The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1569: Controversy between Xu and Liu

Lifting his eyes, looking at the blue sky, Su Yi said in his heart: "Miss Li and Ah Chu should wait impatiently! We must go to the Excalibur Gate quickly! Let's go!"


A ray of vitality emerged from the bottom of Su Yi's feet, and his fire-attributed steps faintly flashed across the air before rushing towards the Divine Sword Gate.

In a certain place, among the green mountains and floating water, the scenery on both sides of the bank is like a landscape of splashed ink stretching for hundreds of miles.

Thousands of peaks are like stretching out giant hands to embrace the mountains and flat hillocks, meandering the mountains, and a river is like a majestic golden dragon winding and circling, with a majestic and magnificent momentum.

The river pierced through the mountains and broke through the walls, with a menacing momentum like a galloping wild beast. The clamoring river carried the sacred aura of soaring into the sky, and it was thunderous for thousands of miles.

From bottom to top, the hills that look like sharp knives carry a few wisps of milky white mist, like golden flowers standing proudly among the clouds.

It is full of terraces and pavilions, flying pavilions and flowing pills, and majestic Qionglou Yuyu is everywhere, just like tiny woven light strips.

The head of the cliff, like a knife and axe, stands above the sky, and the huge sect stands below it. At this time, a wave of bright golden light hits from a distance, and it walks on the waves, and comes lightly.

The leader was the dean of Herbs College, Xuanyuan Zhisun, followed by a group of deacons of Herbs, Shen Mo, Liu Xier and others, each of them looked sad and stood still at the door.

"Dean, should we wait for the summons here, or come to the door to apologize directly!" One person said respectfully, his legs trembling slightly.

Looking at the majestic mountains all over the sky, the mountains exuded an incomparably sacred aura like a god descending from the earth, the deacon standing beside him suddenly trembled, his back felt cold, and his legs trembled unconsciously.

Xuanyuan Zhisun was also full of melancholy, and immediately shook his robe, with a dignified expression, and said in a deep voice.

"You bunch of idiots, this is the end of the matter, what else can you do, the two elders, Xu and Liu, have left so fast, the Holy Venerable probably already knew about it!

"Holy One!"

Hearing this name, including Shen Mo, Liu Xi'er and others, their faces turned ashen with fright, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they were horrified.

"Let's go! Plead guilty! Don't let the Holy Lord descend on Herbs, we will all die then!" Xuanyuan Zhisun's face was covered with frost, and a gust of cold air surged like a cold wave.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

Everyone sighed deeply, and they all meditated deeply in their hearts, and then walked with heavy steps, crossing the golden gate of the Zongfu on the Holy Mountain as if they were concerned.

Inside the holy mountain, there is a hall with carved beams and painted buildings, shining golden light and full of brilliance.

Elders Xu and Liu, with serious faces, stood in the center of the hall talking to each other, as if arguing about something, Elder Xu's voice became higher and higher.

"Don't persuade me! I, Xu Zhengping, have been waiting here for so long, and no one came out! The more I think about it, the angrier I get, how much I have suffered all this way! Do you still want to be angry here! Let me tell you, Liu Feng! I It’s not Xu’s turn to have Xuehonglou yelling in front of me! Tell me! What did he do along the way, I’d like to ask the Holy One to ask us to protect such a little baby, What's the point! He's an outsider who doesn't think about the Holy Mountain, but I, an old bone, still want to think about the Holy Mountain!"

Elder Liu heard that Elder Xu's tone was getting higher and higher, his demeanor was completely lost, his face suddenly darkened, he said a little displeased, and shook his robe heavily!

"Elder Xu! We are all very old people! Don't you know what to say and what not to say! The matter of the five holy sons will naturally be decided by the holy venerable. Don't you see where this is? How decent are you, Hu Xiaoming? You are still an old bone, what a joke!"

Hearing this, Elder Xu, who was still red-faced and white-bearded just now, suddenly felt a little calm, knowing that he was in the wrong, stopped shouting, kept silent, and sat down.

Elder Liu took a deep breath, walked to Elder Xu, and said lightly: "Elder Xu, we have been in the Holy Mountain all our lives, so naturally our hearts are for the good of the Holy Mountain! The Holy One's heart is like a mirror, and no one needs to criticize him! But the Five Sages This time, son, maybe he is still young, he has no scruples, and he will do something arbitrarily, and he will be at the Holy One in a while, so how to say it will have to be weighed!"

Then Elder Liu added another sentence, and said in a low voice: "The holy mountain is so chaotic, I should have already detached myself from it, but don't take the initiative to participate, say this, and unintentionally praise that!"

Elder Liu's words were eloquent, and his words made Elder Xu's brows serious again.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Nine Saints and Nine Saints are the existence of absolute strength in the entire Holy Mountain under the age of forty, and they are the eighteen people that the Holy One cares about most.

But only the top powerhouses of these holy mountains clearly know that one of the holy sons is the most unique existence, and that is the fifth holy son of Xuehonglou!

The five holy sons, who were brought back by the Holy One halfway back then, behaved perversely, without any scruples, and acted boldly, but they were extremely powerful among their peers. At the same time, it has also received a lot of criticism from the top and bottom of the holy mountain for many years.

Everyone guessed that the reason why the Holy One favored the five holy sons so much was because of his extremely high talent and endless potential, which was truly a genius level, on the one hand, and on the other hand, because of his mysterious life experience.

In the holy mountain, the five holy sons have always been a topic that is forbidden to be mentioned in the holy mountain, and the fifth holy son has always been protected by the holy respect, and he has never been allowed to participate in large-scale scenes easily.

The strangest thing is that even with regard to the cultivation of the Five Holy Sons, the Holy One has always adopted an attitude of letting it go. It seems that the Five Holy Sons are already invincible at the same age as the Holy Mountain just by virtue of their own abilities.

Compared with the thirty-five-year-old Da Shengzi, Xue Honglou, who was less than thirty, was not a bit better than the Da Shengzi at that time.

"Elder Xu, please remember that our trip to the Chaotic Domain is only to follow the will of the Holy One. As for how to express other things, Elder Xu should understand one or two of them better than me!" Elder Liu said, turning aside the figure in the corner.

At this moment, a slim and graceful middle-aged woman walked out of the side hall.

She has a dignified temperament, no makeup, but the color is like the morning glow reflecting the snow, and the light yellow dress drags the floor, which is very suitable for the figure, and has a mature charm.

"Deacon Rong, enjoy your health and bliss!"

Deacon Rong also bowed slightly to salute, pretending not to hear, made a guiding gesture to the two of them, and said: "The two elders have been working hard back and forth, and the Holy One specially asked the two elders to rest here. It's so quiet!"

Xu and Liu were embarrassed and said nothing, they looked at each other, a little embarrassed, and cupped their hands again and again.

When dealing with Deacon Rong's gentle but forceful questioning, instead of being angry, the two became even more frightened.

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