The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1247: Ate a mount!

Even in the dark night, Su Yi can still see clearly that this big python is about thirty feet long, its body is dark green, and it has four wings from its ribs. The two pairs of wings are bright silver, like four huge guillotines. .

After being thrown down by Su Xiaoshuai, the boa constrictor twisted its body weakly, apparently seriously injured and unable to fly again.

"Silver-winged green python, this is a high-level savage monster in the Yaozhen Realm, and it is very hopeful to enter the Yaoxu Realm!"

Su Yi was slightly stunned, he was puzzled, he didn't know how far Su Xiaoshuai ran to catch such a wild monster and came back.

The vicinity here is the territory of humans, and there are very few wild monsters, unlike the Bawangzong area, which was originally the territory of wild monsters, and wild monsters can be seen at any time.

"I just walked around, I didn't expect to meet this idiot, and he dared to attack me on his own initiative!"

Su Xiaoshuai curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "This guy seems to be looking for someone, and he didn't want to attack him at first, but since he offended me, he can only bring him back to eat meat."

When Su Yi heard it, it turned out that Su Xiaoshuai didn't run too far, and it was strange that there was such a wild monster nearby.

"Let me go, or my master won't let you go!"

Just when Su Yi was slightly dazed, the silver-winged green python struggling on the ground made a weak voice and said to Su Xiaoshuai.

"Master? It turned out to be someone else's mount! No wonder..."

Su Yi was startled again, and instantly understood.

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoshuai captured someone else's mount.

Su Yi didn't say much about this, after all, he took the initiative to attack Su Xiaoshuai, and if he caught him, he would be caught.

Not only that, but he had to be roasted and eaten.

"Human, can you understand me?"

When the silver-winged green python heard Su Yi's self-talk, he was astonished at first, and then asked.

"Who is your master?"

Su Yi didn't answer, but just asked.

"Human, let me go!"

The silver-winged green python was also very stubborn. Instead of responding to Su Yi's question, he twisted his body with great effort, glared at Su Yi fiercely and said.

"It's fine if you don't answer, I don't intend to save your life anyway!"

Su Yi pursed his lips, stepped forward slowly, walked to the side of the silver-winged green python's head, and slapped the bully's head into pieces, blood gushing out.

The body of the tens of feet long python twitched a few times, and then fell silent.

"Boss, let's barbecue!"

Su Xiaoshuai was extremely excited, flying around Su Yi non-stop.


Su Yi responded with a smile, and he was also very greedy, so he started to move immediately.

Several people found a small pond nearby and began to wash and peel the green silver-winged python.

The huge python's body was disemboweled, and Su Yi cut off a small half, set up a fire and started to barbecue.

At the same time, he also took out a large pot and stewed a pot of delicious broth.

Not long after, bursts of meaty aroma wafted away, making one's index finger move.

Su Xiaoshuai didn't care about anything, after a piece of python meat was roasted, he picked it up with his wings, but he gnawed it so hard that his mouth was full of oil.

"Feng Qi'er, you come too!"

Su Yi also threw a piece to Feng Qi'er, this little girl has never eaten Su Yi's barbecue, so she was very puzzled by Su Xiaoshuai's obsession with barbecue along the way.

But after taking a bite of the barbecue, Feng Qier's eyes suddenly brightened.

With a hum, he nodded, and began to eat quickly in small bites.

"And you, this python meat will be of great benefit to you!"

Su Yi was not stingy at all, and threw another piece of roasted python meat to Manbao.

The high-level silver-winged green python in the Demon Realm is definitely a great supplement to the Man Leopard in the Demon Spirit Realm, and can increase a lot of strength.

After the wild leopard ate meat, warm currents flowed through its body soon after, and it began to benefit greatly.

This caused fluctuations in its eyes, and it ate all the remaining python meat into its stomach in two or three bites, then quickly ran to the side, and began to breathe with its eyes closed.

Seeing this, Su Yi smiled, and continued to cut a large piece of meat for barbecue.

He could imagine that the owner of this silver-winged green python must be very strong.

It will definitely not be easy for those who have the ability to tame this kind of savage monster. Su Yi estimates that they will at least be at a high level in the Primordial Void Realm.

But he didn't care, it didn't matter even if he was in the Yuan Emperor Realm, if he dared to attack Su Xiaoshuai, it would be regarded as the silver-winged green python seeking his own death.

But for Su Xiaoshuai, he would eat someone's head if he was hungry, and of course he would not refuse anyone who came.

"I'll try this soup!"

The meat in Su Yi's hands was about to be cooked, so he put it aside, took out a large spoon from the interspatial bag, scooped up a spoon, squinted his eyes and took a sip, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

It has to be said that whether python meat is stewed or grilled, it has two completely different tastes. The soup is thick when stewed, and it is crispy and delicious when roasted. Both are full of aroma.

"Boss also serve me a bowl!"

Su Xiaoshuai yelled on the other side, chewing on the meat, vaguely.

Su Yi smiled, took out several big bowls again, filled several bowls of steaming thick soup, and had a bite of barbecue and broth with Su Xiaoshuai, both of them looked happy.

Feng Qi'er had to be a little more cautious, she was a girl after all, so she had to be more reserved.

And not long after, when she finished eating a large piece of barbecue and drank a large bowl of broth, she couldn't resist the surging energy in her body, and ran away to practice like a leopard.

They want to dissipate this energy, use it to cultivate, and make some improvements.

"I'm so full! Boss, I'm so happy!"

After a long time, Su Xiaoshuai's belly was bulging and he kept rolling on the ground, still shouting.

A pair of wings touched the round belly, and the satisfaction was beyond words.

"It's been a while since I've eaten something so delicious!"

Su Yi sat on the ground, looking at Su Xiaoshuai's appearance, he just thought it was very funny.

With his and Su Xiaoshuai's current strength, the energy of the python meat can no longer play a big role, at most it can only satisfy people's appetite.

At the water's edge not far from the few people, there was still a large piece of python meat lying there, unfinished.

Su Yi decided to keep it, and he could still eat a few more meals in the future.

"Boss, we ate someone's mount! You said its owner, will you find it?"

Suddenly, Su Xiaoshuai froze while rolling, and asked with a guilty conscience.

"Have you thought of that now?"

Su Yi smiled, looked at Su Xiaoshuai and said: "Don't worry, I will take the initiative to attack your mount, its owner must not be a good person?"

"That's it, then I'm relieved."

Su Xiaoshuai responded, and immediately continued rolling around on the ground.

He wasn't really afraid that the owner of the silver-winged green python would come to his door. After all, with his cultivation base, he was definitely not afraid.

In fact, Su Xiaoshuai was afraid that the owner of the boa constrictor was a talkative master, and that he would really feel guilty.

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