The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1353: The Inside Story of Nine Star Valley

"Please don't mind the elders and protectors of the various sects. It is not too late. Please count the number of people in each sect now, and immediately follow me into the valley!" Nangong Hange said loudly, the voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone in the ears.

"What a strong cultivation!" Situ Muyang's eyes changed color, and a surge of astonishment gushed out of his chest.

According to the requirements of Nine Star Valley's invitation, among the first-class forces, Nine Star Valley only invited Cangyun Palace, and the Blood Yang Sect had always been at odds with the two sects, so they were not included in the invitation.

Among the second-rate forces, if the core disciples of the sect were injured in the Jinpeng Secret Realm, the number of them can be limited to five people, and those who are not injured are also allowed five people. They can arrange their own arrangements, and those who meet the conditions can enter the Nine Stars Sealing Thunder Valley .

It was the first time for Nine Star Valley to open the mine-sealing forbidden area. Although it was dangerous, it would be of great benefit to soul recovery and cultivation. Therefore, all the second-rate forces actively sent elders and core disciples to come.

As far as Nangong Hange could see, the Cangyun Palace with first-class strength had arrived, and among the second-rate forces, Xuanyinmen, Wuya Palace, Ziyinglou, and Qingyanmen were all among them.

Among the original seven major forces, the Jade Cauldron Sect had already been destroyed, the young lord of the Tiangang Sect died tragically, Hong Qianglong was seriously injured, and the group of dragons had no leader, so no one was sent this time.

After the farce of the Red Sun Sect just now, everyone scattered like birds and beasts, some fled, some died, some were injured, some fainted, and they were unable to participate in the Thunder Valley Ceremony.

Nangong Hange did some calculations in his mind, and with the addition of Overlord Sect, the six top forces in the chaotic domain had already arrived.

After counting breaths, except for Chi Rizong, the others entered the Nine Star Valley on foot under the leadership of Nangong Hange after counting the number of people.

Su Yi and Cangyun Palace walked in the front together, followed by other forces. Shang Wangchen and Shui Yuechan, who had a good relationship with Su Yi, were also among them, but they didn't have the spirit of the past, and they were always a little tired He was sleepy, maybe he hadn't recovered from the injury in Jinpeng Secret Realm last time.

Nangong Hange led the way, introducing Su Yi and other forces while walking.

Nine Stars Valley, when the upper reaches the sky, the lower corresponds to the five elements. It is composed of nine valleys, which correspond to the nine stars in the sky, and are arranged according to the azimuths of Qiankun Likangen Zhenduixun.

The entire Nine Stars Valley just formed the shape of a Nine Palace Pavilion, and each valley had different attributes of the five elements. Therefore, in the cultivation of each attribute, Nine Stars Valley was known to be strong.

And the nine valleys are Tianshu Valley, Tianxuan Valley, Tianji Valley, Tianquan Valley, Yuheng Valley, Kaiyang Valley, Yaoguang Valley, Dongming Valley, and Yinyuan Valley.

Yinyuan Valley is in the middle, surrounded by other eight valleys, forming the totem of Jiuxing Valley, the image of nine stars shining on the moon.

Nangong Hange patiently and carefully introduced the function and orientation of each valley in Jiuxing Valley to everyone.

Nine Stars Valley has always kept a low profile. There are many rumors about Nine Stars Valley in Chaos Realm, and the authenticity needs to be investigated, so the group of people gradually listened with fascination.

On the whole, the directions above the Nine Stars Valley are respected, and the Valley Master's Mansion, the Elder's Pavilion, and the Confidential Sect are all in the north and adjacent sides.

Most of the outer and inner disciples of Jiuxing Valley live in the three valleys of Tianshu, Tianxuan, and Tianji. The three valleys are distributed in the southwest, west and northwest corners of Jiuxing Valley.

Therefore, the disciples of Jiuxing Valley carry out their daily training and learning in the three valleys, and they are basically not allowed to go out of the valley if there is nothing to do.

