again, and then rushed into Ji Hannuo's body at once, disappearing!

"Chi Chi..."

Ji Hannuo opened his eyes suddenly, the light in his eyes was like lightning, and there were two dragon shadows walking in the pupils of his eyes.

A sharp and absolute aura danced around her, turning into a series of swords, shooting endlessly!


With a breath of turbid air, everything calmed down, Ji Hannuo returned to his previous expression, and the sky filled with swords also subsided!

"Miss Hannuo, you're awake!"

Seeing this scene, Su Yi couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, and immediately went to Ji Hannuo's side.

"Su Yi!"

Seeing Su Yi for the first time, Ji Hannuo was overjoyed immediately, with a happy smile on his face.

The girl bounced up from the ground quickly, with a graceful figure, and rushed to Su Yi's side all of a sudden, her eyes turned red, unconsciously brewing a crystal light.

"Su Yi!"

Suddenly, Ji Hannuo couldn't help but hugged Su Yi, and tightly wrapped his arms around the boy's waist, for fear that if he let go, he would never see the person in front of him again.


Su Yi was stunned, a little at a loss.

It's a pity that as a virgin for two lives, he has never encountered such a situation, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while, which made him have a weird dry smile on his face.

But Ji Hannuo didn't seem to notice it, and hugged him tightly and didn't let go.

"It's okay, everything is over!"

After a while, Su Yi regained his composure, and gently hugged the girl's Linglong body, patted her back with his palm, and said softly.

"I thought I couldn't see you anymore, woo woo..."

Ji Hannuo wept faintly, tears streaming down his cheeks, soaking Su Yi's robe.

The girl's choking sound was like a thunderbolt, which instantly struck Su Yi, as if it touched a certain heartstring in him, causing Su Yi to freeze in place all of a sudden!

At this moment, he could feel the girl's surprise, and at the same time, the fear hidden in his heart.

Su Yi knew very well that during the time when he was taken captive by Qing Mingzong, the woman in his arms must have endured great hardships.

When Bawangzong's group arrived, they fell into the void in Jiang Zekun's hands like a bird with broken wings.

If it wasn't for the help of Bi Xue Ling Ginseng, the two of them might not even be able to see each other for the last time!

In fact, what Su Yi didn't know was that at that last moment, besides her father Ji Tianfu, what Ji Hannuo was thinking about was Su Yi.

"Everything is over, I will never let you get hurt again!"

Unknowingly, Su Yi's arms gradually gained strength, and he hugged the girl tightly, and even said softly in his mouth, but there was a sense of domineering and fierceness for no reason.

At this moment, Su Yi felt an unprecedented feeling in his heart, he wanted to protect the woman in his arms so that she would not be harmed by anyone again!

And when he first got the news that Ji Hannuo was kidnapped by Qing Mingzong, his mood was probably somewhat similar to this!


In his arms, Ji Hannuo nodded vigorously, the tip of his nose twitching.

"Is this the feeling of you humans? It's so strange! Why do I feel a little blushing just looking at it here? It seems to be hot!"

At this time, the words of Jade Spirit Ginseng came out, looking very puzzled.

Hearing this, Ji Hannuo couldn't help but slowly let go of his hands, left Su Yi's embrace, and after sneaking a glance at the young man in front of him, his cheeks really turned red, and he couldn't help but lower his head.

Su Yi had dark lines all over his face, and the veins on his forehead were twitching violently. He glanced sideways at Bi Xueling Shen and said, "Master San, you are a plant, what kind of face do you have?"

The Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng is still in the Yuanxu Realm, but has passed through the first calamity, and has not yet cultivated a human form, yet it says that it is blushing, and it is so hot!


Ji Hannuo smiled coquettishly, covered his mouth, and secretly looked at the Jade Blood Ginseng, but unexpectedly, the huge ginseng was looking at him with a smirk on his face.

This scene made Ji Hannuo bury his head again.

"This time, thanks to Master San, he saved you!"

Su Yi regained his seriousness, and said to Ji Hannuo.

"I know that Master San saved me. During this period of time, I can occasionally feel that someone is taking care of me, and I can also feel the breath of Master San."

Ji Hannuo put away his embarrassment, saluted Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng, and said softly: "Thank you for saving me, this junior is very grateful."

"You little girl is not bad!"

Bixue Lingshen nodded in satisfaction, and said: "But you don't have to thank me, this kid begged me to save you. For this, he looks like he is willing to pay whatever price is good for him."

While speaking, Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng looked at Su Yi playfully, as if he said this on purpose.

However, Su Yi became impatient when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Master San, don't play tricks, you said it yourself, this time you got a huge benefit, the things you promised before don't need to be fulfilled."

He promised to give Jade Blood Ginseng a large amount of spiritual liquid, but after absorbing the energy of the mine's primordial stone, the mysterious space changed drastically, and Shen Ye got a great improvement from it. Later, he told Su Yi that the benefits of the spiritual liquid were no longer needed.

"You kid!"

Bixue Lingshen rolled his eyes and said, "Of course I don't want it, why are you so anxious?"

"Hey... that's good!" Su Yi immediately laughed.

Bixue Lingshen blows his beard and stares!

"Miss Hannuo, tell me what's going on with your chilong technique?"

Su Yi thought of the scene he saw before, and couldn't help asking very curiously.

Ji Hannuo didn't hide anything, and told Su Yi everything about the Chilong Sword Art.

It turned out that as Su Yi guessed, everything was the opportunity Ji Hannuo got in the Ten Thousand Monsters Alchemy Formation.

At the beginning, Ji Hannuo practiced according to the formula in his mind, and got a sword formula, which is very extraordinary, but that's all.

However, later in Qingmingzong, when faced with Jiang Xu's misbehavior, the Chilong Sword Art suddenly exploded with terrifying power, and a secret technique was activated!

The fierce sword energy went up to the sky and into the earth, transforming into the body of an immeasurable dragon, as if it could kill all things, instantly killed Jiang Xu invisible!

Afterwards, Ji Hannuo even relied on such power to kill several Yuanxu Realm low-level powerhouses in a row, until Jiang Zekun made a move, and then suppressed them!

"It turns out that there is a secret method. In this way, this time it is really a blessing in disguise!"

Su Yi muttered in shock.

Just when he was about to be humiliated, Ji Hannuo aroused the true power of the Chilong Sword Art, which was indeed a blessing in disguise.

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