The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1262: A crow becomes a phoenix!

Su Yi had no interest in the incompatibility between the Jade Fire Sect and the Xuanshuang Sect, and he still didn't intend to get involved in this matter.

Hearing Niu Qingshan's words, he nodded slightly.

However, these words also fell into the ears of the Jade Fire Sect Chai Jian, only to hear him laugh again, and said: "I, the Jade Fire Sect, don't have time to compete with your Xuanshuang Sect, so let's get out of here with this little bastard." !"

"Go away, hahahaha..."

"And that crow, pretend to be somewhere else!"

All the members of Jade Fire Sect laughed loudly, their eyes swept over Su Yi, Xuanshuang Sect and others.

Gao Cang clasped his hands tightly, his eyes were heavy, and the rest of the people also had extremely gloomy expressions.

But they were not impulsive, just because the Jade Fire Sect was powerful, much stronger than their Xuanshuang Sect.

Just because the Yuanhuang Realm exists here, there are five people. Once a battle starts, the Xuanshuangzong will definitely suffer!

"let's go……"

Elder Gao Cang said in a deep voice with a dark face.

He was going to take people away and continue to explore the situation in the secret realm, and he didn't want to get entangled with Jade Fire Sect here.

But before he could turn around, he saw the young man beside him who had been with him for a few days slowly stepping towards the Jade Fire Sect crowd.

"Little Brother Fengyun!"

Elder Gao Cang was shocked and shouted hastily.

Niu Qingshan also froze on the spot for a moment, opened his mouth and let out a cry.

But Su Yi ignored them, walked up to a meter away from Chai Jian and the others and stopped, looking coldly at Jade Fire Sect and his group.

"Why, Xiao Yezhong, are you still not convinced?"

Among the crowd of nearly twenty people from Jade Fire Sect, a young man in his thirties sneered and asked Su Yi.

"I've already given you a chance, but I didn't expect you to be so arrogant! If so, then pay for what you said!"

Su Yi opened his mouth lightly, stepped out again step by step, and pushed towards the Jade Fire Sect members.

Taking a step forward, the vitality in his body soared, and the power of Yuanxu Realm burst out in an instant.

As Su Yi fell step by step, his whole body's aura piled up layer by layer, like a flood hitting the sky!

The first level of Yuanxu Realm, the second level of Yuanxu Realm, the third level of Yuanxu Realm, the fourth level of Yuanxu Realm...

Such a scene stunned everyone in the Jade Fire Sect and the Xuanshuang Sect. No one thought that this young man's cultivation was actually in the Yuanxu Realm, and after a while, he had a high-level Yuanxu Realm Prestige.

"It's such a big tone! What can Yuanxu Realm do, can you still be able to jump around here?"

Chai Jian sneered, looked at Su Yi and said.

The aura of the young man was very strong, even he trembled a bit, but Chai Jian still tried his best to maintain his composure, after all, he was a high-level existence in Yuanhuang Realm!

"No wonder you dare to pretend to be the overlord sect master with a crow. It turns out that you are already at the primordial void state!"

Among the Jade Fire Sect, someone said in shock, but they didn't panic.

But when he heard these words, he heard a cursing voice coming out.

"You are the crow! Your whole family is a crow!" Cool~$ forever ●Free \u0026z fee+watch small*, say+M0...

The voice came from Su Xiaoshuai, he couldn't bear it anymore, and his figure flew out instantly.

The spiritual power spread out, dissipating the evil aura outside him.


A bright flame spewed out from his mouth, and rushed towards everyone in the Jade Fire Sect. A bright red beam of light shot out, and blasted on the person who spoke just now!

The speed of the beam of light was so fast that it was unbelievable that even the many powerhouses in the imperial realm couldn't react!

"Chi Chi..."

In the blink of an eye, when the flames touched the person's body, it was like being burned on a dead leaf, instantly turning into a ball of bright flames, and then his body turned into a handful of fly ash and disappeared.

All of this happened so fast that no one could react, but the person who spoke last was already wiped out, completely dead!

"Since the Jade Fire Sect is so arrogant, let's all stay here!"

Su Yi's calm voice also came out at this moment, and at some point, he had already held a long sword in his hand.

The Gale Thirteen Swords were unleashed, and sword lights blazed out, sweeping straight towards the Jade Fire Sect crowd!

Caught off guard, two young disciples in the Yuanzhen Realm were cut into several sections by a single sword in an instant, and died unexpectedly!

It wasn't until this time that Chai Jian and other Jade Fire Sect powerhouses really reacted!

A talking bird, coupled with the cultivation displayed by the young man at this moment, has actually reached the ninth level of Yuanxu Realm, which is unimaginable!

"Little bastard is so brave, this old man is going to tear you apart!"

Chai Jian's eyes turned red all of a sudden, furious.

Unexpectedly, under his nose, several disciples were killed one after another, which made him so angry that he ran away in an instant!

A blue flame shot out from his body, and the blazing high temperature filled the air, as if it wanted to burn through the sky!

"Only you dare to yell in front of me!"

However, the little bird in his eyes spread its wings, and with a slight wave, a more terrifying flame rushed away, directly enveloping Chai Jian's body.

This flame is too terrifying, it restrains Chai Jian with an irresistible force, and the blazing air burns everything into nothingness!


Suddenly, there was a scream from the flames, and it went straight into the sky!

Chai Jian twisted his body, trying to escape, but there seemed to be a mighty force in the flames that bound him, making him tightly restrained in place, and he could only howl miserably!


Su Xiaoshuai snorted coldly, and suddenly opened his mouth to spit out a piece of crimson flame, like burning blood, the power was terrifying.


Chai Jian's scream was even worse, but it lasted less than two breaths before it stopped abruptly!

In the eyes of everyone, the flame receded slowly, and with it, Chai Jian's body turned into a pile of black ash like a burnt dry wood, and slowly fell to the ground.

"Elder Chai..."

Everyone in the Jade Fire Sect was dumbfounded, and they all stood there in disbelief, staring wide-eyed.

Elder Chai, the most powerful among them, died like this without leaving any scum behind, which is unacceptable.


On the other side, Gao Cang, Niu Qingshan and other members of the Xuanshuang Sect were all shocked beyond measure.

They all saw that the little bird, which had always been ugly and even had an evil aura, was majestic and majestic, like a god standing between heaven and earth!

In addition, the young man in brocade clothes was also extremely extraordinary, powerful and murderous, he charged into the crowd of Jade Fire Sect, and slashed out with several swords, followed by the disciples of Jade Flame Sect falling to the ground!


An elder of the Jade Fire Sect in the Yuanhuang Realm stared at him, pointed at Su Yi and the mighty little bird in amazement, and said tremblingly, "'s that phoenix!"

At this moment, he finally realized that the insignificant bird in their eyes was the legendary phoenix!

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