The mansion of the valley master is in the Tianquan Valley, which is located in the north, which means that the upper part should be the right of heaven, and the lower one should be the supreme in the valley, which means that the king is the king and is the only one.

Yaoguang Valley is located in the northeast corner of Jiuxing Valley, and it is where the sect of Jiuxing Valley is located. Zongmen treasury, confidential secret room, array map, sect collection, and spiritual stone pills are all in this valley. Those in charge are guarded, and the elders in charge enter to collect resources. Without the order of the valley owner, ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

Yuheng Valley is located in the due east direction. In Yuheng Valley, there are many small peaks, criss-crossing and criss-crossing, and the mountains are horizontal and slanting. Each attic is about a hundred feet high, occupying a huge area, but not crowded.

The attributes of the five elements in Yuheng Valley are gathered together without confusion, and it is suitable for any martial arts cultivation base to practice here.

In addition, this is a place where elders live in groups, and there is a great chance to see the strongest cultivation in Jiuxing Valley. Therefore, it has become the lifelong dream of every outer and inner disciple to be promoted to a direct disciple and enter Yuheng Valley.

The Valley Lord's Mansion and the Elder's Pavilion sandwich Yaoguang Valley in the middle, and the three form a perfect horn. When the sect is in trouble, everyone can retreat to Yaoguang Valley, or guard the sect in the fastest time. door cornerstone.

And Kaiyang Valley, located in the southeast corner, is divided into Jiuxing Valley daily organization, Law Enforcement Hall, Golden Hall, etc. are all in Kaiyang Valley, and martial arts meetings and martial arts tests are all held in this valley.

The guests from the general sect also live here, this time when Su Yi and others visited, Jiuxinggu also arranged to live here. Now Su Yi and his party entered Kaiyang Valley under the leadership of Nangong Hange.

Dongming Valley is located in the south, close to Yinyuan Valley in the middle, full of aura, and open terrain, less wild monsters, suitable for meditation. Generally, it is the first choice for each nine-star personal disciple to retreat and practice.

Yinyuan Valley is located in the middle of the Nine Valleys, it is the largest valley among the Nine Valleys, but no one has ever been able to go deep into the hinterland. It is rumored that Fenglei Valley is extremely dangerous, layer upon layer of natural dangers, very sinister.

And because there are constant wind and thunder all year round, the vitality of thunder is rich and strong, and the thunder of the nine heavens resounds endlessly, so it is called Fenglei Valley.

Feng Leigu has a strong aura, if you enter with a relatively shallow cultivation base, even if you have the body protection of your own sect, you will still be easily backlashed by the aura and will flow out wantonly, but your skill will be greatly reduced, because you can bear part of the aura of wind and thunder, and you will be able to serve you well. The ancestors who practiced in closed doors shared some of the breath.

This became a method for Jiuxing Valley to punish the disciples of the sect.

If there are strong people in the Nine Stars Valley who want to retreat, or are punished, they will choose to enter the Thunder Sealing Valley.

It is said that the depths of Fenglei Valley are full of strange flowers and plants, but except for the ancestor who left the pass, no one knows what the depths of Fenglei Valley look like. After entering, no one has come out again, so Fengleigu Also known as the forbidden area of ​​Nine Star Valley.

The disciples of Nine Stars Valley do not go in the direction of Fenglei Valley at all on weekdays.

While listening to Nangong Hange's introduction, Su Yi secretly thought that the layout of the Nine Star Valley's sects was similar to his own imagination, and they were all moving towards first-class strength.

Even though Nine Stars Valley is still under Cangyun Palace for the time being, with Nine Stars Valley's forbearance and secret rapid development, it will not be difficult to surpass Cangyun Palace in the near future.

"It's just why Nangong Hange doesn't fly to bring him in, but guides him slowly into the valley? Do you like being a tour guide?"

It's inconvenient to disturb someone who looks at a powerful person listening intently.

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