The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1605: The night breaks into the epicenter [three more]

In the quaint small room, Su Yi concentrated on practicing the Art of Controlling the Sky, with his hands on his lap, his body was constantly glowing with divine and mysterious runes, and flowing brilliance flowed out continuously, like divine splendor rippling.

Spiritual consciousness gradually covered the entire Lingyue Peak, all the herbs and flowers, every blow and every movement could be felt by Su Yi.


Su Yi opened his eyes immediately, there was a sound of breaking through the air outside the house, and a small metal clanging sound gradually fell.

"Strong one!" Su Yi suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes brightened, and he could feel a hidden and excellent aura quietly passing away outside the house.

"Senior Guyue?"

Su Yi immediately got up and pushed open the door, only to see the moonlight pouring down like quicksilver in the small courtyard, where there were no figures, only the few shadows swaying in the night wind.

Just as he was about to return to the room, Su Yi suddenly turned his head, and there was a small cauldron-like thing standing upright on the stone platform in the small courtyard. It was glowing strangely under the moonlight, and the strange purple light was extremely dazzling.

The light was soaring into the sky, and the purple and strange flames continued to rise. In the dazzling flames, Su Yi took a closer look and saw clearly that it was the exquisite and translucent Sifang Ding, which was the Purple Flame Yang Ding that was close to Yunjing that day.

At this time, the whole body of the Ziyan Yang Ding Fang Ding is lavender, with four legs supporting the whole body, and ears derived from the mouth of the tripod.

The long, thick and old aura seemed to come from ancient times, and under the light of the moonlight, an incomparably fierce wave was released in the void.

Su Yi dashed up to the stone platform, grabbed the small cauldron, and exclaimed in surprise, "Ziyanyang cauldron?"

After examining it carefully, he confirmed that it was the Ziyan Yangding that he and Yunjing got that day, and said softly: "Ziyanyangding! Why is it here! Could it be that Jing'er is here too?"

Looking around, the surrounding sky was slowly filled with aura, and there was no trace of any human figure, so I was very anxious.

"Jing'er, it must be that Jing'er knew that I needed the fire cauldron, so she specially sent the fire cauldron to me!"

Su Yi was 10,000 convinced that this was what Yunjing did, but why didn't Yunjing show up to meet her?

Immediately, the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu was activated, and the strong waves of Yutian Jue Wuchao surged like a tide, and then the soles of his feet suddenly stomped the void, and a monstrous force surged out of his body, rushing towards the distant mountains and forests.

Above the void, Su Yi swayed and swayed to the extreme speed, like a phantom of a fire butterfly flying rapidly in the air, twisting and turning in the air, and flew over several mountain peaks in a few moments.

"Old man, wake up!"

"Hmm!" Hun Yu was still resting in the porch, opened his misty eyes, not knowing what happened.

Feeling the bursts of fluctuations released from Su Yi's arms, Tie Hunyu said in surprise: "Hey! Ziyan Yangding! Isn't this at Yun girl's place!"

"Yeah, Jing'er must be nearby, but why don't you come to see me! Help me feel Yunjing's aura! Her cultivation has skyrocketed, and it's hard for me to feel it!"

Hearing this, Hun Yao's expression suddenly became solemn, black light trembled in the deep fierce eyes, majestic true energy burst out, and the energy spread out.

"I can't find it! Yunjing is an extraordinary girl, and after she got the benefits, she is even more extraordinary. She has long since fled far away without a trace!"

Su Yi stepped on the mysterious sky, and the mountains at night were blowing, Shen Yi's eyes were full of disappointment, looking at the distant mountains and forests, with his robes bulging, Su Yi didn't know where to go.

"Since you're here, why don't you show up to meet me! What have I done?"

It was the first time that Tie Hunxuan saw Su Yi so lost, and he was speechless for a moment.

"Since Yun girl sent you the Purple Flame Yang Cauldron, she must be paying attention to your movements all the time, you must not lose confidence!" Tie Hunxuan comforted with a solemn expression.

Reining in his breath, Su Yi raised his hand and nodded his chin, and said, "Since Jing'er gave me the Purple Flame Yangding Cauldron, she must also hope that I can win the first place in the Heaven Controlling Soul Competition! Forget it! Prepare well for the Heaven Controlling Soul Competition first." !"


At this time, a few black figures drifted between the mountains and forests in the distance. Under the moonlight, they looked like a few black human-shaped black birds.

"There are people there!" Tie Hunxuan whispered.

Su Yi immediately restrained his breath, but unexpectedly, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a strong soul energy gathered between the sky and the earth, and along the air, it directly crushed towards Su Yi!


Su Yi had already had a bad feeling in his heart, it was the strength of the first grade of the fourth rank, but in just a moment, the figure on the distant mountain peak activated a more violent coercion, which struck like lightning.

The violent power suddenly appeared, and when he slashed down, the whole void trembled suddenly, and at that moment, the fire attribute energy in Su Yi's hand suddenly surged, and countless fist marks collided with the pressure instantly, sparks flew everywhere.

The two collided with each other, and the space ripples swept away like a stormy sea. The energy of the whole world roared out between the mountain peaks, turning into a series of substantial attacks that shrouded the mountain.

Dust filled the sky, and the void hummed!

The muffled sound was extremely loud in the silent world, and the terrifying impact was instantly covered by another wave of coercion. The whole world trembled, as if being oppressed, and constantly fluctuated.

"Who is it!" Su Yi growled in his heart, obviously these people came rushing towards him, taking advantage of the time when he came out, to attack him.

Visible to the naked eye, the souls of several figures in the distance fluctuated extremely violently. It seemed that they came here after being fully prepared. Su Yi suddenly thought carefully in his heart. Senior Guyue went to find other princes and elders. If he returned directly to Lingyue Peak If it is known that Gu Yue is not there, it may cause a catastrophe.

"Go to the peak before the epicenter!"

After making up his mind, even the people from the Yutian Palace would not dare to kill at will in the Qianfeng Peak. After reaching the Qianfeng Peak, there will naturally be a way to reveal the true colors of these people.


Su Yi's eyes were full of murderous intent, and the anger emanating from his body was like a volcanic eruption. No matter who threatened him tonight, Su Yi would definitely repay him a hundredfold!

Suddenly, Su Yi's figure flashed, and the palm print changed from his palm, a fist print suddenly broke the pressure, and under the influence of Yu Tian Jue, the fist print shattered the void.

Outrageously, the entire space seemed to have been completely solidified at this moment, and an incomparably powerful energy breath swept out like a hurricane in the fist prints all over the sky. film.

"Get away!"

The three black shadows obviously did not expect that Su Yi would take such an extreme way to confront each other head-on. The three of them separated in three directions like a trident. The moment they separated suddenly, a milky white vortex rose under Su Yi's feet.

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