The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1351: Confrontation

"It's fine to wag your tail and beg for mercy. For your own life, you don't hesitate to use them as bargaining chips for your meager survival."

Su Yi's gaze was lightning, like a superior, looking down at Luan Shuo, his eyes were full of contempt.

"Second-rate force? Is that how it is? Ruthless and ungrateful, but pious! Thank you for being ranked among the top!" Su Yi sneered.

At this moment, Luan Shuo was shaking like chaff, and every word of Su Yi pierced his heart like a sharp cone.

As soon as the words were finished, Su Yi raised his right hand high, vitality suddenly arose on the palm, and the fiery red vitality attribute surged out.

The waves of fire danced endlessly, and the crimson flames swirled above Luan Shuo's head. His right palm was as sharp and tough as a blade, and his vitality transformed into a long blade.

Under the light of the blade, strong winds swept across, and the fiery flames filled the air, hot and fierce, causing ripples in the surrounding air.

Luan Shuo's distressed face was full of fear and panic, his face was earthy, and there were water stains under his crotch.

"Ah... ah..."

The voice choked in his throat seemed to have been forgotten, Luan Shuo's pupils were occupied by the crimson light in front of him, his hands kept waving in the air, his face was as pale as paper.


Su Yi's hair fluttered backwards again, vitality flowed wildly in the wide meridians, and the blade light above his head was raised high, and it slashed down violently under Su Yi's cold eyes.

Daomang Taotian broke out, and the strong wind swept across the world, like a world-destroying blade, split from the middle to the two sides, and the trees in front were divided into two halves.

The rocks exploded, the trees were scorched, and the gravel shook, shaking the sky and the earth.

Luan Shuo closed his eyes tightly before the sword light fell on his head, crying with his head in his arms, his legs trembling like wagging.

"No! Don't kill me!"

In an instant, Luan Shuo uttered a bloody cry, which resounded through the mountains and through the sky.

"Although this Luan Shuo is rubbish, he is also the son of the suzerain. Now that the Overlord Sect is recovering, this kid won't really kill him!"

Xi Wuqing's face pondered, a trace of heaviness crept up between his brows, for fear that Su Yi would act recklessly impulsively.


Luan Shuo's hair was blown into a mess, and just as the fiery red sword light was about to fall on Luan Shuo's head, suddenly, an ice-blue beam of vitality flew into the air.

The ice-blue vitality and the fire-attributed vitality collided with each other in the air, and the collision caused huge fluctuations in the air.

A fierce and domineering momentum and a deafening sonic boom erupted from the low altitude.


Su Yi drank heavily, arrogance abounded in his heart, and the vitality of the Void Divine Sea in his body surged like a mighty river, extending the fiery red blade light for several feet.

The fiery red blade light burst into flames, sweeping in all directions and plundering the void.


The ice blue horse became more frustrated and courageous. When it touched the blade glow, it climbed up the rock like a living thing, and gradually wrapped the blade glow. The blade glow changed from bright to dim, and finally faded away. for nothingness.

Everyone present stared at the competition between the two rays of light, their hearts were immersed in shock, and they turned their eyes to the direction the ice blue horse was shooting from.


Su Yi's brows sank, his eyes rolled slightly, and from the corner of his eye he watched a group of people galloping towards him, and the ice blue horses were flying from there.

At this moment, Luan Shuo was completely stunned by Su Yi's aura, his eyes were dull and dull, as if he had lost his vitality, like a walking dead, he felt that he had already ascended to heaven.

"Who is it?" Elder Wei Hong raised his eyebrows and said softly.

"Su Yi is too strong, the vitality just now is stronger, it can actually block Su Yi's critical strike!"

Standing on the other side, an old man with a fairy-like demeanor showed admiration in his eyes. He was a law enforcement elder among other second-rate forces.

"It's him!" The old man's eyes brightened, and everyone followed the old man's gaze.

Several Nine Star Valley disciples in uniform uniforms landed steadily, looking at Su Yi with a dignified demeanor.

A personable and handsome man walked out of several cultivation bases slowly, but every step he took left a shallow footprint on the ground.

Upon closer inspection, a series of watermarks were actually footprints made of ice crystals. Step by step, the ice crystals quickly melted and disappeared into the soil.

"Nangong Hange!"

Wei Hong's mind froze quickly. Nangong Hange had been the city lord of Nine Star City all year round, but he was very famous among the first-class forces, but no one dared to underestimate his strength because he was a junior.

"Papa papa!"

Nangong Hange clapped his hands three times in a row, and with a curved mouth, he laughed loudly at Su Yi.

"Sect Master Su is very capable. Once Han Ge arrived here, he was lucky enough to witness Su Sect Master's heroic demeanor!"

On Su Yi's razor-sharpened face, his eyes were clear and clear, like crystal, and the vitality in his hands had been restrained.

The fluctuations that had just swept across the four directions gradually calmed down, and the Taixu Divine Sea in his body returned to calm again.

Looking around Luan Shuo, the vegetation ignited by the fiery breath was burning relentlessly, like red waves of fire rushing, setting off waves.

"Finally I can't help it anymore, have you come out?" Su Yi pondered in his heart, but with a faint smile on his face, he cupped his hands.

"City Master Nangong, I'm really sorry, but I made a mess of your former mountain!"

Luan Shuo at the side raised his eyes and saw Nangong Hange coming, his eyes were ignited with the flame of hope again, his legs were weak and he crawled towards Nangong Hange, shouting tremblingly.

"Brother Han! Save me! Help me kill this thief, Su Yi! Kill my disciple Chiri, and bully my elder Chiri, even I will not be spared!"

As he spoke, Luan Shuo wept bitterly, in extreme grief.

"This kid is very clever and sophistry! Death is not a pity!" Xi Wuqing snorted coldly in his heart.

The second-rate forces on the side also began to voice reprimands and abuse, and they all cheered for Su Yi and Bawangzong.

"City Master Nangong, you can't just listen to one side and believe it, what Sect Master Luan said is not the truth!"

Some elders and deacons of the second-rate forces speak out outrightly. Hearing that Chirizong and Jiuxinggu have a close relationship, they also want to see how Nangong Hange handles the conflict here.

However, Luan Shuo thought that with the relationship between Jiuxinggu and Chirizong, Nangong Hange would definitely not watch him being bullied and stare at some second-rate forces behind him.


Nangong Hange looked at Luan Shuo's embarrassing and self-important appearance in front of him, frowned slightly, and lightly transmitted a voice to the disciple of Nine Stars Valley beside him.

The Nine Star Valley disciple beside him stomped his foot under Nangong Hange's signal, kicking Luan Shuo to the ground.


Luan Shuo was ruthlessly kicked to the ground, dragging the wounds on his body, grinning his teeth in pain, full of shock and doubt in his heart.

"Brother Han, what are you doing? I want you to teach Su Yi a lesson!"

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