The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1273: Dog thing!

This situation is too weird to understand.

"Are they all dead? What should we do?"

Some young disciples with weaker cultivation levels panicked and their bodies trembled.

"Don't panic, they are not necessarily dead!"

Suddenly, the middle-aged man in Cangyun Palace spoke up. He frowned tightly and said softly: "The light just now couldn't penetrate the power of space, maybe it is a kind of space power itself. Maybe they went to another place." A space."

As soon as these words came out, the room suddenly became cold, and everyone fell into thinking.

The situation was urgent before, and everyone fled in panic, without thinking too much.

But now following the words of the middle-aged man, Yuan Zongjing thought about it for a while, and only felt that this speculation was very reasonable.

The light seemed to have the ability to penetrate everything, causing the bodies of all warriors to be pierced.

However, their absolute space power has resisted, and they have successfully led many people out.

Perhaps this is the truth, those people who disappeared directly entered another place.

"Is this really the case? If so, will we miss a huge opportunity?"

Suddenly, someone said suspiciously again, with a sense of regret.

But these words attracted a lot of eyes looking at idiots.

"Even if we enter another space, with those people's cultivation, I'm afraid they will face extremely terrifying challenges. This secret realm is probably much more terrifying than we imagined!"

An old man said, saying so.

The venue fell into silence all of a sudden, and everyone came towards the secret realm, but even if the secret realm was really opened, they would definitely not rush in, and only the real strong could go to inquire.

What's more, it will be necessary to invite those existences who have been imprisoned for countless years in the sect to really investigate clearly.

At that time, it was time to send a large number of people to search.

Of course, this is only the way to take it under normal circumstances!

If this secret realm is ordinary, everyone can enter and investigate on the spot, which is why the major forces stop countless casual cultivators and small forces.

And looking at the previous battle, it is obvious that this secret realm is extraordinary, and those who disappeared are afraid that they will face unimaginable troubles!

"Retire a hundred miles away and wait, if they are lucky, they will come out of it!"

The middle-aged man in Cangyun Palace finally said, following his order, everyone in Cangyun Palace began to walk towards the distance.

Looking back, the sea of ​​blood was surging, and the waves rose hundreds of feet high.

In a trance, it seems to be able to hear the wailing of creatures and the wailing of ghosts.


The rest of the people are no longer nostalgic, and dare not stay here any longer.

However, just as they were moving, someone suddenly exclaimed and pointed in another direction.

There, there were two figures standing far away, and they seemed to be turning around to look here.

"Yuan Zongjing!"

The middle-aged man in Cangyun Palace raised his eyebrows. He could feel that the power of space lingering around the two of them must be Yuan Zongjing.

But it seems that they are deliberately covering up something. The faces of both of them are hidden under the robes and hats. They can't see their real faces, and they don't know who they are.

"Hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the chaotic realm, it is normal for two Yuanzong realms to appear!"

On the side of Nine Star Valley, Tang Jue said softly, he didn't care about it.

But the remaining Tao Yuande, Dong Changqing, and Elder Nie all knew that it was definitely not normal for two Yuanzong realms to appear in the chaotic domain at the same time, but everyone had no intention of pursuing it at this time.

It's just not clear if those two were nearby just now.

That is to say, when the people here are staring, the two people in the distance are also looking at this side.

"The Holy Son is gone, what should we do!"

Under the cover of the robe and hat, an old voice came out, only heard by another person beside him.

"It must be because of the secret realm, so we have to wait here for now, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the Holy One when we return to the Holy Mountain!"

Another old voice sounded, saying so.

The other person was silent when he heard the words, and after finding a direction, he left the vicinity.

Watching the two leave, everyone in the chaotic domain didn't say much, but their goal was placed in another place at this time.

"Look, isn't that the phoenix blood that Su Yi is following?"

Someone exclaimed, pointing to Su Xiaoshuai who was fluttering his wings not far away and said.

"It really is!"

Not many people have met Su Xiaoshuai, but many people in Chaos Realm have heard of his deeds, because they recognized him at a glance.

"Su Yi must have come here too, and I'm afraid he has been swallowed by the secret realm! No matter whether he can come out or not, for my Blood Yang Sect's debt, let's find some interest from this phoenix bloodline first!"

When Bi Zun saw Su Xiaoshuai, his eyes sank for a moment, and he said in a cold voice.

Immediately, several figures flew out and surrounded Su Xiaoshuai at the same time.

In the swamp, the Blood Yang Sect lost four Yuan Emperor Realm, and one Yuan Zong Realm did not know whether to live or die. Generally speaking, it was more or less ominous, but I still don't know how Su Yi did it.

This made Bi Zun full of hatred towards Su Yi and Su Xiaoshuai, all this must be explained to the sect.

"Is Su Xiaoshuai?"

At the same time as everyone in the Blood Yang Sect was moving, the leader of the middle-aged man stepped out in the void at the Cangyun Palace, and passed by several tens of feet. In front of Zong Zhuren.

"Hu Kun, are you trying to stop my Blood Yang Sect?"

Bi Zun was blocked in his way and immediately shouted loudly.

But the middle-aged man ignored him, and smiled at Su Xiaoshuai, saying: "Come to my Cangyun Palace, let's wait for Su Yi to come out together!"

Su Xiaoshuai looked at him cautiously, but didn't agree immediately, his eyes were extremely red.

"Hu Kun, no matter what, this old man with the blood of the Phoenix will be captured! If you stop him, you will be an enemy of the Blood Yang Sect!"

Seeing that Hu Kun ignored him, Bi Zun's old face immediately turned red, and he shouted with grim eyebrows.


Hearing this, Hu Kun flicked his sleeves abruptly, and the invisible qi swelled from his sleeves, as if excited by thunder, billowing like a tide, with a great momentum: "Bi Zun, don't use the Blood Yang Sect to suppress me, it's impossible for me to be so weak!" Is Yundian still afraid? I will protect this little bird today!"

A domineering aura pervaded from him, like the surging Yangtze River, like the surging of a great river.

"Little guy, come here quickly! The Blood Yang Sect will never dare to do anything to you!"

On the side of the Blood Yang Sect, another person walked out and waved to Su Xiaoshuai.

Su Xiaoshuai hesitated for a moment, and finally waved his wings and landed on the man's shoulder.

Together with Elder Xie, this person had witnessed the battle in the mine, and he had been in the Overlord Sect for a long time, Su Xiaoshuai was naturally familiar with it.

"Blood Yang Sect dog, one day, I will burn your mountain gate to a piece of scorched earth!"

After glancing at the crowd of Blood Yang Sect, Su Xiaoshuai said so.

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