The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1381: Heavenly Tiger Power!

Wu's pupils shrank, almost at the same time, when the water dragon threw it down.

The fireball rose into the sky again, and immediately drew an arc in the air, and bombarded Wu Fang like static lightning, with a domineering and incomparable momentum, setting off boundless fire waves in the space.

The terrifying vigor fluctuated, and the space was directly torn apart by the fire waves, tearing out a dizzying space ripple, which fluctuated endlessly.

The flames were getting closer and closer, shining on Wu Fang's pale face, and despair appeared in his terrified pupils.

Before he could say a few words, a voice stuck in his throat.

Wu Fang quickly turned his energy into water attribute energy, retreated quickly, and tried his best to distance himself from the fireball!


Wu Fang shouted all at once, the palm prints in his hands began to change, and the surrounding water attribute vitality began to gather in the sky, and there were bursts of low-pitched humming, gathering from all directions.

Above the sky, water vapor pervades, which is very beneficial for water attribute vitality warriors.

The entire sky was filled with clouds and mists. At this moment, there was faint lightning and thunder, and a water curtain filled with lightning arcs rose rapidly.

There was a chill in Wu Fang's heart, and the handprints quickly condensed. The powerful pressure of the fireball attack made Wu Fang uneasy, and said in a cold voice.

"Haha, come on! Let me see how you can counter my lightning mine array!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Fang's palm print was faintly pushed out, flying up and down, the whole sky began to shake immediately, and the water curtain like a sky-shattering earth-shattering collapsed towards the fireball.

Moments later, a crimson flame pierced through the electric-filled water curtain and burst out violently.

Before the water curtain completely collapsed, there was a wave of fluctuation in the middle.

The fiery red attribute vitality pierced through the air like a sharp sword, tore through the water curtain, and bullied himself in front of Wu Fang.

As soon as it got close, space ripples emptied out one after another, filled with a huge coercive atmosphere.

In the fireball, an incomparably violent palm print burst out suddenly, like a deep breath from the ancient times.

The golden light filled the air, and accompanied by the sound of dragons roaring in the air, it slapped Wu Fang's chest fiercely.

Wu Fang's pupils shrank, terrified, before he could make a sound, he flew upside down like a rag sack.

In the sky, a group of blood-colored figures plummeted down, landing heavily on the bare flat ground.

Su Yi's violent impact, wrapped in violent power, caused Wu Fang to distort the space with a radius of several hundred meters at the moment when Wu Fang came into contact with the ground, and an invisible wave spread instantly.


The barren and barren land instantly formed a bottomless pit, and there was no energy in the huge black hole.

Before accepting the palm, Wu Fang finally recognized the figure in the fire ball, which was the extremely terrifying Su Yi.

"Su..." Before he could utter a word, the black scale armor on Wu Fangbao's body suddenly shattered.

I saw Wu Fang's entire chest sunken in, his pupils burst out, his flesh and blood were bloody, his bones had already been shattered, and he passed out on the spot.

The sky-shattering loud noise and the terrifying extreme energy exploded like a bomb.

It caused Elder Liu to look around again, only to see Su Yi's divine radiance rippling in the flames, and the fiery red attribute vitality surged against the wind.

Su Yi, who was wrapped in the vitality of the four attributes, was invincible and radiant, and slowly landed beside Wu Fang like a god, walking towards him slowly!

Looking at his elite disciples, they were already lying in the deep pit, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

During the fight, Elder Liu was heartbroken and his heart ached. Regardless of Yang Ming's attack behind him, he rushed towards Su Yi like lightning, crying with blood in his mouth.

"Son Su Yi, this old man wants your life! Give me back Wu Fang's life! Take my life!"

Su Yi in the distance was extremely stern. Looking at Elder Liu who ran away violently, Su Yi's whole body vigor surged again, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Murderous intent flashed in the stern star pupils, the fiery red attribute vitality has been completely replaced by the golden dragon light, and the golden light surrounds Su Yi like a battle armor.

"Good time! Is it the Xuanyin Sect? Bully my Overlord Sect! Don't get out alive!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yi's eyes sank, as if he had been prepared for a long time, the fire attribute vitality surged up, and his figure suddenly rose out of thin air.

The divine splendor was rippling, and the strands of hair were dancing heavily in the night sky. Su Yi's aura was even more powerful than before.

Su Yi, who was standing in the air, was like a young god of war who was about to be revived, and the aura on his body was filled with thunderous anger for no reason.

I saw the radiance under Su Yi's feet, one after another of mysterious and obscure ancient lines, accompanied by complex runes permeating the whole body from the soles of the feet.

"Eight Desolation Fury, Nine Ultimates Shake the Universe!"

Amidst a set of shocking shouts, Su Yi's feet were as fast as thunder, and in an instant there were endless footprints on the sky.

As soon as an extremely heavy footprint stepped out, countless rays of light blasted down suddenly, and the whole earth trembled, and the monstrous attacks kept falling in the direction where Elder Liu was running with a destructive and domineering momentum.

One kick after another, one kick is more powerful than the other, as if crushing the sky and breaking the mountains and rivers.

The sky roared, and the wave-like attack caught Elder Liu by surprise.

Between the high altitude and the plain, streaks of inexhaustible rays of light exploded like little suns, with an overbearing aura and majestic destruction!

"Bang bang bang!"

The void roared, the heavens and the earth were in turmoil, under the boundless footprints, the space was distorted, and the void trembled, as if it could destroy everything.

"What kind of technique is this! How can it be so strong!"

Elder Liu, who was constantly approaching, suddenly had a look of astonishment and astonishment. He responded hastily, and his palms shot out frequently, and the light came out frequently, bombarding with countless footprints all over the sky.

A series of sonic booms resounded across the sky, and the incomparably blazing flames and cold purple palm prints bombarded continuously and gradually disappeared.

When the blazing footprints dissipated, an ancient luck accompanied by monstrous energy swept across the world, like a small storm colliding with Elder Liu who had arrived in front of him.



Accompanied by lightning and thunder, an invincible scarlet tiger crushed Elder Liu with terrifying coercion.

The tiger roared at the moon like a thunderstorm, shocking the wilderness, and the sonorous sound resounded through the starry field.

Once the power of Tianhu was activated by Su Yi, the ancient aura flowed through like a wave.

The aura of the domineering and majestic beast is old and heavy, as if traveling through the ages, its terrifying power shakes all directions.

The ferocious tiger directly tore through the void and roared towards it. A huge and sharp paw print was shot towards Elder Liu's tiny figure. It was cold and sharp, and it was extremely sharp!


The sudden change of tactics was within Su Yi's expectation. After Jiujue shook the world, it was followed by another attack from the sky.

Elder Liu was caught off guard, and the fierce tiger claws hit Elder Liu directly and fiercely. The huge impact made Elder Liu do somersaults in the air.

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