The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1321: Not bad money.

"Muyang, why did you come to the Chaos Realm?" Su Yi didn't mention Shenjianmen, which was a hurdle in his heart, but he always cared about Muyang Suyi.

"Little uncle, what did you say, you left the space crack in the Shengwu Conference, and there was no news about you after that, so I have been looking for news about you." Situ Muyang's expression was gloomy.

"Muyang, I..."

Situ Muyang knew in his heart that Su Yi had resentment towards the Divine Sword Sect. Yun Lingfeng framed Su Yi, but the entire Divine Sword Sect did not blame Yun Lingfeng. After all, Su Yi was dead, and Yun Lingfeng inherited the fate of his ancestor In the future, the Divine Sword Sect will have to rely on Yun Lingfeng for support, and in the end Yun Lingfeng only got a mild punishment of facing the wall for three years.

Then to the Holy Martial Arts Conference, the death fight on the Holy Mountain, leaving Zhongzhou, and fleeing twice, Situ Muyang never gave up on the search for Su Yi. In his heart, Su Yi would not disappear so easily. Unknowingly, Su Yi became He achieved the goal of chasing in his life.

When Situ Muyang saw Su Yi, he smiled happily like a child in an instant, shining into Su Yi's heart like a ray of sunshine.

"Further back, I heard that you are in the Chaotic Domain, which has caused the situation in the Chaotic Domain to change. I will come to you non-stop as soon as I leave the level." Situ Muyang's eyes showed admiration.

"It's too dangerous here, you shouldn't have come here, what would you do if I wasn't there at that time!" Su Yi still had lingering fears, he wanted to see how much Situ Muyang had improved, and Chichi rice was sold, but Liu Yang had a sudden seizure, Almost died of blood Yangzong.

"What are you afraid of, little uncle, you are not afraid, and I am even less afraid!" Situ Muyang pouted, his brows slightly frowned, and his unyielding appearance caused the injured Situ Muyang to grin his teeth.

"Hey!" Su Yi looked at Situ Muyang, his heart fluctuated without showing any trace.

"Little uncle, in fact, many people in the sect miss you very much. Elder Su is very happy to hear that you are so loud in the chaotic domain. It's the first time I've grown up to see him so happy!"

Elder Su, who is short in stature, has a mountain-like awe in Su Yi's heart. To Su Yi, Su Kuangge is also a teacher and a father. When he thinks of Su Kuangge, Su Yi has an inexplicable feeling in his heart. How have you been......

"Actually, there is also my father. He has always hoped..." Situ Muyang looked at Su Yi, and he didn't know what to say. The Sword Gate was not what Su Yi thought, and Situ Muyang, who was caught in the middle, naturally wanted to see Su Yi return to the Sword Gate, and Yun Lingfeng couldn't get used to it either.

But when he saw Su Yi again, Su Yi was no longer what it used to be, with a high aura, and a peerless aura between his brows, let Situ Muyang know that he was getting farther and farther away from this man, and this man was also farther away from God. Jianmen is getting further and further away.

Su Yi naturally knew Situ Muyang's intentions, so he didn't answer, and the two remained silent.

After a while, Su Yi thought that there was also an annoying ghost in the Divine Sword Sect, Mu Yao, and asked casually, "Muyang, do you know Mu Yao's origin?"

"Mu Yao? Why did my uncle suddenly ask her?" Situ Muyang was not a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, and he had only met Mu Yao a few times. Mu Yang, who was young and inexperienced, had no interest in women. He only wants to pursue the pinnacle of martial arts.

"Just ask, didn't you mention the Excalibur Gate just now? She hates me so much, so it doesn't mean she misses me too?" Su Yi interrupted.

"Disgusting! Do you think everyone misses you!" Ling Qianxue spat softly, Su Yi's rascal appearance at this moment really made Ling Qianxue speechless.

"No, Qian Xue, do you still remember Jin Peng's promise?"

"You mean Dapeng Jinzhu?" Su Yi's words made Ling Qianxue fall into deep thought.

"That's right, Mu Yao is the half-demon body of the Golden Winged Roc, much more complete than Yanlin's bloodline. Back then, the golden beads of the Golden Winged Roc were left on the mainland. After so many years of dispersal, it's hard to say that Mu's might get them. "

"It's possible. The body of a half-demon can't be combined casually, and it's also the supreme monster of the golden-winged roc." Ling Qianxue nodded secretly.

"So if it's really left behind by Dapeng, I have to fulfill my promise, even though that woman is just as annoying!" Su Yi frowned when he thought of Mu Yao's unstoppable appearance.

"Hahaha, then I don't know, but I know that she was brought in by a Supreme Elder, and that Supreme Elder has quite a relationship with Su Elder!" Situ Muyang winked at Muyang road.

"Oh, like this, it seems that we have to ask Elder Su carefully when we meet Elder Su later!" Su Yi seemed to understand something in his heart, and said with a determined mind.

After finishing speaking, Su Yi took out a bottle of psychic liquid from his bosom and handed it to Situ Muyang, telling him to heal his wounds and hurry back to Bawangzong tomorrow.

Situ Muyang and Su Yi were not too polite. Seeing that there was another spiritual liquid, their eyes shone brightly, they immediately swallowed it, and began to meditate and adjust their breath.

Su Yi glanced at Muyang, feeling a warm feeling in his heart, and left the room.

Su Yi looked up at the sky, there were many stars, the night moon was like a hook, hanging high in the sky, and the quiet evening breeze was refreshing.

"call out!"

Su Yi thought for a moment, the vitality surged under his feet, he climbed up the wall in an instant, and disappeared into the night.

"Where are you going?" Ling Qianxue looked at Su Yi.

"It's still early, go out for a walk! Take you shopping!" Su Yi said mysteriously, with a smile in his eyes.

At night, there were still many pedestrians on Jiuxing City Street, the lights were brightly lit, and street vendors kept shouting. Su Yi quickly came to the tower-shaped Lingbao Pavilion in the midst of the twilight.

"Why are you here? Do you want to buy something?" Ling Qianxue was full of doubts.

"Tell me, if you regain your physical body, will you be wearing clothes or naked?" Su Yi raised his head and nodded his chin in confusion.

" are shameless!" Ling Qianxue followed Su Yi's train of thought, and exploded her elixir, turning into a trace of a ghost. If she regained her physical body, she would naturally not have a trace of it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but blushed and looked completely shy.

"So, I'll bring you to buy some clothes, we are rich now! Not short of money!"

Su Yi shook the interspatial pouch he got from the remnants of the Jade Cauldron Sect. Inside there were dozens of Dao artifacts, as well as various profound weapons, spiritual weapons, celestial-grade, and moon-grade pills. More importantly, there are billions of primordial stones of one star, two star, and three star.

The current Su Yi is just like a nouveau riche, so buying a piece of clothing for Ling Qianxue is naturally a no-brainer.

"Oh! I thought..." Ling Qianxue realized what Su Yi meant, and misunderstood Su Yi again. She was really ashamed in her heart. After thinking about it, it was Su Yi who lured her into the trap. Really cheap.

"Huh...?" Su Yi pretended not to understand, and while teasing Ling Qianxue, he quickly walked to the Lingbao Pavilion.

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