The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1390: Giant Cloudy Tree

The ancient trees are towering, with dead branches and leaves, a quiet and dead silence, lifeless.

Su Yi thought to himself, did the monster-like woods cover up Tang Juan's aura?

Just as he was about to explore carefully, Yang Ming behind him restrained his breath and held his breath.

After a while, a golden light burst out in Yang Ming's eyes, filling his body with a demonic aura.

The rapidly spreading demonic aura was distributed in the woods, Yang Ming used the instinct of the demon clan to look for the same kind of aura, and immediately pointed forward.

"Master, over there!" Yang Ming called urgently.

Following the direction of Yangming, Su Yi saw a towering giant tree surrounded by several thick trees.

The tree is extremely huge, surrounded by dozens of people, and its branches and leaves are luxuriant.

The bark is mottled, and the branches and vines are entwined, like a horned dragon, hovering majestically.

Su Yi went forward, Yuanli visited, but found nothing, he pondered for a while.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath, raised his vitality, spread his wings like a giant bird, and flew up to the branches like an arrow off the string.

Between the giant trees, the trees are criss-crossed and messy, like a densely woven net, confusing.

Su Yi was looking for the exit while flying upwards.

The more he went up, the more frightened Su Yi was, the number of intertwined trees was shocking.

Dense trees interspersed with each other, blocking the space tightly. The huge trees are like tentacles, and the air seems to be twisted and torn.

This is not a forest, it is clearly a barrier of wood, Su Yi's heart tightened for no reason.

If someone in the woods can use wood attribute vitality, they can instantly have an extremely powerful killer.

Here, killing people is as easy as crushing an ant, becoming the king of this wood barrier!

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

After a long time, there was a commotion in the forest, and Su Yi and Yang Ming broke through the branches.

The two of them climbed a distance of hundreds of feet in the trunk of the horned dragon tree, and finally saw the clear sun and blue sky with clouds.

Standing on the top of the tree, the towering tree towers into the sky.

The entire forest is like a giant umbrella with no squares, and even one of the branches is several feet high!

At this time, Su Yicai was surprised to find that the entire forest was extended from the giant tree under his feet, and all the trees before were just the limbs of the giant tree.

Su Yi was shocked, how many years had this tree or Fenglei Valley existed with such a huge root system?

The giant tree in the sky, Su Yi has a bird's-eye view from the sky, and the bottom is like a fairyland.

The green leaves form a sea, the waves are magnificent, and there are crisp sounds of birdsong in the forest from time to time.

The green smoke curled up, rendering the low altitude like a blue cloud.

Standing on top of the tree, with a panoramic view of everything, Su Yi's brows sank, and the vitality under his feet suddenly surged, and he rushed towards Qingyan's place with one stride.

The closer he got, the stronger the demonic aura became. Su Yi used his Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu with all his strength, and the turbulent vitality in the Taixu Divine Sea gushed out and surged like a huge wave in the limbs and bones.

Flying close to Qingyan, Su Yi could clearly see that Qingyan was actually a limb extending from a giant tree.

The limbs split from the middle, forming date pits, like scars on the skin.

There is an incomparable evil spirit constantly rushing up to the sky, gradually forming the shape of blue smoke against the blue sky.

After discovering this, Su Yi exclaimed even more, the branches are like blood vessels, and the monster's aura is like blood. If this is a certain big monster, its terrifying strength can be seen.

"Master, this should be the entrance!"

Yang Ming stared intently at the cyan demonic aura that was like steaming water. The strong demonic aura made Yang Ming feel like a shower of rain, and his expression was very soothing.

Su Yi also had sword eyebrows hanging upside down, and cold determination appeared frequently in his eyes.

Seeing the demonic aura surging out of the sky, Su Yi knew in his heart that the whole big tree was like a small space, and Tang Juan's aura was interrupted here, so he must have entered it.

"It's here, the aura of the entire mountain range is gathered here!" Ling Qianxue's expression tightened involuntarily, with her black eyebrows and snow skin.

Without doing anything else, Su Yi and Yang Ming looked at each other, with a sudden vitality.

The fiery red vitality immediately enveloped Yang Ming and Su Yi, smashed into the green smoke like a fireball, and fell madly in the hollow tree trunk.

As soon as it touched the green smoke, the green smoke surged wildly, like a living thing, quickly pulling the fireball into the tree trunk.

Once entering the tree trunk, it was like falling into a pipe. The air was filled with monstrous fluctuations, as if there was a mysterious force watching, pulling Su Yi and Yang Ming straight down.

Su Yi and Yang Ming closed their eyes tightly, feeling the wind blowing in their ears, blowing themselves into pain.

The cyan-colored monster energy pierced through the attribute vitality like a steel blade, and scraped directly on Su Yi's skin.

Although Yang Ming at the side was surrounded by Su Yi's vitality, golden patterns surged all over his body, accompanied by deep dragon cries.

Blood was still oozing out of the white skin, gurgling, and the blood flow was endless.

Looking at Su Yi again, his skin was taut, the violent wind made Su Yi's skin bulge, and the strong evil spirit continuously ravaged Su Yi's body.

Su Yi clasped his hands in front of his chest, and the golden glow shot up all over his body. The four attributes of earth, water, fire, and wind were like divine glow, rippling with divine brilliance and revealing mysterious power.


Suddenly, the light on Su Yi's body became more and more blazing, and the sound of surging meridians in his body was gradually replaced by the sound of the roaring wind around him.

Fighting to the death with the violent wind, Su Yi's eyebrows, elbows and feet gradually had dragon patterns entrenched, golden light overflowing, divine majesty!

At this moment, Su Yi's body was continuously filled with vitality rising alternately, and from time to time, there was wind attribute energy mixed with him, and he was running the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu with all his strength.

Faintly, the mysterious light group in Su Yi's mind moved rapidly, releasing a blazing light, like a round of scorching sun, across the sea of ​​heart.

The surging Yuan Qi in Su Yi's body emitted bursts of air waves, which collided with the blue demonic energy and oscillated endlessly.

Yang Ming, who was getting weaker, was dripping with blood all over his body, his skin was completely red, and the sound of metal rubbing against the air was produced.

Yang Ming, whose five holes were completely blocked by blood, couldn't see the situation at all, his mind froze, his body relaxed, and he was pulled backwards by the evil spirit.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Ming was seriously injured and was about to be destroyed.

Su Yi's whole body trembled suddenly, his veins bulged, and his eyes opened wide, like a demon!



A beam of vitality shot out from the palm of his hand, Su Yi brought Yang Ming over and protected him tightly behind him.

The blood that kept flowing out blurred Yang Ming's eyes, and Yang Ming, who couldn't see anything, felt that Su Yi was fighting against the evil spirit in front of him, and suddenly a lump choked up in his throat.


Su Yi's eyes were bright, and he shouted angrily, resounding through the sky.

The vitality attribute of the whole body skyrocketed again, and a vast attribute vitality suddenly surged out of the air.

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