The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1601: Seeing blood today

Han Yurou was immediately excited. Su Yi noticed that Han Yurou took out the Tianpin badge and shook it. The difference from Su Yi's half-step Tianpin was that the light intensity of the seven arcs was the same.

"Why do you have a Tianpin badge, Zhongzhou Yutian Palace only has a half-step Tianpin badge!" Su Yi questioned.

Han Yurou didn't think so, curled her lips and said, looked at the badge in her hand and said, "When I was young, my father brought me for a test, and he gave it to me then!"

Su Yi nodded slightly, it seems that he still has to do a soul quality test when he has time, and the most important thing is to advance to the Tiandan Pavilion right now.

"Bang bang!"

Su Yi knocked softly on the door, but there was no response for a long time. Han Yurou crossed his hands, his beautiful eyes were condensed, and asked questioningly, "This contest of controlling the soul of the sky is coming soon, won't it be open?"

Shaking his head lightly, it's impossible, the more important it is, the more he should be open, Su Yi knocked on the door again and said: "Tianpin Soul Master came to Tiandan Pavilion for inquiries, please open the door!"

As soon as he called out, many people gathered to watch. The people who gathered together had a tacit understanding and didn't speak while watching Su Yi knock on the door. No one spoke, and some people tried their best to hold back their laughter.

"What are you laughing at! My old lady will pull out all your tongues!" Han Yurou felt annoyed, and stared fiercely at the onlookers with malicious intentions.

Seeing such a scene, Su Yi probably understood what was going on in his heart, his face immediately became gloomy, and his eyebrows raised.

Youyou looked at the crowd, and the boundless killing intent and ferocious aura spread out immediately, and everyone couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, dare to do it or not?" Han Yurou spat softly, her face livid.

Su Yi was neither in a hurry nor annoyed, and walked slowly to the door of another quaint attic with the words "Tianqi Pavilion" written on it, where all the weapons and weapons of Yutian Pavilion were displayed, and the disciples of Yutian Palace could use them on weekdays. Come in and out at will, borrow research, even a Tianpin soul master is not hindered by anything.

Today, "Tianqi Pavilion" is the same as "Tiandan Pavilion", the gates are closed, and there is no sign of opening.

"Damn it, this bastard who controls the Heavenly Palace actually makes things difficult for us!" Han Yurou was so angry that her teeth turned cold and her eyebrows frowned.


There were a few more laughs from behind, and more and more people were watching, pointing at Su Yi and Han Yurou.

"Isn't it just a celestial soul master? Which one of the direct disciples in Yutian Palace is not a celestial soul master? I really think of myself as a treasure!"

"Yeah, if you want to go out and play with prestige, Yutian Palace is not a place where everyone can come!"

"Let's not talk about strength for the time being, but our elder brother is powerful, heroic and handsome, and has high strength. There is nothing Su Yi can compare to!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Jun Haotian, we will see Senior Brother Jun Haotian soon!"

The faces of several female disciples were flushed, they were usually pure-hearted and ascetic, concentrating on alchemy, no matter how much they cared about the love in their hearts, now is a good time to vent.

Hearing this, Han Yurou's coldness spread, the water attribute vitality around her body immediately condensed, and her eyes flickered coldly.

As soon as the figure stepped out, he felt Su Yi's robe bulge beside him, like a flash of fire, he pushed and grabbed with his hands, and grabbed several men in the crowd.

"It's so fast!" Han Yurou's eyes showed surprise.

Su Yi's speed was extremely terrifying. As soon as he raised his palm, Hunyuan Supreme's unparalleled strength seemed to scratch the space in front of him. Ripples and ripples in the space swayed out, and a paw print broke through the ripples. The next moment, several The Yutian Palace disciple lay down on the ground in panic.

"You guys did it, right?" Su Yi turned around and had already returned to the gate of Tianqi Pavilion, looking at several Yutian Palace disciples with a cold mind.


The crowd of onlookers suddenly fell silent. Su Yi's strength and speed far exceeded everyone's expectations. Everyone's expressions froze when they looked at Su Yi, and they dared not show their anger.

Su Yi raised his eyes slightly, his heart sank slightly, and he said, "If you don't want to die, get out!"


The few timid ones weighed it up and went elsewhere one after another, ignoring the affairs here!

"Su Yi, what are you doing! What are we doing!"

The arrested disciple of Yutian Palace, his clothes were ripped in front of him, the veins on his arm that was about to resist just now were bulging, the bloodstains were deep in the blood, his whole body was locked by Su Yi's powerful energy, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

"Are you still asking me? If you don't recruit today, no one will leave!" Su Yi's complexion sank, and the anger in his eyes was like a volcano erupting. If he didn't see any blood today, he might be looked down upon.

"You are just a heavenly soul master, do you still want to kill Yutian Palace disciples!" The bound man's face twitched, looking at the furious Su Yi, he smiled dryly.


Su Yi sneered, the silver lights on the soles of his feet flickered, and then his body shook, a huge energy vortex formed immediately, the space ripples opened directly, and in midair, Su Yi stomped his feet hard!

"Don't!" Only then did the man realize what a stupid mistake he had made!


Immediately, tiny spider web-like cracks appeared on the ground in front of Tianqi Pavilion, stretching for tens of feet.

The gravel flew up all over the field, and Su Yi's robes fluttered, looking at the disciples of Yutian Palace whose legs had been crippled like a god of killing, spreading a domineering and destructive aura, looking down on the sky.

Seeing the power of this move, countless onlookers gasped. They didn't expect that Su Yi would act majestically on the ground of Yutian Palace, and his killing intent was so strong that it couldn't be melted when he used such a violent method!

It is rare to see such an evil spirit once in the fifty years of Yutian Palace! Immediately, among the crowd, some disciples fled quickly and did not dare to look any more!

Su Yi looked around the crowd again, his sharp eyes swept across the void, and he seemed to find something, his eyes flickered immediately and said: "If you don't come out again, next step, what this person doesn't have is his hands!"

Immediately, there were voices of abuse among the onlookers, and they yelled at Su Yi: "Su Yi! Who do you think you are! Playing wild in Yutian Palace!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yi used his palm as a knife, raised the knife in his hand, and slashed fiercely at the hands of the Yutian Palace disciple. "If you want to die, I won't stop you!"

The sword light turned into a scarlet thunderbolt across the space, and suddenly, a wind blade flashed out, resisting the spirit knife.

"Bang bang!"

The huge sonic boom produced by the collision of the two couldn't help but make everyone's ears tightly closed, and each figure retreated violently to avoid the invasion of energy.

The terrifying incomparable majestic force, the next moment produced a terrifying ring-shaped strong wind in the midair, with the two of them as the center, it swept out like a storm, and the whole space trembled immediately.

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