The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1643: Two thousand meters! :

"Xiaobai, this time it's up to you to take us to a distance of five kilometers!" Su Yi sighed softly.

Although I have only met Bai Jiaoshen a few times, I can still feel that this remnant soul that has begun to materialize seems to have a very deep fate with me, and the aura on my body is also very familiar.

The White Flood Flood God just now was a little sluggish because of the long journey and being attacked by Duanmu Xiaoman several times, Su Yi felt extremely distressed.

This time, it is extremely rare to be able to be seduced by Su Yi again. Right now, Su Yi is using his soul energy to constantly seduce the White Flood Dragon, stroking the white dragon's giant head, hoping that the White Flood God can understand and persist until the end deep.


When Ah Chu and the others were shocked, Su Yi was instantly carried on the beast's head by God Bai Jiao, and his figure was proud and extremely martial.

At the same time, the White Flood Dragon God opened his bloody mouth, and a huge black hole spread like a terrifying power to devour everything. He sucked in a mouthful of sea water, turned his long neck back, and spit it out in an instant.


The monstrous jet of water sprayed out, and only heard a terrifying roar, which spread back and forth throughout the Broken Sword Deep Sea like a dragon's chant, like a sea god calling.

The space ripples in front of him were violently shaken away in an instant, and under the majestic power of the sound waves, they shattered the seawater space in front of them. How could the Bai Jiao God, who was originally a remnant soul, be afraid of the coercion of the soul!

Bai Jiaoshen brought Tian Chang and the others along, and continuously moved the seawater along the terrifying sound wave space. The sound of the dragon's chant and the sound waves generated by the terrifying vortex cavity attacked each other.

The space ripples in the sea water instantly resembled a shattered lens, and then the dragon god spread his wings backwards, flapped vigorously, and shot forward like a cannonball.

In the gap, the five of them rode the White Flood Dragon God and swam to the position of five thousand meters. They began to condense their soul power and preserve their strength.

"What a fast speed! How could it be so fast!"

On the high cliff, all the elders who looked at the light curtain were surprised and puzzled, and said, "What's the matter? The speed of the few people who stopped just now started to speed up again in an instant, and the speed of the five people is the same?"


The shocking roar rising from the bottom of the sea instantly roared through the entire space, like a boundless wave, weaving a water wall high in the sky, and instantly shattering the void inch by inch.

The clouds dissipated, and the golden sun hung in the air!

"Cheating! This kid is cheating!" Some ordinary elders immediately realized what was going on.

"This sound is clearly the roar of the White Flood Dragon God! This kid lures out the White Flood Flood Dragon God and asks the White Flood Flood Dragon God to lead them into the bottom of the sea!"

"Damn it, no way! Disqualify him from the competition!"

"Cheat, cheat! Stop the game!"

All the elders cursed one after another, and the surging tsunami was just like their mood at this time, for fear that their disciples would suffer a big loss! I also want to completely mess up the whole game!

Long Poshan looked at a group of ordinary elders and said, "What are your names? The alchemy and weapon refining group, which group of our princes and elders did not send people to help you? The soul-controlling person sneaked in without using the soul-controlling technique. Do you blame others for being strong?"

One of the ordinary elders stood up and said to Long Poshan: "Elder Long, you are biased when you say that. If this is the case, what is the comparison? Just be better than someone who finds it!"

"Tell me again!" Long Poshan unexpectedly someone dared to criticize him. As the sub-master of Yutian Palace in the Tianlong Continent, he has always talked about a big one, and he is also the big brother among the elders of the princes. It means that there is no difference, the existence of supreme authority.

Seeing that there are ordinary elders challenging him now, Long Poshanhuo did not fight alone, and when he was about to rush forward to argue, he was desperately held back by several other princely elders!

Duanmu Xiaoman waved his hand lightly, motioning everyone to shut up, and said: "If you can also seduce the White Flood Dragon God, I don't care! The Mountain Guardian God of Yutian Palace is actually an outsider! Where is the face of this person!"

As soon as these words came out, the ordinary elders who were still blushing just now had blood in their eyes, and they gritted their teeth tightly, not daring to get angry.

When Duanmu Xiaoman said this, it was obvious that he wanted to protect Su Yi. Luo Wuya said with a serious expression: "If it's alchemy and tool refining, it's okay to be helped by your own team members. There are no rules at all, in the Tianfeng War, who else will not attack your weakness because you are a soul cultivator?"

"..." The elders kept silent, extremely ashamed.

Looking at Lingyue Peak, Elder Guyue, Han Wulong, Guanlan, Yunding, Yanlu and others all looked solemn. Han Wulong clenched his fists and roared in a low voice.

"Go down! Daughter, give Wuliangmen, give your father a long face! Frighten this group of bad old men to death!"

On the light curtain, it can be clearly seen that the five light spots are continuously diving at the same speed. They are very tacit, and they are advancing in unison. They quickly reached 1,000 meters and are heading towards 2,000 meters.

Under the bottom of the sea, the White Flood Flood God cleaves the waves, moving fast like a rocket, while Su Yi has surrounded the entire Zhoutian with the Art of Yutian, his complexion is extremely solemn, and the complex handprints are quietly condensed, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

Tian Chang, Han Yurou, Ah Chu, and Li Shiran behind them continuously radiate bright soul light around them, which is used to resist the invasion of external forces and the leakage of their own soul pressure, and strands of soul energy gather together like white silk above the light curtain.

At this moment, it seemed that a faint mysterious light surged in the distance, and the White Flood Dragon let out a low cry, and the wind was blowing from its wings, and once again burst out with boundless power, cutting through the waves of space, and headed towards the light.


Immediately, the whole body is wrapped in light, which is extremely miraculous and mysterious, after passing through the light. Everyone could feel the pressure of the soul rising again.


Bai Jiaoshen's body trembled violently, and once again let out an extremely shocking roar, like the echo of a giant whale, shocking the soul!

In the entire ghostly Broken Sword Sea, there are only countless small light spots, continuous, and the incomparably thick tide soul attack collapsed on everyone.

"Two kilometers away!" Han Yurou yelled at Su Yi from behind Ziai.

Soul attack, no matter it is against soul fighters or warriors, or wild monsters or spiritual objects, is the most powerful and thorough attack. Even if Bai Jiaoshen is a remnant soul, it is still very uncomfortable.

Obviously, after passing through the shackles of two thousand meters, the speed of Bai Jiaoshen has begun to slow down.

The surrounding space became even more distorted, and the terrifying sound waves and soul energy that pervaded the void rushed in, rampaging around me recklessly!

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