The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1599: No coincidence

Su Yi heard that this was another bastard's words uttered by some old man, and then lowered his voice and said, "What is the reason for this? Besides, what is called excellence? Senior, please clarify!"


The old man Gu Yue shook his head slightly and said: "The palace lord has always been moody, and this sentence is not alarmist. The old man said that as long as you make the palace lord happy, everything is easy to talk about. If you make the palace lord unhappy, everyone can do it. Chasing you!"

After saying this, the old man Gu Yue paused again, and continued to speak in a low voice.

"Many, many years ago, there used to be a big man in the palace, who dominated Yutian Palace, and only won two first places in the Yutian Soul Competition. This alone is enough to disdain the entire Yutian Palace! Since Su Zongzhu decided to participate in the four competitions , then you must win at least two first places!"


Hearing this, Su Yi couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, his eyes were full of fighting spirit and strong fighting spirit, he clenched his teeth and said, "It's not just two firsts! I want four firsts! This lord of Laoshi, today I'll let you keep your eyes open!"

My Su family's whereabouts are still unknown, and I don't know if they are with the palace master. This shit palace master has started to threaten me. For the lives of Shiran and Ah Chu, Su Yi will fight as a tough battle !

"That's good! Try your best to fight for it. There are still three days left. I will let Tianchang perform basic operations and training on Shiran and Ah Chu. You and Miss Han try to improve your soul strength at Lingyue Peak. Battle, experience the existence of the soul!"


Su Yi and everyone responded one after another, and then Elder Guyue explained the specific content of each item to several people in detail, as well as some common ways to control the soul.

Afterwards, they each returned to the room. In the antique room, Su Yi sat on the bed and began to meditate and adjust his breath, practicing the art of controlling the sky.

This is the first time that Su Yi has devoted himself to practicing Yu Tian Jue. In the process of chatting with the old man Guyue, Su Yi found that his previous understanding of the soul was too narrow.

The wonderful uses of the soul are endless, and the seniors of Yagu didn't spend too much time teaching them. Afterwards, Su Yi gradually entered a state of concentrating, feeling where the soul is, and feeling the presence of vitality and energy around him.

The soul is also a way of existence of energy, and it is interlinked with the law of vitality, and then Su Yi gradually entered a state of "sudden enlightenment", and the breath of the whole person was peaceful and natural, just like an old monk entering meditation.

The divine radiance was rippling all over the body, and the rising breath seemed to come across the sky and the earth. The miraculous runes among the surging rays of light floated into the air like little snakes hovering, and came out from the celestial spirit cover. It was mysterious, unpredictable and wonderful. .


Wave after wave of breath in the body is like a river rushing, pushing into the air, and the fluctuation of energy can be felt outside the room.

Su Yi, Han Yurou, Li Shiran, and Ah Chu lived in a small courtyard. The small courtyard was simple and clear, and the pouring moonlight covered the stone platform with a silver-white mist.

"Hey, I don't know if it's right for me to come to Yutian Palace this time. Dad has always been worried about the Yutian Palace headquarters. I just want to give this group of old stubborn practitioners a blow and let them know that Yunzhou is still Wuliangmen. It's the boss, don't come to Yunzhou if you have nothing to do, go straight to Yutian Palace, so I must get the first place!"

Holding her chin, Han Yurou looked at the passing moon in the far distance scraping on the ink plate, and felt the fluctuations in Su Yi's room one after another.

"Is this guy still practicing so late? Do you want to go to him to discuss the details of the game?"

At night, it is easy to imagine that Han Yurou tightly pursed her cherry lips, a few red clouds flew above her snow-white skin, and when she stood up and fell down, Han Yurou was in the midst of a battle between heaven and man.

After going to Su Yi's door several times, and returning to the center of the courtyard several times, Han Yurou scolded herself, "Han Yurou, Han Yurou, when did you become such a mother-in-law! You are a bloody...a good daughter Ah! It's outrageous to be so condescending! No wonder Dad always says you're immature!"


Han Yurou jumped up and down on the spot, did some warm-up exercises, took a few deep breaths, and rushed to Su Yi's room.

Xue Baiyu lightly rested her hand on the door, but finally decided to put it down, twisted her face together, tapped her head lightly, and stomped her little foot.

"Oh, go back! What a pig!"


At this time, there was a rustling sound resounding in the forest in the distance, startled by the sound of birds chirping, and the deep roar of wild monsters, the roar was deep and deep, and spread into the distance.

"Hey, who is it!" Han Yurou frowned, and her spiritual consciousness spread out immediately, feeling the breath in the distance.

After a while, when she didn't feel any noise, Han Yurou gently raised her jade hand, rubbed the back of her head, and said doubtfully, "Could it be that my sensing is wrong? Hey, let's go back and rest!"

After Han Yurou left, a turquoise figure flashed out of the forest, her cherry lips parted slightly, and her voice like a song of a warbler slowly flowed out.

"Brat, without me, you'd be quite happy! Women don't stop!"


The wonderful shadow in the forest sighed softly in the darkness, and then tapped the void, and the few shadows disappeared little by little.

"Xiaomu, let's go!"


Immediately, a turquoise stream of light flew away, and the entire Lingyue Peak regained its quietness again, passing slowly, among the clouds condensed with spiritual energy, it was like a fairy dancing in it.

At the first dawn of the morning sun, the sun shines its own light on the Gongque Lake. The moment the breeze blows gently, the bright gold that fills the lake is like a small fish rushing out of the lake, tumbling and sparkling.

The gushing golden light shone brightly on the back of Lingyue Peak, and the gentle brilliance was accompanied by the clear blue sky, ushering in another morning of Yu Tianchuan.

Su Yi gently pushed open the door, and after a night of breathing adjustment, his physical condition has been adjusted to the best, and the incomparably filled meridians in his body are full of spirit energy that is galloping like a dragon.

Su Yi looked inwardly at his heart and soul, and within the profound spirit veins, the yin and yang rays of the second porch surged, very harmoniously, and the whole body of Tie Hunzhi continuously emitted a dark and deep brilliance.

He worked so hard, but Tie Hunxuan was able to sit back and relax, sleeping comfortably, immediately shouted softly: "Wake up!"

"Don't bother me, I'm exhausted, let me ask you, did you use your soul energy yesterday!"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

"Yesterday's mountain guard formation was a bit weird, and it actually seduced you with this second entrance, otherwise, even if you are a heavenly soul, how could you pull out such a powerful formation!" Tie Hunxuan said in a deep voice.

The second porch is formed by the fusion of Su Yishui Jiangtianjing and Tie Hunyu, and it is located in the mysterious veins of the spirit.

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