The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1330: Apprenticeship.

Covered by lush greenery, the courtyard is deep. Since Su Yi left, Nangong Ningyue has renovated everything inside and out. The residences of Su Yi, Xi Wuqing and others have also been renovated, which is very simple and elegant, yet luxurious. .

The breeze was blowing, and the golden warm sun in the courtyard was full of divine light. Xi Wuqing meditated in the courtyard to adjust his breath, his handprints condensed, and he closed his eyes to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Su Yi came to the back mountain courtyard like the wind, saw Xi Wuqing from a distance, and went up happily.


"Boy Su Yi?" Xi Wuqing opened his eyes immediately, greatly surprised.

Su Yi hugged Xi Wuqing tightly. After going through all kinds of troubles, Su Yi felt very kind and very happy to see Xi Wuqing.

"You kid, what do you look like hugging and hugging!" Xi Wuqing scolded lightly, but he was very happy to see Su Yi come back safely. He and Su Yi's grades are very different. In addition to his brotherly love for Su Yi, There is more love.

The energy in Su Yi's body surged secretly, and Xi Wuqing couldn't help but feel a little pain when he was hugged by Su Yi, which could make Xi Wuqing in the Yuan Emperor Realm cry out for pain, and Xi Wuqing couldn't help but look sideways.

"It seems that the opportunity in the secret realm has strengthened your bones a lot!" Xi Wuqing looked at Su Yi, his face slightly distorted.

"Hahaha, brother, I'm sorry, I was so excited!" Su Yi quickly let go of his arms, feeling a little embarrassed.

I have practiced Yuanyang Tianlong bone, and the bones from the inside to the outside have been re-smelted, coupled with the nourishment of the ancient dragon's breath, the endurance and the strength of flesh and blood are thousands of times the original strength, and every movement of my own carries a thousand times Jun's strength, how could Xi Wuqing withstand Su Yi's exertion without any precautions.

"I heard that you have made a lot of noise recently! Those villains of the Blood Yang Sect have suffered a lot from you, right?" Xi Wuqing's eyes lit up.

Since the establishment of the six halls and one hall system and the establishment of the shadow hall, many disciples have joined the shadow hall and scattered all over the chaotic domain to collect information. Therefore, Xiwuqing and the hall masters of each hall have received the news in advance, and they are happy for Su Yi's defeat of the Blood Yangzong. .

"Haha, it seems that my Overlord Sect's shadow hall intelligence work is not bad!"

"You boy, don't be too complacent. The most important thing is to cultivate hard." While Xi Wuqing was applauding Su Yi, he also did not forget to urge Su Yi.

"By the way, big brother, this is Elder Tang, this time he was the one who escorted me back to the sect from the secret realm, otherwise those pigs and dogs of the Blood Yang Sect would not be so safe!"

Xi Wuqing had met Tang Ju in the previous battles, Xie Wuxu and Elder Tang also escorted Su Yi back to the sect before the secret realm opened, so Xi Wuqing was no stranger to Tang Ju, so she nodded her head slightly to express her gratitude.

Tang Ju also smiled slightly, watching the two brothers reminiscing about the past, without saying a word.

Seeing the brotherhood in his eyes, Tang Zhuan thought to himself, and escorted him all the way to observe. Su Yi valued love and righteousness, and was extremely talented. It's no wonder that Yan Luo, Immortal Fairy, who is famous in the chaotic domain, followed him!

Xi Wuqing looked at Tang Juan, remembered Xie Wuxu who also escorted Su Yi before, and said softly to Su Yi.

"Boy, is it convenient? I have something to say to you!"

"It's just right, big brother, I also have some things I want to discuss with you, and you still owe me a big favor!" Su Yi's eyes flashed a glint of complacency.

"Joke, you are in the secret realm, what kind of favor can I owe you!" Xi Wuqing gave Su Yi a blank look.

"Go, just follow me!" Su Yi called Tang Juan and Situ Muyang to rest in the courtyard, and then dragged Xi Wuqing to the cave in the back mountain.

