The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1242: Snow Red Building

"According to the news from the chaotic domain, after the alliance meeting, a second-rate faction in the chaotic domain called Tiangang Sect made an attack and wanted to kill Su Yi. But unexpectedly, the Overlord Sect actually arranged a powerful fantasy gate In the Soul Realm, dozens of Tiangangmen's Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses were trapped and killed, and even the head of the half-step Yuanzong Realm was seriously injured, and finally returned home without a feather! It was Su Yi who arranged this strange gate of the Illusory Soul Realm. I'm sworn brother—Xi Wuqing!"

"Since then, the Overlord Sect has risen even more rapidly, causing huge waves in the chaotic domain, destroying several third-rate sects in a row, and truly becoming a force that is not weak! And not long ago, the Overlord Sect suddenly dispatched and wiped out a group named Qing Mingzong's third-rate power, behind Qing Mingzong, is a second-rate power called Jade Cauldron Sect!"

"What people didn't expect was that Su Yi led people to secretly set up another strange gate phantom soul world near the Jade Cauldron Sect. By some means, they introduced the Jade Cauldron Zong Yuanhuang Realm, and killed them one by one, dozens of them in a row. A strong person in the imperial realm! Afterwards, the two Yuanzong realms of Yudingzong dispatched, vowing to destroy the Overlordzong."

"However, when they left, they encountered the Overlord Sect's strong resistance. First, they trapped and wounded the two of them with the Qimen Illusory Soul Realm, and then Su Yi took out hundreds of powerful soul-controlling talismans and killed the two of them." The Yuanzong Realm was killed and seriously injured! Originally, the Overlord Sect could not escape the end of destruction, after all, they all suffered heavy injuries themselves."

"But unexpectedly, in the end, the little bird beside Su Yi burst out with the might of a phoenix and killed a Yuan Zongjing. Su Yi himself used strange means to devour the energy of the Yuan Stone in the mine, and his strength instantly increased. Skyrocket, and then use an unimaginable martial skill to kill another seriously injured Yuan Zongjing!"

"Then, Blood Yang Sect and Nine Star Valley among the three first-class forces attacked one after another, all wanting to take Su Yi away. However, under the protection of Cangyun Palace, these two sects lost their plans. And in this way, The Overlord Sect has truly survived the crisis. But the second-rate power, the Jade Cauldron Sect, has just been destroyed, and all its territory and property have been swept away."

Mo Lao said a lot in one breath, and his face was full of horror.

Not only him, after the young man listened, he was in a daze for a long time.

That young Su Yi is really terrifying. Although many of them are just rumors, with the news channel of the Holy Mountain, all of this is absolutely credible!

"Then Su Yi, is he at the sixth level of the Yuanxu Realm? The sixth level of the Yuanxu Realm who is less than eighteen years old is really sensational!"

The young man murmured, and his face was full of disbelief.

He couldn't help thinking of himself, what kind of cultivation was he at the age of eighteen?

The young man clearly remembered that he was still in the Yuanzhen Realm at that time, and there was still a long distance from the Yuanxu Realm!

Besides, Su Yi's talent is not only terrifying, but what's even more surprising is that he actually created his own sect, which can gain a firm foothold in the chaotic realm!

How can such means be achieved by ordinary people?

"The Nine Holy Sons were injured in that battle, and after recovering, they retreated for a long time. When they left the seclusion a few days ago, they also stepped into the Yuanxu Realm."

Suddenly, Mr. Mo suddenly said such a sentence.


But the young man obviously doesn't care about this anymore, what he wants more in his heart is Su Yi: "It seems that I have missed too many wonderful things during the more than one year of retreat!"

The young man sighed, but his eyes burst out with a bright brilliance, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

"By the way, Mo Lao, you said earlier that Su Yi was supposed to be a disciple of my Holy Mountain, but why did he become a member of the Divine Sword Sect, and why did he have such a big grudge with my Holy Mountain?"

Suddenly, the young man thought of this and couldn't help asking.

"All of this is because of that Wang Quande's selfishness!"

Mo Lao gritted his teeth, and told the young man about Wang Quande's entrapment of Su Yi.

If it weren't for that hostile person, such a talented young man would definitely be from the Holy Mountain, and everything would not be where it is today.

The young man listened to him without saying a word.

After a long time, I just heard him say: "I'm going to see the master. It seems that I have to go to this chaotic realm! The holy mountain will always be a holy mountain. A Suyi can't offend the majesty of the holy mountain."

While speaking, the young man took a step forward, a distance of several tens of feet, and disappeared in Mo Lao's sight after a few steps.


Mo Lao yelled at the background, but in the end he didn't say anything, he just sighed.

The holy mountain has the position of the holy son, but there are far more than one, but nine!

Nalan Ruyu is the youngest among the nine, and even though she has broken through to Yuanxu Realm, she is still the weakest in cultivation, so she is the Nine Holy Sons.

It's just that when facing the outside world, the holy sons are not ranked. This ranking is only used inside the holy mountain.

Only after these nine holy sons have grown up, will the strongest one be selected from them to inherit the great line!

And the young man just now was ranked fifth, the fifth son!

His name is Xuehonglou!

"Tell him these things, is it right or wrong?" s cool craftsman☆! Wangzheng...version first release B0(

Long after Xuehonglou disappeared, Mo Lao smiled wryly again.

However, he didn't think too much about it, and went in the direction the young man left, and soon disappeared.


On this day, Xue Honglou walked out of the holy mountain and headed for the chaotic domain.

Only a few people knew about this news, not even many high-level people in the Holy Mountain knew about it.

Mo Lao, who has been following the five holy sons, was also asked to keep secret, not to leak information, and pretend that the fifth holy son had never left the customs.

"The chaotic domain is a place of right and wrong, go to two people and follow it secretly. But remember, you must not make a move unless it is absolutely necessary, so as not to reveal your whereabouts. If it is an emergency, bring the Holy Son back without delay. .” A strong man explained in this way.

The realm of chaos is a forbidden area of ​​one mountain, two religions, three sects and four sects. No one from these ten major forces dares to set foot on it at will.

The situation there is intricate and full of endless slaughter.

However, once someone from the top ten powers in the mainland appears, they will definitely die so that there are not even bones left.

If the people there know that a holy son of the holy mountain has entered the chaotic domain, one can imagine the fate!

"In addition, there is a new trace of a secret realm in the northwest of the chaotic domain. If the situation permits, you can explore it. The Holy Son is not far from Yuanhuang Realm. If you have the opportunity to enter the secret realm, you may be able to finally break through. This is an opportunity , is also a challenge. Remember, you must protect him thoroughly!"

The strong man who issued the order ordered again, and then, two powerful beings walked out of the holy mountain, hiding in the dark, and followed Xuehonglou.

In such a situation, the huge holy mountain is tightly covered, and few people know about it.

Su Yi, who was far away in the chaotic domain, didn't even know that someone from the holy mountain was rushing to the chaotic domain for him.

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