The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1310: Meeting an acquaintance on the road [fourth update]

Su Yi in the mask was nourished by the warm golden light, his body was filled with the vitality of the Void Divine Sea, his skin was faintly glowing, and his muscles and muscles were also full of great strength. He knew that this was the last gift from the golden-winged roc. Also leaving the secret realm under the protection of the light mask, Su Yi slowly closed his eyes.

When Su Yi opened his eyes again, the ripples in the space vibrated, and Su Yi walked out of the ripples in the space, only to find that he had returned to the vicinity of the lake, but not near the lake where he entered the secret realm, but the other side of the lake.

Su Yi was moved for a moment. It turned out that the last chance that the golden-winged roc said sent him away from the place he entered. There was a lot of life in the distance, and there was constant movement. dispute.

"I don't know if Elder Wei Hong and the others have all left the secret realm." Su Yi thought of the people in the Cangyun Palace who fell in the secret forest in the secret realm. Looking at the lake with constant noise in the distance, Su Yi's eyes trembled, and he decided to leave this place first. Think again.

This time, he and Xiaoshuai have obtained the greatest opportunity, and their strength has greatly increased.

Now that Su Yiyuan has cultivated into Yuanyang Tianlong Bone, his physical strength has doubled, and the strength of the ninth level of Yuanxu Realm has no opponents under the age of thirty, but he also has a deep hatred with the Blood Yangzong.

Holy Mountain, Blood Yang Sect, Nine Star Valley.

Each one is a mountain that he cannot overcome for the time being. Only by continuously strengthening his strength can he step on these goals.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. In order to avoid disputes, let's go back to the sect first!"

After all, Su Yi found a remote place, opened the mysterious space, and went in to check on Xiaoshuai's recovery.

Seeing that Xiaoshuai was still in a coma, his whole body was weak and weak, he took a deep look at Su Xiaoshuai.

Su Yi was worried that the Blood Yang Sect would still search for him, so for the sake of convenience, he could only let Feng Qi'er stay in the mysterious space.

After a while, Su Yi changed into clean clothes, dressed up as a young man in his thirties, and walked out of the mysterious space alone.

At the edge of the lake, the current vitality mask passed through the lake with dense water and grass, and landed on the nearby land. It was originally a huge jungle swamp. Walking through the swamp, it was a jungle, and there was a dense reed bush around the swamp.

"It turns out that this swamp is so huge, and there is such a dense jungle, it's no wonder that the secret realm is hard to find!"

As Su Yi walked, while thinking, he detoured through the swamp and came to a mountain.

Looking far away, a group of people standing in the nearby mountains were fighting. Su Yi thought about it and decided to go and have a look. This is where the secret realm appeared. The fight ahead may be related to Cangyun Palace and other acquaintances. Just walk away.

Su Yi restrained his vitality, quietly jumped onto a branch of a giant tree, and quietly observed the situation of the people on the ground.

Among the crowd, four or five people confronted a young man, all four or five were high-level Yuanxu Realm, the leader was in his twenties, Yuanxu Realm fifth level, very extraordinary.

On the other hand, the young man's vitality breath was in the early stage of primordial emptiness, he was wearing a white battle armor, his vitality transformed under his feet, and his wind attribute vitality erupted from his body.

The cultivation base that has just entered Yuanxu Realm can already be empty of vitality. The young man's body is full of strong winds, and there is blood left on the corner of his mouth. Obviously he has suffered a lot of trauma, but he can't hide the heroic spirit on his face.

Su Yi looked at the bottom at this time, and clearly distinguished through the clothes that those people were the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect just now. Bi Zun must have escaped by himself, and Bi Zun was furious, and ordered to search for him everywhere. Who else could it be if it wasn't Situ Muyang with that snowy wind armor, a light flickered in Su Yi's eyes.

"Why is he here? Could it be that something happened to the Divine Sword Sect?" Su Yi's mind was soaring at the moment, he held his breath and watched the changes below.

The leader was grinning ferociously, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

"Very good, fifteen or sixteen-year-old Yuanxu Realm, no matter which sect you put in, it's a monstrous talent. It's a pity that you met my Blood Yang Sect Liu Yang today."

Situ Muyang's complexion was pale, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and his hands were full of vitality. Under the soles of Situ Muyang's feet, there was a phantom black roc spreading its wings in the void, staring fiercely at Fu Dongxuan, gritted his teeth and said, "I said , I don't know Su Yi!"

"Jiejie... You don't know Su Yi, why do you react so strongly? Not knowing him must have something to do with it."

Situ Muyang, with a peaceful expression, took a deep breath, and the fighting spirit was surging. Behind him, the dark figure of the black roc rose into the sky. Compared with the time of the Ten Thousand Swords Conference, it was countless times more fierce. The raging black roc was like black clouds locking the sun Generally, they swooped towards Fu Dongxuan and came under pressure.

Liu Yang's eyes were extremely sharp, and he watched the phantom swooping in, not in a hurry or panic, the vitality around him was extremely scarlet, he shook his arms, and gathered a blood-red big handprint from in front of him to meet the phantom of the roc, crushing it away, and for a while , The wind was strong, and the huge fluctuations of vitality stirred up the surrounding gravel, and the dense forest was instantly turned into dust by the impact of destruction.

I saw a thin line of blood streaking across the air, and Situ Muyang slammed into the boulder behind him like a shock cannon flying upside down, creating a huge crater several feet long, which was shocking.

On the other side, Liu Yang took a dozen or so steps back before stopping his figure. He was inexplicably shocked. The fifteen or sixteen-year-old Yuanxu Realm was already so good. In two years, there might be a second Su Yi. .

"Senior Brother Liu Yang, how should we deal with this person?" the disciple of the Blood Yang Sect behind him said in a dark voice.

Liu Yang looked at the fallen figure in the distance, and said ruthlessly: "This boy is very talented, even if he is not Su Yi's person, he can't stay, kill him!" After saying that, he waved his hand outward, signaling the people below to do it .

Just when the members of the Blood Yang Sect were about to attack, Su Yi hid his breath and jumped off the branch by himself.

After dusting off his body, he looked at the Blood Yang Sect member with a serious expression, and concealed his aura to the middle level of Yuanxu Realm, pretending to be ashamed.

"No... sorry, I accidentally saw it, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now!"


Liu Yang looked at the person in front of him extremely strangely, but his cultivation level was not high, so he walked forward and looked at Su Yi.

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