The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1603: Personal intercession

Ice crystals danced all over the sky, and the ancient scriptures of the Heavenly Demon started to work, Su Yi shouted loudly in his heart, and said, "Tianyuan Demon Soul, open!"


Immediately, the Tianyuan demon soul in Su Yi's mind was like a shining sun. With the speed of the ghost, the soul energy opened up, and the water attribute under his feet exploded into vortices, and the oppressive near future hummed in midair.


The blade attached to the strong man with the fire attribute flashed past, and from between the faint space ripples, a mysterious ice wolf at the eighth level of Yuanhuang Realm galloped out. In an instant, the entire space shrank tightly, and the overwhelming cold air made the whole world extremely fragile .

The beast roared to the sky, and its fierce pupils captured people.

The hard white hair all over the body of the Black Ice Wolf brazenly met the blade light of the strong fire attribute, and a dazzling light rushed from its mouth, and the strong fire attribute retreated to avoid it!

"The five elements generate and restrain each other!" Han Yurou immediately understood Su Yi's thoughts, the gap in soul energy, Su Yi wanted to make up for the difference in the five elements' mutual restraint!

Su Yi calmly felt the infinite flames coming towards him, a faint golden dragon pattern appeared all over his body, his handprints immediately touched, a huge incomparable power spread, and the entire surrounding space was directly distorted.

The remnant souls of barbaric beasts are much more fierce than the remnant souls in human form. The Xuanbing wolf succeeded in one move, and its wings spread behind its back. The five-foot-long wings carried the air of ten thousand years of ice, and it was extremely ferocious. The speed plus the heart-piercing wind pressure directly pressed the fire attribute powerhouse tightly to the ground.

"Ho Ho!"

The fangs of the Xuanbing wolf burst out, and between the electric light and the flint, the incomparably ferocious ice energy poured down between the necks of the strong fire attribute at the moment the fangs stretched out, and the flame crystals flew all over the sky, turning into A little bit of soul energy disappeared.

At the same time, a dull sound came from the sky, and the icy air seemed to pour directly into Jin Qianyun's body. In the air, Jin Qianyun flew backwards a few meters like a humanoid bird, and hit the floor heavily. superior.

Jin Qianyun's face was pale, and a stream of blood spewed out from his mouth. Despite the tyrannical icy energy to freeze his body wantonly, he couldn't break free at all. Between the cracks in the ground, his body was limp and paralyzed.

At this time, the Xuanbing Wolf had also disappeared, Su Yi's handprints were restrained, his breath was slightly disordered, and big beads of sweat flowed from Su Yi's chin.

"Win...won!" The onlookers were stunned, terrified in their hearts, the second disciple of Yutian Palace lost, unexpectedly lost so thoroughly!

"The third-rank elementary level defeated the fourth-rank elementary level with the soul control technique? Crossed a big realm?"

Everyone was in an uproar, including the teaching elders on the tall buildings in the distance, who had already come out to watch, and the eyes of everyone looking at Su Yi suddenly became subtle.

Looking at Jin Qianyun, who was dejected under him, and looking at himself in disbelief, Su Yi said coldly: "You said that life and death are without resentment! You can't blame others!"

Jin Qianyun's eyes were full of fear and panic, his thousands of meridians and body had been sealed in heavy ice, his mouth was covered with icicles, and he was speechless.


Jin Qianyun kept shaking his head, looking panicked as if he was begging Su Yi to let him go. Everyone looked at him like this, but they didn't dare to vent their anger. Su Yi's vitality and combat power were there, and at this moment, the soul energy surpassed him again. After reaching a great realm and directly defeating the second disciple of Yutian Palace, who would dare to step forward to beat him up!

"You said it yourself, go down and find your Senior Brother Jun!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yi's palm gathered a light of fire-attribute vitality, the aura was overwhelming, and the inexhaustible energy seemed to come across the world, and the right hand raised high seemed to be doing the final judgment.


Jin Qianyun is like an ant on a hot pot, still unable to break free from the frozen shackles by twisting, the flames roared like a dragon, rushing out of Su Yi's palm, cutting through the space, and cracking several spaces ripple.

Han Yurou stood aside, looking at the disciples of Yutian Palace coldly, with contempt gradually in his eyes.

Being stared at by Han Yurou, there was a sudden silence in the surrounding area, and all eyes were fixed on Su Yi's palm.


Suddenly, the ground of the entire space began to crack, and the broken stones shot out. Su Yi felt dizzy in his mind, and thought in his heart, he is absolutely strong!

The cloud shadow stepped on the frost under his feet, and Su Yi immediately retreated violently, stopping his body with a series of thumping steps, and quickly activated the Tianyu Jue to defuse the offensive.

After the dust dissipated, a figure in his fifties walked out from between the gravel on the blurred flat ground, with a high bun, flushed skin, and a very healthy spirit.

"It's Elder Tong!"

Everyone was in an uproar, the fight between Su Yi and Jin Qianyun actually drew out Elder Tong, the elder of the 18th powerhouse, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Su Zongzhu, you are indeed very talented. After all these years, old man, you are the second one who has surpassed a large class and still won!"

Elder Tong was also in the elders' regular meeting yesterday, so Su Yi had naturally seen him, and said in a deep voice, "Do you have anything to do?"

Looking at Su Yi carefully, Elder Tong stood upright, like a whirlpool, with extremely mysterious runes surrounding him, and Han Yurou's complexion changed slightly with such a domineering and fierce aura.

"Fifth-Rank Elementary Level is not something we can resist!"

The middle rank of the fifth rank is equivalent to the powerhouse of the fifth or sixth level of the Yuanzong Realm, and the soul attack is different from the vitality attack. Under the oppressive atmosphere, Su Yi felt an unprecedented sense of danger. The Tianyuan demon soul in his body was about to move, and there was a The feeling of swelling and expanding suddenly made my heart tremble.

Elder Tong raised his eyebrows, and said in a deep voice: "Young people's struggles are not divided into seriousness and life. Fighting for life is a common thing. Qian Yun is a rare genius in Yutian Palace in ten years, and you are also a genius soul master recognized by the Palace Master. If there is any damage, it is not a good thing for Yutian Palace! It is better to listen to the old man and let it go! Tiandan Pavilion and Tianqi Pavilion are still free for you to enter and leave. Whoever dares to stop him, the old man will be the first to kill him!

As soon as the words fell, the onlookers couldn't help showing surprise, and their mouths almost fell to the ground. Elder Tong personally compensated Su Yi for Jin Qianyun, didn't he? What kind of face is this?

Su Yi, who lowered his head to listen, slowly raised his eyes, and in his eyes, a bright light flashed out, and said: "The Yutian Soul Competition is about to come, but the disciples of Yutian Palace are unanimously xenophobic and intriguing. It doesn't matter if you don't enter the pavilion, if there is a next time, not only Jin Qianyun, but Jun Haotian is here, I, Su Yi, will not show mercy!"

After all, Su Yi took a step forward, with a thick and long soul breath in the fire-attributed energy all over his body, and a terrifying wave spread across the sky.

Immediately, everyone gasped and felt chills down their backs. Su Yi is a master of what he says, so he slapped him in the face, and he didn't give Elder Tong any face at all.

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