The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1260: Movements in the secret realm!

A new secret realm appeared, and many people in the chaotic domain got the news, especially the real strong.

And for some desperadoes, if they got into the cracks of the nine major forces, they might be able to get information about the secret realm in the first place, and thus have the opportunity to get the benefits the first time!

So Su Yi felt that at this time, there must be many small forces or casual cultivators who had also entered the blockade of the nine major forces.

"Does this secret realm really exist, and I don't know how many specific situations the nine major forces have grasped now."

Su Yi frowned and said to himself, his news still stays in what the people from Cangyun Palace said a few months ago.

Over the past few months, it is unlikely that there has been no progress at all.

"It's hard to say. They must have a lot more than us, but no one leaked it easily. However, there are also some small pieces of news. It is said that after discovering the traces of the secret realm a few months ago, the recent few days Over the past few months, there have been several movements again, but the major forces still haven't really locked their tracks."

Elder Gao thought for a while, and said to Su Yi: "What we can confirm now is that the movements in this secret realm are becoming more and more frequent. Moreover, the energy overflowing from it is very powerful, and it is definitely a very powerful secret realm. I heard that Compared with when Zhaoling Secret Realm was discovered at the beginning, it is much more mysterious." u%more!'New and latest ef fast I; on ◎cool...craftsman Q◇net E0U)

Su Yi fell into deep thought. What Elder Gao said should not be considered a secret. Even many warriors who have been around the periphery should know it.

He has a great interest in his heart, a secret place that is difficult to track, but it is different from ordinary places.

At least most of the secret realms can only be said to be difficult to enter, but unlike the current secret realm, they seem to know how to "escape"?

"Brother Fengyun, what are your plans? How about going to our Xuanshuangzong to stay for a while?"

Niu Qingshan suddenly spoke and said to Su Yi.

Xuanshuangzong is not far from here, so they simply sent most of the strong people in the sect to find out the situation, but it took a long time, but they found nothing.

"No need Brother Qingshan, I'm going to go around the periphery again, in case the secret realm is completely born at any time!"

Su Yi shook his head and said so.

Having obtained general information, Su Yi's current goal was barely achieved.

In fact, he didn't intend to walk around the periphery, but he had to go to the blocked land of the nine major forces.

There are many casual cultivators and people from small forces gathered in the periphery, but if you want to get the most useful news, you still have to enter the core area.

Apart from inquiring about the secret realm, what he is most concerned about right now are the other two members of the Jade Cauldron Sect, and he must find them.

"Since this is the case, why not come with us, and we should take care of each other." Niu Qingshan said again.

Su Yi thought about it, but did not refuse.

He is not in a hurry these few days, so it is a good choice to stay with the people of Xuanshuangzong temporarily, at least someone will guide the way, and everything will be discussed after he is familiar with the surrounding environment.

Just like that, he brought along Feng Qier, Su Xiaoshuai, and Scarlet Flame Wild Lion to join the team of Xuanshuangzong.

Elder Gao Cang and other Xuanshuangzong elders didn't say much about the addition of these two people and two beasts. After all, the strength of this young man could not threaten them.

Of course, they didn't know the true identities of Su Yi and the others, otherwise they wouldn't be able to be so calm.

"I don't know when the secret realm will really appear!"

Together with the members of the Xuanshuang Sect, Su Yi started to wander around the surrounding area, looking at it was no different from wandering around.

And they encountered many small forces and casual cultivators, almost all of whom came here to try their luck.

The place where the secret realm appeared before is blocked, but this does not mean that it is impossible to appear on the periphery.

In case of luck, you will have the opportunity to be the earliest beneficiary.

"There are a lot of casual cultivators and small faction activities around here, and some people are very strong and not easy to mess with. Even among casual cultivators, there are extremely powerful people!"

While walking casually, Niu Qingshan said to Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded when he heard the words, and agreed with it very much.

There are too many casual cultivators in the chaotic domain, and there are many terrifying people among them. When the alliance meeting was held, there was some hidden atmosphere in the crowd in the square, which should not be underestimated.

But now in the periphery, Su Yi is not worried about this, because the real strong will definitely have a way to enter the blockade of the nine major forces, and will rarely stay in the periphery.

A group of people walked around aimlessly and rarely interacted with other people.

Among them, Niu Qingshan was not so peaceful, his eyes were bright, he wandered around, and from time to time he would shoot down a few big birds for Su Yi to roast and eat.

Su Yi could tell that this guy was a foodie through and through, and the main reason why he was so enthusiastic about him was because of his skill in roasting meat and stewing soup!

When he was making meat, Niu Qingshan also stayed by the side to watch carefully, licking his lips at the same time, obviously wanting to learn the craft.

Su Yi just smiled lightly and didn't care about it, how much he can learn depends on Niu Qingshan's ability.

But having said that, the meat of these wild monsters that have not activated their spiritual intelligence is not good, relatively speaking, it is far less delicious than the meat of the wild monsters that have successfully cultivated!

However, looking at Niu Qingshan's appearance, he ate with gusto.

Time passed quickly, it seemed that in the blink of an eye, Su Yi and everyone from the Xuanshuang Sect wandered together for seven or eight days.

And on this day, all the casual cultivators and small forces active in the mountains and forests suddenly became a little excited for no reason, as if they had taken a big tonic.

At the same time, a message began to spread among everyone with an unstoppable momentum!

"There is movement in the secret realm again, it's in the swamp, go and have a look!"

Such a news made countless people inexplicably excited, and a large number of casual cultivators and people of small forces all rushed in one direction.

"It actually appeared in the swamp, which is not within the blockade of the nine major forces!"

In the Xuanshuang Sect, Elder Gao Cang murmured, and there was a little eagerness in his expression.

Su Yi made it clear that since it was not within the blockade of those forces, it was the best opportunity for many small forces and casual cultivators.

"Let's hurry up too!"

Su Yi greeted, and then led by the members of the Xuanshuang Sect, they walked in one direction.

Through everyone's notification, Su Yi knew that there was a swamp not far away, where few people usually set foot on it. After all, most casual cultivators and people of small forces would consume a lot of vitality when flying.

Unexpectedly, this time the movement of the secret realm actually appeared in that place!

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