Qinghuang and Yinyang Erming watched Su Yi and Xi Wuqing coming, and said in a warm voice.

"Master, worship your lord!"

"You have come back with me, and you have improved a lot!" Xi Wuqing said in admiration. Everyone has made great progress when going out this time.

"Qinghuang, the three of you are waiting at the entrance of the cave, no one is allowed to come in!"

Immediately, Su Yi dragged Xi Wuqing into the cave, and Su Yi immediately opened the mysterious space.

An extremely rich aura of heaven and earth spread over the surface, and all kinds of herbs in the medicine stone cluster grew perfectly.

"There's another change here?" Xi Wuqing couldn't help praising the aura of heaven and earth glowing with a faint and immemorial aura.

"Master Xi Wuqing, brother Su Yi!" Feng Qier saw Su Yi and Xi Wuqing who hadn't seen each other for a long time, and hurriedly greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Feng Qier, your speed of improvement is too scary!" Xi Wuqing showed a strange expression. When she followed Su Yi to the secret realm, Feng Qier still did not reach the realm of Yuanzhen. Arrived at Yuanzhen Sanchong.

Martial arts cultivation base, every big realm is a checkpoint. Above Yuanxu, Yuanhuang is a very huge checkpoint. Before Su Yi entered the secret realm, he was already at the ninth level of Yuanxu. It is several times larger than the general spiritual sea, and it is extremely full at this moment, breaking through Yuanhuang is easy.

After breaking through the Emperor Yuan, an extremely deep foundation of vitality is needed. Su Yi hopes to make a breakthrough with a solid foundation and control the vitality in the Taixu Divine Sea.

And Yuanhuang to Yuanzong is an extremely terrifying natural moat. Countless people may not be able to reach the Yuanzong Realm even if they spend their entire lives.

After experiencing the nourishment of the ancient dragon's breath, Su Yi's body was greatly strengthened, and the spiritual energy in the mysterious space also began to have an old and ancient atmosphere, and the cultivation in it was even more rapid.

So Feng Qi'er was able to break through the Yuanzhen Realm, and there was a triple level of refinement, how could this appalling progress not make Xi Wuqing happy.

Rescue Feng Qier, heal Feng Qier, teach Feng Qier, faintly, Xi Wuqing has already treated Feng Qier as both a disciple and a daughter.

Feng Qier was very happy to be praised by Master Xi Wuqing with a rosy glow on her face, and said softly.

"It's all thanks to Brother Su Yi's mysterious space!" Feng Qi'er raised her eyes to look at Su Yi, her gratitude was beyond words.

Su Yi looked at Feng Qi'er, also amazed at Feng Qi'er's rapid progress, and turned to wink at Feng Qi'er.


Feng Qi'er understood, moved lightly with lotus steps, and slowly walked in front of Xi Wuqing, knelt in front of Xi Wuqing with both legs, and respectfully kowtowed three times.

Xi Wuqing showed doubts, turned to look at Su Yi, Su Yi's face was full of color.

"Brother, this is what I call human feelings!"

"Master, please be respected by apprentice Feng Qier!" Feng Qier raised her eyes respectfully.

"This is?" Xi Wuqing was a little confused.

Su Yi then told Xi Wuqing the ins and outs of the secret realm, how to help Feng Qier overcome her inner demons, and told Xi Wuqing the matter of becoming a brother and sister of the opposite sex with Feng Qier.

"Hahaha! Good! Actually, as a teacher, Qi'er has long regarded you as my apprentice!" After finishing speaking, she slowly helped Feng Qi'er up.

Xi Wuqing's face was red, and as Jue Ming Yan Luo, she had been walking alone all the time. Feng Qi'er didn't mention the matter of being a teacher, and Xi Wuqing would never take the initiative to accept apprentices. long-cherished wish.

"Qi'er will definitely practice hard in the future and live up to Master's expectations!"

"Congratulations, big brother, for accepting a good apprentice!" Su Yi said sincerely, full of joy.

"Hahaha" hearty laughter resounded throughout the mysterious space.

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