The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1587: Yutian Ten Princes

The two disciples behind cast a complaining look at Su Yi, and said: "After the master came back, he ran to the back peak a few times, and after a while, the palace master retreated. After that, the master was replaced by the palace master." Blaming the blame, he was demoted to be an idle elder. After being demoted, the master simply didn’t come out, and kept retreating at Lingquan Peak, not going anywhere. The Griffin didn’t even care about it, it was Brother Tianchang who took care of it.”

"Also recently, Master summoned me, saying that you are coming, and asked me to be ready to greet you with a griffin at any time, and rush to Lingyue Peak without delay! Just now when we held the regular meeting of elders for Master, someone If you broke in suddenly and said that you had entered the palace, we knew that something was wrong, so we came here immediately to pick you up!"

"If the second senior brother takes the lead, it will be a big disaster!" The disciple beside him was still in shock, recalling the scene at the regular meeting just now.

"Let's go! As long as the eldest brother is not here, everything is easy to talk about. Let the master meet him before the deputy palace master!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Chang continued to sit on the wings without saying a word, his robes were fluttering, and his long flowing hair fluttered in the wind, like a hidden fairy.

A few people rode the snow-feathered griffin, a few jumped up, broke through the clouds and chased the sun, and within a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the middle of the Youzhi Peak.

I don't know from a distance, but there are eighteen small peaks above the right branch peak, like a support hand, with eighteen fingers of different thicknesses lying on the right branch peak, the whole Yutian Palace is like a giant's palm, giving birth to Numerous branches, leaves and vines are magnificent and unique in shape.

On the palm, there are clusters of auras, and the milky white gas shrouds the top of the mountain like a steaming cloud, and the higher it goes, the more it looks like a divine cloud, radiant and full of golden light, which is extremely magical.

Among them, each finger peak is extremely high, leaning against the sky, like bamboo shoots falling straight on the ground, neat and tidy, covering the sun and dry clouds, very powerful.

The eighteen finger peaks have their own clear divisions. On the mountain, there are luxuriant forests and bamboos, mountains of swords and trees, and on the mountain peak that Tian Chang brought Su Yi and others to, living in the center, there is a big writing on it. The word "Yue".

The brush strokes are bold, thin and firm, and the dragon and snake flying show a bit of insight into the hidden world. The strokes and strokes are full of the author's perception and pursuit of the way of martial arts and refining things. Su Yi rode and flew by, and he could still feel the mystery and unpredictability amidst the clouds and mist, and he couldn't help but secretly admired it in his heart.

"Good word!"

"This is written by the master when he lived in Lingyue Peak after he became an elder of the princes. It still retains the vigor and demeanor of that year!"

Tian Chang spoke softly at the side, his eyes couldn't stop the excitement, and when he talked about Master and Lingyue Peak, his heart was full of respect and admiration.

"Elder Guyue has several good apprentices! But what does Elder Wu mean?" Su Yi asked suspiciously.

Tian Chang glanced at Su Yi quietly, his eyes were full of surprises, it seemed that he really didn't know anything about Yutian Palace, when talking about Yutian Palace, Tian Chang immediately eloquently and with great interest, and he didn't care about Su Yi. With a dark face again, he introduced it eloquently.

The headquarters of Yutian Palace, with Yutian Mountain as the axis and Gongque Lake as the bottom, is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It gathers the core of yin and yang, gathers the energy of the sun, captures the flower of the moon, absorbs the aura of all things, and moistens the beasts. It is a rare treasure land for cultivators.

Yutian Mountain has been divided into three circles since the first division of heaven and earth. The Qiantian Branch Peak on the left is the place for the training and practice of the four schools of martial arts, alchemy, weapon refining, and medicine refining. The right side is the Dikun Branch Peak. There are Eighteen Fingers Peak, which is also the place where the eighteen most influential elders and their personal disciples live in the headquarters of Yutian Palace.

Because Yutian Palace has never been involved in worldly matters of martial arts, and only seeks to refine alchemy and tools, and strives for excellence in soul control, so these eighteen elders are the core talents of the entire Yutian Palace headquarters, and they have the most complete understanding of Yutian Palace. The prescriptions, maps, classics, secret techniques, exercises, etc., are the most important batch of talents in Yutian Palace.

Among the eighteen elders, the first eight elders are all responsible for teaching Yutian Palace, and there is a unified elder who is responsible for all teaching duties, and his soul ability is against the sky.

A leading elder is responsible for all the big and small matters and personnel control of Yutian Palace. The annual Yutian Palace Soul Competition is the most important thing for the leading elder. Martial arts, alchemy, weapon refining, and soul-controlling four factions, with two each for alchemy and weapon refining, and one elder each for martial arts and soul-controlling.

The reason why there is only one elder in martial arts is that Yutian Palace is mainly for refining objects and weapons, and does not pay much attention to martial arts, so it is enough to have one elder.

There is only one elder in Soul Control because Soul Control Masters are extremely rare, and good Soul Control Masters are even rarer and rarer.

The last ten elders are in charge of the big and small matters of the six continents, three states and one sea. They are collectively referred to as the "Ten Princes of Yutian" in Yutian Palace. .

The one in the center is the middle earthquake peak, which is incomparable in size and aura to the left and right Pangfeng.

"Zang" represents all the Tianwu Zhai, which is related to the lifeline of the Tiangong. Tiandan Zhai, Tianhun Zhai, Tianqi Zhai, etc. are all at the peak before the earthquake.

"Shou" means that the eye of the entire Yutian Palace's mountain guard formation is in the peak after the earthquake.

The "clumsy" middle earthquake peak is about the same size as other peaks, but the inside of the back peak is extremely huge. Even the three deputy palace masters and grand elders can only live in the front peak of the middle earthquake, and have never been eligible to enter the back peak. It is rumored that the area of ​​the peak after the earthquake is dozens of times that of the peak before the entire earthquake.

Moreover, the palace lord has ordered that no one is allowed to enter the peak after the earthquake, and those who disobey the order will die!

As for the ordinary disciples, guards, or visitors of Yutian Palace, they can't just go up any branch peak, even if they want to go up, they have to be accompanied by elders to go up the peak.

I usually live around Gongque Lake, and the houses I just passed along the way are the places where ordinary disciples study and live. But anyway, it is the headquarters of Yutian Palace, and the resources it can get are not comparable to the outside world.

Roughly calculated, there are only a few thousand people living on the entire Yutian Mountain, including the elders. All the Yutian Palace headquarters staff add up to only a few hundred thousand people, and this is only the size of a Herborist Academy.

But Su Yi knew in his heart that only these hundreds of thousands of people could fight against the entire holy mountain without fear. It can be seen how terrifying such strength is, and it is no exaggeration to count one against ten!

"Houfeng never lets in. Could it be that this Houfeng is hiding something? This Palace Master is also very mysterious." Su Yi mused, rubbing his chin and thinking.

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