The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1385: Misfortunes and blessings depend on.

The figure of Shi Susu appeared from the light of the star patterns, and the whole body was shrouded in hazy brilliance, and the wind attribute breath fluctuated continuously.

Seeing that Qian's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she was sweating profusely, Su Yi saw it, absorbing the power of stars from others, and fused with his own.

It should be very uncomfortable, Su Yi stared nervously ahead, exuding an unparalleled coercion, so he thought.

On the other side, the power of the stars belonging to the same sect was absorbed, and Wu Fang in the deep pit seemed to have a feeling too.

The power of the stars affected Wu Fang's soul, pulling out an extremely uncomfortable cry of pain from his heart.

"It's so uncomfortable! Help me!" Wu Fang yelled helplessly in the deep pit.

Su Yi and the others looked at Wu Fang and shouted coldly, without saying a word, with a hazy light in their eyes.

Capturing the souls of others and being captured, this may be the reincarnation of heaven! Martial arts are respected, if you want to blame it, blame your lack of strength!

Immediately, everyone stepped into the void, avoiding disturbing their minds, and no longer listened to the painful voice, Daodao's gaze was still fixed on Shi Susu.

I saw that the star halo around Shi Susu's body became more and more dazzling, and the light transmitted from the high altitude and far away was integrated with the light curtain.

Then it gradually disappeared, turning into countless tiny particles of light little by little, filling the halo of the stars.

The halo filled with mysterious star patterns kept humming and roaring, accompanied by ripples in the surrounding space.

The clouds and mist around the stars above began to gather, and the wind was running fast, the dark clouds rolled, and the thunder and lightning continued.

Thunder and lightning flashed, resounding through the dry clouds.



A beam of lightning blatantly struck Elder Liu's body like a pillar, and Elder Liu's bloody corpse was instantly scattered.

Su Yi and Situ Muyang watched from afar, and their hearts skipped a beat, they couldn't help closing their eyes, not wanting to see Elder Liu who had lost his head experience the ravages of thunder again.

Everyone who closed their eyes, in the darkness, did not smell any burnt odor after the lightning strike.

Curiously Weiwei opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him stunned Su Yi and others, dumbfounded.

Elder Liu's body was instantly scattered by the thunder, like a piece of foam being crushed by gravity, turning into tiny particles of light and rising into the sky.

The light and clear particles of light were instantly blown away by the wind, floating lightly in the air.

The star order on the side is like a magnet attracting Elder Liu's light particles to move forward, and all the light particles gather around Shi Susu's star halo.

Competing to squeeze into the halo, after a few breaths of effort, the energy of the star halo became more and more majestic, and the brightness became more and more dazzling.

In the deep and dark Kuang Xingyuan, Shi Susu's whole figure shines like a night pearl.

Her hair fluttered, and under the turmoil of the space ripples, Shi Susu's robes fluttered around, like a celestial maiden relegated to the dust.

At this very important moment, if there are second-rate forces around who see Shi Susu's fairy appearance, they will be staring at him again.

The divine light of the halo surged, sweeping up and down Shi Susu's body, and finally converged to the top of the head, pouring into the star order.

In an instant, the lines engraved in the Star Token shine brightly, and the next step is the same as the process of refining the Star Token for the first time.

Immediately, from Shi Susu's body's bones and snowy skin, in the meridian acupoints, the light of the vast and vast stars continuously diffused from the inside to the outside, illuminating the entire Kuang Xingyuan surroundings with brilliance and dazzling brilliance.

In the end, the divine brilliance and the vitality in the meridians merged into one, and the surface of the vitality was coated with a layer of star light that was much brighter than before, like a chain of gods intertwined.

Shi Susu opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes were clear, her vitality was much stronger than before.

Looking at the wrist again, the imprint of the Big Dipper and the Nine Stars is brighter than before, the seven stars are in a row, and there are two stars hidden under the skin that shine brightly and cleanly.

Shi Susu moved her hands and feet, the vitality under her feet rose sharply, and she jumped upwards, which was a distance of more than ten feet.

When it fell again, the orchid-scented wind slowly fell to the ground, like a goddess descending to earth, cold and lonely, holding the star order that has lost its splendor in her hand, the purple gold is black, mysterious and mysterious.

Shi Susu's snowy eyes were extremely pleasantly surprised, she bowed slightly, bowed deeply to Elder Tang Juan who restrained her vitality, and said solemnly.

"Elder Tang, thank you very much!"

Elder Tang looked gratifiedly at Shi Susu, who was so energetic, smiled and waved his hands.

"It's okay, it's a good thing to be able to recover! Our combat power has increased by one point!"

Seeing that the transfer of stars was over, Su Yi and Situ Muyang rushed over impatiently.

Su Yi looked at Shi Susu, very happy, and asked eagerly.

"How does Miss Shi feel? Are you fully recovered?"

Shi Susu's handprints were condensed, and a ball of wind balls rose rapidly from the palm of his hand. The extremely condensed power made Su Yi's eyes shine.

"It's as free as outside the valley, basically recovered, thank you Mr. Su!"

After finishing speaking, he handed the Star Token, which had lost the power of the stars, to Su Yi. Su Yi took it and glanced at it, then put it into his bosom.

Su Yi rubbed his hands together, his mind was running fast, thinking to himself.

In this way, with Elder Tang's secret technique, if there are a few more Star Tokens, the people of Overlord Sect and Cangyun Palace will not be afraid of anyone in terms of strength, and at the same time they can increase the time spent in everyone's Fenglei Valley , until the last opening time.

Such good news made Su Yi very excited, and at the same time calmed down immediately.

After pondering for a while, Su Yi turned his head and said to Elder Tang.

"Elder Tang has worked hard! But how many times can such a secret technique be used in a day?"

As a soul master, Su Yi knows very well that the power to pull the stars is like a soul master's daily soul control and refining treasures, it is a struggle against the aura of heaven and earth.

Not only does it require an extremely powerful soul force, but it also requires an extremely large supply of vitality.

It must be the top powerhouse of Yuan Zong like Tang Zhu who couldn't do it, so Su Yi asked.

"Twice!" Tang Juan shook his head helplessly.

Su Yi and Shi Susu were a little choked up, seeing the vision of heaven and earth just now, they dare not forget it.

Even Tang Juan in Yuan Zongjing only had two times a day, and they were all very reluctant. It seems that it is not easy for others to pull him smoothly.

Fortunes come with misfortunes, misfortunes come with blessings, and everything has advantages but also disadvantages.

Su Yi immediately felt relieved, the time he wasted here was just for others to look for the Star Token for him, the thing that made him a fisherman's profit Su Yi liked to do the most.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled into an arc, and he was instantly awakened by the shout behind him.

"Master, Wu Fang has no breath!"

As soon as Su Yi heard the news, it should be the thunder bombardment just now, which directly made Wu Fang unable to bear it, and died directly.

Immediately, Su Yi shrugged his nose, and looked at Tang Ju with some embarrassment, Tang Ju had already guessed what Su Yi was thinking.

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