The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1535: Five Thousand Year Oath

"It's hard to get out here! Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. The belly of this soul beast is full of evil spirits that have been condensed for many years!"

Yun Jingsu raised her hand lightly, pointed to the dirty biscuits and continued to speak.

"Look at this dirty jade, it's extremely hard, hundreds of times harder than black iron, even if you use your star shock, it will take hundreds of years to chop!"

Looking at the endless waves of evil spirits lingering in the surrounding sky, like black smoke, the haze is uncertain,

Su Yi raised his sword eyebrows slightly, and remained silent for a while. After listening to Yun Qing's words, he pulled out the blade light from the half-believing Su Yi, and slashed down on the dark and dirty wall fiercely.


The fierce offensive caused waves in the surrounding air, and black smoke scattered in all directions.

On the other hand, there was no movement in the mud including the dirty bi, and the wrinkled dirty bi was as tough as black iron, not to mention traces, even a little fly ash was not stirred up.

"Don't waste your energy in vain! The reason why the iron soul is called this name is not only because it likes to eat copper and iron by nature, but more importantly, its body is like an extremely hard copper wall and iron wall, which is absolutely crushing in terms of cultivation. The super strong is unbreakable!"

Yun Jing nodded her chin, with a serious look between her brows, she murmured softly, "It is rumored that the iron soul is a huge monster that survived in the cracks in space in ancient times, why did it appear here?"

Su Yi suddenly felt slightly surprised, but without thinking too much, he said quietly: "Then there is no other way?"

Yun Qing's mind turned, her ghostly eyes shone like stars, shining like a rosy cloud, she held Su Yi's arm as she spoke, and said quietly with a satisfied look on her face.

"Yes, be my little husband, let's start a family and start a business here, and then practice together until we become super strong, and then work together to break out of the wall, how about it?"

"Okay, okay, let's go ahead and have a look!"

Su Yi really couldn't hold back this ghost spirit, immediately circulated his vitality, and led Yunjing to explore the depths.

After a while, with the help of the astonishing light of the stars, the two walked forward all the way, and the evil spirit around them was still as strong as ever.

Just when Su Yi was about to circulate the water vitality, the water-blue vitality vibrated violently again in the wide meridians.

Su Yi, who was flying in the air, immediately felt something strange in his mind, his body swayed slightly, and he almost couldn't stop his body in the air.

"What's the matter with you?" Yun Qing who was following behind asked with concern, the catkin gently pressed against Su Yi's back, for fear that he would fall down!

"There seems to be something ahead! Let's go!"

Su Yi also had this feeling in the forest near the holy mountain. This feeling told Su Yi that it must be because there was a clue of water crimson crystal in front of him. Thinking of this, Su Yi felt extremely excited!


Hearing this, Yunjing also had the look of excitement on her eyebrows, she was all radiant, the vitality under her feet rose sharply, and the green wood attribute vitality surged loudly.


Immediately, the two quickened their speed, and the sound of vitality breaking through the sky resounded throughout the dark space. It didn't take long for the two to see a place shining brightly in the darkness in the distance, like the Polaris falling into the night, extremely bright.

"There! There's something there!" Yun Jing screamed, pointing at the glowing place.


Under the light of the stars, the two figures quickly came to the luminous place with a thunderous sound.

Su Yi took a closer look, and saw a small remnant of water crimson sky crystal inlaid on the dirty wall, within the folds there was a bright and clean light!

"Remnants of the sky crystal!" Su Yi was slightly stunned.

The remnants of the sky crystal that he refined were given by the patriarch of the Li clan, so why is there a piece of the same remnant of the sky crystal in the belly of the soul beast? Could it be that the soul beast devoured it?

"I'll see if I can take it off!"

Yun Jing's eyes were shocked, and her hands were eager to try, but as soon as she touched Tianjing, her hands were pushed away by a huge and incomparable force!


The huge impact force threw Yunjing away like a cannonball. Yunjing spun around in the air like a bird with a broken wing before she managed to stabilize her figure.

"Damn it, this thing doesn't even recognize me! Is it because I don't have water attribute energy?" Yun Jing muttered, with an expression full of displeasure, crossed her hands, and stared intently at the remnant of the Sky Crystal.

Su Yi smiled softly, and signaled Yun Jing to back off and try it out by herself. After a moment of concentrating, Su Yi silently recited the Cloud Shadow Stepping on Frost Kung Fu, the handprints condensed, and the water attribute vitality in his body immediately surged wildly.


A fierce look shot out from his eyes, and with a shake of his arms, all eyes of ice blue horses whizzed out like a dragon, directly hitting the remnants of the sky crystal on the dirty wall.


The two collided, and in the dark space, blue light erupted, strong wind howled, and an incomparably vast and simple force swept away, causing the surroundings to descend like a hurricane, and the entire evil spirit space began to shake slightly due to the strong wind. .

"It's moving!" Yun Jing, who was standing aside, shouted excitedly, pointing at the remnants of the sky crystal that kept shaking.


Su Yi didn't have any extra words. He swept his long sleeves in the air, and a more surging water-attribute vitality poured out immediately, like a bright blue wave of light, soaring into the sky, and directly took the remnants of the sky crystal into his arms.

As soon as the remnant of Tianjing was picked up, the incomparably familiar sacred aura poured into the meridians again, and the incomparably vast aura was connected with the mind and spirit.

Su Yi sensed it carefully, and only then did he realize that this was another piece of Sky Crystal left by the Li clan.

It turns out that the Li family has two pieces of Sky Crystal in total, both of which store a small part of the energy of the Crimson Sky Crystal, one of which is kept by the Li family, and the other is delivered to the soul beast, which is refined by the soul beast The power in it, the legacy left by Li's ancestors still remains in the remnants of the spar that was removed.

The legacy is as follows:

"The descendants of the Li family have a destiny: My Li family, settled in Herbs God Mountain, regards controlling the soul as the righteous way, and takes keeping the crystal to find a predestined person as the important task of the blood.

Today, a legendary soul beast descended. The soul power of this beast is terrifying and boundless. It coincides with its power reincarnation once every five thousand years, and it was almost killed by a traitor. In exchange for the last piece of our family's Sky Crystal.

Nian Wu and others are weak, and there are many people who covet the sky crystal. Yu Li's Zhengde is here to pray for God's protection, and Li will not trust anyone. Now use the remnants of the crystal to cure the giant soul beast, hope to God, the ancestors of the Li family will learn from each other! May my Li clan last for thousands of years without end!

The descendants of the Li family must take this into consideration, if within five thousand years, there is any abnormal movement of the soul beast, trying to erode my Li family's Tianwei, they will be killed with all the strength of the whole family!

If there is no abnormal movement, we should treat each other as gods and beasts, offer incense to them, and use the soul as Li's totem, thank you from top to bottom! All generations of Li's descendants remember! "

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