The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1313: Situ Muyang's Strength

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

"Too strong!"

The gazes of the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect who were blown away were moved. They looked at Situ Muyang standing in the sky against the wind and two disciples at the third level of Yuanxu Realm facing each other, like gods, with cold eyes, judging the world. Where did the evil talent come from.

The two chief Xueyang disciples in the third level of Yuanxu Realm were completely moved, their eyes changed drastically, their robes were flipped, and their handprints were condensed. One flew to the left, and the other galloped to the right, surrounding Situ Muyang.

A huge blood-colored paw print emerged from the disciple of the Blood Yang Sect on the left, and immediately after that, a scarlet moon slowly rose from behind the disciple on the right.

"Jie Jie, you are very strong! Let me see how you can resist my blood burning claw!"

A series of ancient blood-red lines condensed from the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect. The scarlet eyes looked like a madman, and the claws were full of blood. They were as powerful as piercing through the air, tearing Situ Muyang to pieces!

At this moment, the wild monsters in the mountains in the distance seemed to sense the difference, growling in low voices and trembling secretly.

"Blood Moon Curse!"

Exactly the same as Zong Huai's unique skill in the secret realm, the blood moon rises, and the scarlet vitality is constantly surging, gradually becoming bigger in the void, with terrifying power!


Situ Muyang's heart was awe-inspiring, and with a loud shout, the ancient birdsong sounded all over Situ Muyang's body, reverberating through the void, as if it wanted to swallow up the whole world!

At this moment, Situ Muyang seemed to have turned into a human-shaped beast, the energy storm swept all around, and the void trembled.

"Chi..." The blood-burning paw prints came through the air, and five majestic blood-colored air dents tore through the space, and the space rippled and turbulently greeted Situ Muyang.

And the huge transpiring blood moon, with a ferocious momentum, suddenly disappeared when it spread to the maximum.


The moment the blood moon disappeared, the air wave radiated violently and scattered violently. When it appeared, it suddenly came in front of Situ Muyang, and the terrifying strong wind rushed out, blowing Situ Muyang's black robe.

"Bang!" Situ Muyang's figure was so fast that it dazzled people, the vitality under his feet surged, and when it was about to bombard Situ Muyang between the lightning and flint, a muffled sound and strong wind burst from the center of the interlacing. swept across.

The blood paw prints and the blood moon collided in the void, the golden weapon roared and clanged endlessly, and Situ Muyang left an afterimage in the center of the storm.


The pupils of the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect startled, Situ Muyang's speed was too fast, the afterimages overlapped, and an arc formed by phantoms flew across the air.

In Situ Muyang's hands, the dark-black earth-attribute vitality suddenly became courageous, and countless scales wrapped and spread, and the dark and deep scales shone in the void with a demonic but not evil light.

In the void, there is a faint roar of fierce birds shaking the sky, and the breath is overwhelming!

"call out!"

With Situ Muyang as the center, a mighty sharp aura swept over without reservation, permeating the entire mountain forest!

"Clang clang clang!"

A clear sound of golden spear resounded, and Situ Muyang threw himself in front of the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect like a fierce humanoid bird, and there was a figure of Situ Muyang in front of the two disciples of the Blood Yang Sect on the left and right!

"Psychic clone!" Liu Yang's eyes froze, and the scene in front of him was unimaginable.

And only Su Yi, who has reached the ninth level of Yuanxu Realm, could see it clearly, but Situ Muyang's speed was so unbelievably fast that he left two such clear afterimages in the air.

The sharp and murderous aura stirred the void, and the two disciples of the Blood Yang Sect turned into a line of blood in the air, and bombarded the ground like heavy shells, directly smashing a huge deep hole on the ground However, there is no trace of the two disciples of the Blood Yang Sect in the deep black cave.

The corner of Liu Yang's mouth twitched, Situ Muyang's strength had reached such a level.

And the eyes of the other seriously injured Blood Yang Sect disciples were shocked, looking at Situ Muyang who was staring at the sky, they were all dumbfounded and kept silent!

Liu Yang's eyes were heavy. At this moment, the vitality in his body was transformed immediately, and his aura was immediately fierce. A bright red sword appeared in his hand at some unknown time.

With a kick back, the sole of the foot stepped out, and came to a low-altitude place, looking at Situ Muyang.

Facing the weird boy at the first level of the Yuanxu Realm, Liu Yang secretly gritted his teeth. He was forced to such a point.

"I was careless, you are very strong, but after all, you are just a clown in front of me!"

Stern words came from Liu Yang's mouth, and as the words fell, Liu Yang's figure was illusory and blurred, the vitality in his body was turbulent to the extreme, and the strength of the fifth level of Yuanxu Realm was fully exposed, Liu Yang wanted to win or lose with one move!



An astonishing bloody aura swept across, covering the sky, the tip of the sword was raised slightly, a red spot of light was abolished from the tip, and the sound of blood surging spread faintly, filled with bloody brilliance, and a fierce aura waved out faintly.


A long blood-colored dragon surged towards the sky, like a majestic scarlet thunder, rushing towards Situ Muyang with unshakable potential.

The blood-colored long dragon that overwhelmed the sky and came straight to the void, and the disciples of the Blood Yang Sect felt the horror from a long distance away!

"Blood Yang Whip!"

"Senior Brother Liu Yang has actually practiced the Blood Yang Whip, that kid, die!"

Su Yi's spirit was cold and cold, and the Blood Yang Whip was exactly Li Changqing's move in the secret realm, crushing the bloody dragon that was heading towards Situ Muyang made Su Yi's heart tense slightly.

Situ Muyang secretly changed color, knowing that the opponent was going to strike the last blow, and at the very moment of the attack, he stopped drinking.

Suddenly, the vitality in the body gushes out, and the huge phantom of the black roc behind him gradually materializes, and the terrifying air wave sweeps in all directions, and the black scale claws are like a deep thunder arrow to meet the blood-colored dragon, sweeping across the void, piercing the sky kill!

"bang bang bang"

The black scale claws condensed in the air and did not disperse, three consecutive claws violently crushed the bloody dragon!

"Jie Jie!"

The two collided, clanging and clanging, the air was torn apart instantly, the sound pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks, and the sound waves were like wind and thunder, exuding an incomparable domineering and destructive pressure, terrifying to the heavens, and the Xueyang sect who fell on the ground trembled uneasy!

"not good!"

A trace of uneasiness surged in Su Yi's heart, and a palpitation and terrifying aura floated in the roaring gravel and fly ash in the space.

The sound waves gradually dissipated, and the entire dense forest was smashed into tatters, flames rose everywhere, and fiery breath rose in the forest.

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