The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1308: Bi Zun's strength.

"Blood Yang Whip"

"Blood Moon Curse!"

Bi Zun looked at the injuries on the two of them, and he could tell at a glance that this was the main move of the Blood Yang Sect.

"Cannibalism" Bi Zun gasped in his heart, this secret realm is so terrifying, it can actually make two Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses kill each other!

"Elder Bi, it seems that the thief Su Yi hasn't come out yet." Fu Er, a disciple of the Blood Yang Sect, said softly behind him.


There was a trace of doubt in Bi Zun's sullen eyes. At this moment, the beam of light was getting weaker and weaker, and it should be in a state of closing, and there was no sign of Su Yi.

"Is he folded inside?"

At this moment, Bi Zun was relieved, if Su Yi died in the secret realm, it would be a good thing for the Blood Yang Sect.

Su Yi killed several elders of the Blood Yang Sect one after another, if he couldn't cut Su Yi into pieces with his own hands, Bi Zun would really be hard to get rid of his hatred.

"Su Yi's treacherous methods, the ability to use the supernatural powers of the imperial sparrow, and the mysterious wooden box and small spirit beasts in Youzhou, if they are really buried in the secret realm, I will go in to find Su Yi's traces. Right now, the only thing left in the outside world is that little phoenix bird!"

Bi Zun immediately sank his mind and ordered to go down, so that the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect quickly search for the blood of the Phoenix. If they find the blood of the Phoenix, our Blood Yang Sect will still reward a million three-star primordial stones!

Su Yi is dead, and the Blood Yang Sect can bring back the Phoenix bloodline, which is worth the loss of this trip to the secret realm.

Seeing that the beam of light was about to disappear, Bi Zun's bloody energy shot out all over his body, turning into a storm of blood and flying towards the beam of light. He had to enter the secret realm before everyone else and find Su Yi.

"Elder Nie, Mr. Bi Zun is about to enter the secret realm!" Tang Juan shouted in surprise.

"It's okay, just watch!" Elder Nie squinted his eyes, as if he had nothing to fear when Bi Zun entered the secret realm!

I saw Bi Zun coming to the beam of light with a flash, turning into a phantom and flashing into the beam of light.

All of a sudden, the thunder roared endlessly, making a terrifying roar.

The beam of light that was about to disappear and the immeasurable sun suddenly burst into light, and the immeasurable sun exploded like a giant pupil, a huge energy hurricane swept across and raged, and ripples and ripples in the space were turbulent.

The sun is like a mountain, the energy is constantly spreading, and it is so fierce that it sweeps towards Bi Zun.

Bi Zun's eyes were shocked, and a huge blood moon rose in front of him, resisting the energy of Guangri with an extremely strong posture, the fierce blood moon hit Guangri like a scarlet thunder, and Guangri exploded. There was a ray of light, trembling and shaking constantly.


The huge shock reverberated like the sound of the sky, and boundless sonic energy surged out, emptying towards the shore of the lake. The breath of destruction spread into the void, and the gravel stirred.

"Elder Bi is amazing!"

"Elder Bi is mighty! You are worthy of being a strong man in the Yuanzong realm of my Blood Yangzong!"

Seeing Bi Zun showing off his supernatural power, the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect clapped their hands and applauded!


Above the blood moon, Bi Zun carried a heavenly and earth-penetrating blood evil spirit, continuously bursting out scarlet vitality, vigorously resisting Guangri's suppression, as if trying to swallow Guangri.


The blood moon is overwhelming, and Guangri has the aura of destroying and suppressing everything. The two confront each other and refuse to give in to each other.

Bi Zun's eyes were terrified, the blood moon was turbulent, and an unparalleled energy storm spread over the void with a domineering and powerful aura. Bi Zun's vitality was scarlet and bloody, blowing Bi Zun's robes to the ground!


The sound of cloth being torn suddenly sounded, and cracks began to appear in the blood moon in front of Bi Zun, and the blood radiance suddenly rolled violently. Above the void, the blood moon was like a sea of ​​blood churning, and the terrifying aura reflected the sky, which was about to swallow up all vitality And do.

Following the birth of a crack, countless cracks spread rapidly like spider webs above the blood moon.

"Not good!" Bi Zun shouted in his heart.

"chi chi"


The blood moon turned into a blood mist and permeated the void, and the last ray of light from Guangri was like a heavy mountain that traveled through from ancient times, carrying a domineering coercion that finally defeated the blood moon.

The huge blood moon was crushed into nothingness under the harsh sunlight until it dissipated into countless fragments.

At the same time as the blood moon collapsed, Bi Zun's body quickly retreated in the void, the vitality in his palms swelled, his arms shook, and in the process of rushing backwards, his hands quickly formed seals, and three huge blood shields emerged in the air, Resist the boundless pressure of the sun.

"Blood Evil Shield!" Tang Juan's heart was full of awe, Bi Zun's strength was revealed at this moment, and he obviously still had strength when he fought Xie Wuxu back then.

Speaking of Xie Wuxu, Tang Huan was surprised that he did not see Xie Wuxu when he came to the secret realm this time, logically speaking, Xie Wuxu should not be absent.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At the same time, the three blood shields shattered, and the light burst out, bloody.

The moment the blood shield shattered, Bi Zun shouted angrily, his robes rattled, and Bi Zun shot out another bloody horse, like a bloody dragon, and charged towards Guangri.

In an instant, the blood dragon swallowed the sun, and the two collided fiercely in the void.


The light of the sun gradually dissipated under the bombardment of the blood dragon, and at the same time, the thunderous blood dragon also gradually disappeared above the blood sun. The sun and the beam of light shattered inch by inch at the same time, and the golden fragments were scattered one after another. The huge phantom of the divine bird filled with golden light, with a terrifying aura, formed a huge phantom of the golden-winged roc in the void!

"Hoo hoo!"

The golden-winged roc's body is made of red gold, its eyes are like gold, with an aura of domineering and destructiveness, it flaps its wings and flies like a venerable king looking down on the world.

The beast shadow is very huge, the beast shadow is lifelike, the golden eyes are like the golden sun, and the mighty power on the body seems to have traveled through the ancient times, and it can connect the sky and the earth, everything is extremely frightening.

All the people beside the lakeside were silent, they were all startled by the vision in front of them, their eyes were dull!

"Golden Winged Roc!" Elder Nie was shocked.

"It seems that this secret realm is related to the Golden Winged Roc! I didn't expect that there is a Dapeng god in the Chaos Realm!"

Tang Ju suddenly realized that if the golden-winged roc was in front of him, it would be reasonable for everyone to be seriously injured and comatose in the inheritance of the divine bird.

There is an ancient legend: the dragon has nine sons, and the phoenix has nine chicks!

It is said that the phoenix breeds nine young chicks, namely the imperial bird, the phoenix emperor, the peacock, the roc, the red phoenix, the raven, the green luan, the pheasant, and the swan!

And the Golden Winged Roc, like Su Yi's Emperor Sparrow method in the mine, also belongs to the Phoenix bloodline!

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