The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1277: Inquire!

Unable to get more information from this dead thing, Su Yi simply ignored it, turned around and flew towards Ji Qi'er, and then brought her together and landed in front of five Yuanzhen Realm warriors.

"Thank you...thank you for saving my life, my lord!"

The five people were still in shock, and after taking a few quick breaths, they bowed to Su Yi to thank him.

They saw all the scene just now. The young man in front of him actually brushed past the dead thing, causing the jackal to fall to the ground, unable to get up again.

The five of them didn't understand how the young man did it, but such a method was definitely much more terrifying than they had imagined.

In their eyes, this boy was immediately full of mystery.

For this, Su Yi didn't give too much explanation, but just invited them to go with him.

Since there were five more people, Su Yi did not choose to fly this time, but ran all the way.

After taking a few pills, the five Yuanzhen Realm gradually recovered a bit.

Through their information, Su Yi knew that these five people were all casual cultivators, and they were scattered in different places after entering the ruins, but they were not far from each other, and they quickly gathered together.

Out of fear of the unknown, the five went together.

But unintentionally, it disturbed the dead jackal before, and was chased for nearly an hour, using all its strength to escape.

"There were originally nine of us, but the other four were buried in the mouth of that jackal."

A middle-aged man said with a lingering fear, his body trembling slightly.

If it hadn't been for the dead people who had delayed for some time, they might have suffered an accident!

Su Yi remained silent, the jackal had been dead for many years, but the remaining prestige was still there.

If it weren't for the lack of a hind leg, these Yuanzhen Realm warriors would have been buried in the wolf's mouth.

"I'm afraid that there are other similar dead things in this place!"

Another forty-year-old man spoke out, speaking with panic.

Several other people also looked terrified, coming to such a strange and inexplicable place, it is not like a normal secret place at all, although it is full of dangers, it is also accompanied by great opportunities.

But here, there is only endless dead energy, not a single blade of grass grows, let alone any benefits.

Su Yi still didn't say much, just frowned.

The road ahead is unpredictable, but we must try to get out. We can't wait here forever and expect the strong outside to open the ruins and save them from leaving.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the few casual cultivators stopped talking.

Several people felt in their hearts that this young man's cultivation base is strong, he can already fly in the air at a young age, and it is very likely that he came from one of the three first-class forces.

They want to ask the truth, but dare not ask.

Next, Su Yi and Feng Qi'er took the lead and left with the five of them.

The journey was peaceful, and I didn't encounter any dead objects again, nor did I see anything like the Sea of ​​Burying Spirit Flowers.

But the blood-colored sky above, against the boundless brown-black land, made people feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

Another half an hour later, I met a few people again, none of whom were strong in cultivation, and half of them were warriors in Yuanling Realm, so Su Yi was included in the team.

These people are nothing to him. After all, he himself doesn't know where to go at this time.

In this weird place, there are many people walking together, and they are more courageous.

A group of people wandered around the ruins like headless chickens, their eyes darkened.

But after half a day, when Su Yi and the others met several people again, they suddenly heard a scream.

"Su Yi, he is Su Yi!"

Someone recognized Su Yi's identity. After all, in the square in Nine Star City, too many people had witnessed the scene of the alliance meeting, and they were so impressed with Su Yi that they couldn't forget it even if they wanted to!

After obtaining his identity, the people around him became even more in awe of this young man.

However, Su Yi didn't care about this, he was more concerned about other things: "So many Yuanhuang Realm are trapped here, we have to find a way to find them!"

Along the way, none of the warriors he absorbed was too strong, and he was the only one in Yuanxu Realm.

Su Yi felt that it was necessary to gather more strong men, so that he could explore the ruins, find out everything, and try to leave here.

After witnessing those weird things, he no longer had the idea of ​​being at peace with what came.

It has to be said that during the time of entering the ruins, the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu in Su Yi's body often operated uncontrollably, and the speed was extremely fast.

This shows that it is extraordinary, somewhere, there seems to be something invisible involved with Su Yi.

Once again, a strange plant was found with magical fluctuations, this time even Su Yi couldn't be named.

Su Yi took a cautious approach. After grabbing this plant, he put it into a space bag. He could only take it out to let elder brother Xi Rurui see if it was worth it.

A day passed quickly, and there was no sun rising and moon setting, stars changing, and no night in the ruins. The sky remained the same, and it would always look lifeless.

The crowd's team gradually grew, reaching a scale of thirty or forty people, and two other Yuanxu Realm joined.

When everyone knew that the young man in charge was the rumored Suzerain of the Overlord Sect, they all looked in awe.

"If you're moving like this, the speed is too slow. It's better to send people around to investigate. In any case, it's better to gather more people first, and then discuss the next thing."

Su Yi frowned, and said to the other two Yuanxu Realm.

"That's the only way!"

Both of them nodded. If they didn't think of a way, they didn't know how long they would stay in this ghostly place.

It's best to get together with a group of Yuanhuang Realms and explore together.

Do as soon as you think of it, after Su Yi explained to everyone, he flew across the sky, swept forward, and checked the situation.

To be on the safe side, he also brought Feng Qi'er along to avoid any accidents.

People in the chaotic domain are almost living a life of licking blood, so Su Yi is not at ease if Feng Qier is with those people.

The other two yuan virtual realms also fled out and returned at an agreed time.

The large team followed the guidelines and moved in a predetermined direction.

There is dead silence in the ruins. If there are living people nearby, they can be seen from a long distance with the eyesight of Yuanxu Realm.

Su Yi took Feng Qi'er and flew far away in a row, constantly searching, looking for people, and at the same time watching to see if there were more weird plants.

The huge space does not show any vitality, and countless dead bones are buried. ~Updated fastest dD Shangkujiang/Network V$0{X

Under the reflection of the red sky above, it is even more strange.

"When you come to this kind of place, you still have the mind to fight."

Not long after, Su Yi and Feng Qi'er saw two figures again, darting around, fighting each other, blood spattering, it is not known whether it was the meeting of enemies, or a desire for wealth.

Su Yi didn't care about these two people, since they wanted to fight to the death, let them decide the outcome first.

The most urgent thing right now is to find the real strong man, this is the business!

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