The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1346: White Kyoshi.


Vigorous energy rolled around, clouds moved in all directions for an instant, monstrous waves roared, and the ferocious and fierce breath was like a halo of energy, spurting and stimulating all around, like a huge wave evacuating.

"call out!"

The audience was stunned, and some with low cultivation bases became dizzy and groaned in pain under the impact of energy.

"So strong!"

"Who lost?"

Everyone opened their eyes wide, sensing the aura fluctuations in the center of the dust.

Dust was flying, and the gate of Jiuxing Valley was filled with wanton flying sand.

In the misty air, a figure retreated rapidly in the air like a kite with a broken string, and a cloud of blood sprayed lightly in the air.

"Young Sect Master!"

A strong man from Chirizong Yuanzong came to the place where Luan Shuo had fallen and helped Luan Shuo up.

At this time, a bloodstain flowed from the corner of Luan Shuo's mouth, and a fiery red armor was covering his whole body, like a living thing tightly wrapped Luan Shuo. There were still cracks under the rippling armor, obviously under great force.

Luan Shuo's eyes were sharp and cold, with extreme shock, his pupils twitched, his heart was terrified, his right palm drooped, his five fingers were slightly bent, trembling unceasingly.

"How can it be so strong!"

Within the Red Sun Sect, Luan Shuo's younger generation is already invincible. The person in front of him looks thin and weak, and his cultivation is only one level higher than his own. The power of flesh and blood is too terrifying. Just now, he felt as if he had hit a mountain range. Backlash, was directly knocked into the air.

"Are you all right, suzerain?" A white-haired old man beside him said in a deep voice.

"No problem!" Luan Shuo wiped away the blood around his mouth, his eyes were sharp and murderous, and he swallowed a mouthful of fishy sweetness.

"Boy, what's your name?" The face of the Yuan Zongjing powerhouse was black and blue, and the strength of the kid in front of him caught him unexpectedly.

"Bai Xuzi, why is he here? Ask him to come out, it seems that Chi Rizong takes it very seriously!" Xi Wuqing took a sip of his wine and muttered to himself.

"Hmph, my defeated general has entered the Yuanzong Realm, and I will destroy it with one palm." Fairy Wuchang's expression was cold, obviously she hated the Red Sun Sect extremely, and she didn't care about the cultivation of the strong one at all.

And the second-rate forces watching the battle were dumbfounded and stood on the spot dumbfounded, while Shi Susuyue's eyes from Cangyun Palace were even more amazed.

He actually became stronger again, Shi Susu came out of the secret realm by himself, Shimen took a lot of Huangpin elixir to help him get out of the soul damage, and finally improved a lot in recent days.

Su Yi stood at the same spot, Yue Zhiyuan Pavilion, very satisfied with Yuanyang Tianlong Bone in his heart, Luan Shuo's blow just now was no small matter.

The huge energy compression is enough to destroy the heavens and destroy the earth, comparable to the power of the Yuanhuang realm, but such a huge energy has no trace on Su Yi's body.

With physical strength alone, he could resist the thunder-like force on the flat ground, the corners of Su Yi's mouth curled up slightly, very satisfied.

"As I said, the dead deserve to know. You slapped me. It's fair and just. I'll slap you too!"

Su Yi stepped forward with the sole of his foot, his whole body was surging with vitality, filling the void, and he looked coldly at the people of the Scarlet Sun Sect.

"Master, let me come!" Qing Huang's expression was calm, and he quietly transmitted a voice to Su Yi.

Su Yi waved his hand, this is the boundary of Nine Star Valley, Yuan Zongjing powerhouse has killed himself, Su Yi is not very afraid.

"You arrogant brats, die!"

How could the Yuanzong Realm strongman of Chirizong have ever been insulted like this by a junior, and immediately a cold light overflowed, and a murderous intent rolled up into the sky.

Before long, Bai Xuzi burst out with a burst of vigorous vitality, his figure rose across the sky, and with a sweep of dust in his hand, a blatant wave of light pierced the air and slashed towards Su Yi.

Like an extremely hard and huge sword light, extremely fierce, wrapped in a monstrous power, the space seems to be cut through, and the space ripples.


Just as Su Yi was about to gather his vitality to fight hard, a strong wind blew up behind him.

A slender figure soared into the air, and the roar of breath was endless.

When the huge sword light was still two feet away from Su Yi, it suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

Su Yi looked back and saw Fairy Wuchang standing in the sky, her eyes were like torches, staring at Bai Xuzi deeply.

"Bai Xu'er, what a great ability!" Fairy Wuchang said quietly.

"Senior Sister Xiaohan!" Bai Xuzi was overjoyed when he saw Fairy Wuchang standing in the clouds with such a familiar figure.

"Don't call me Xiaohan, it's very good, you have lost all face of the sect, have you been reduced to being an elder for this small sect?"

"Xiaohan, I..." Bai Xuzi looked at the impermanent fairy with fluttering clothes, his heart choked up, he didn't know how to deal with it, and his heart was in a state of confusion.

Looking at Xi Wuqing behind him, a gleam flashed in Bai Xuzi's complicated eyes.

"Xi Wuqing, hmph, I think the recent rumors in the Chaotic Domain are false, so you really hang out together!" Bai Xuzi's pupils contracted, and a violent and incomparable energy surged out along with his vitality.

"It's actually an old acquaintance?" Su Yi raised his gaze, presumably there was a lot of grievances between the three of them, Su Yi stepped back silently.

With gloomy eyes, Bai Xuzi smiled strangely.

"It seems that you are that Su Yi. They say that you are the world's proudest. I see you have managed a few tricks from the old man today!"

Xi Wuqing unscrewed the gourd, took a few sips of wine, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a chill shot out from his face!

"Bai Xuzi, after all these years, besides fanning the flames, how have you learned to brag?"

Xiruiqing folded his body in the air, his eyes were cold and filled with killing intent.


With a loud shout, Xi Wuqing's whole body was radiant, and he stood in the air, with vitality rushing under his feet, and his handprints continued to condense, a huge phantom of a fierce snake appeared in the surrounding void, and the fierce snake spit out blood-red letters, extremely fierce.

The void is turbulent, and the breath is monstrous.

Overturning the air, the phantom of the fierce snake pounced straight towards Bai Xuzi like a horse.

Bai Xuzi's expression was extremely solemn, and there was a wave of white light in front of him, as if his whole body was covered with a thick layer of armor.

The fierce snake came out of the hole like a dragon, and the terrifying phantom landed directly on Bai Xuzi with the momentum of devouring everything.

"Mysterious Yin Fire Snake!" Wei Hong and all the people present turned their minds to resist, and the Xuan Yin Fire Snake directly surrounded Bai Xuzi with intense heat.

The extremely hot high temperature shot straight into everyone's heart like a soul attack.

"Is this the soul control method of Tianpin soul?" Wei Hong looked at Xi Wuqing's strength in disbelief.

And Bai Xuzi who was wrapped up was even more horrified, the monstrous phantom with a strong devouring ability directly absorbed Bai Xuzi's absolute domain.

Bai Xuzi truly felt that the vitality in Ao Liao's body was constantly pouring out, slipping away like water.

Bai Xuzi stiffened his neck and shouted hoarsely: "Xi Wuqing, it's impossible, how did you break through so much?"

Xi Wuqing roared suddenly, and an extreme shadow in the air flew towards Bai Xuzi.

"You are allowed to do anything wrong and learn forbidden exercises? I am not allowed to improve?"

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