The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1645: Harmful to others

"Fuck me, it's Bai Jiaoshen! Cheating, you kid!"

"I guess those who can dive in the end will have to rely on various soul skills! This kid is too scheming! I'll see how he dives later!"

At a depth of 3,000 meters to 4,000 meters, hundreds of Yutian Palace disciples have already landed on the high platforms on both sides. The disciples who are about to start alchemy and weapon refining, looking at the huge figure, like a beast Lingtian, proudly Swimming over from the head, Xin couldn't help trembling inside.

The vast and incomparable coercion from above is not at the same level as them at all. The aura naturally carries a kind of majestic and domineering king. The disciple of Yutian Palace, who is refining alchemy and Qi, has the intention of surrendering in his heart.

"No! I feel that my soul's coercion is a bit uncomfortable!" the disciple of Yutian Palace who made alchemy kept saying.

"Yeah, this kid is really clever! You should rely on your own strength to control the sky!"

The disciple of Yutian Palace, who could only refine weapons, was furious. Looking at Su Yi who had swam far away, he could see a deep ravine like a boat in the space in the huge sea of ​​broken swords. It's all the erosion of soul coercion.

Standing on top of the Bai Jiao God, Su Yi's eyes were bright and deep, looking at the sinking depth, he said in his heart: "Xiaobai, hold on for a while, and we will reach four thousand meters and five thousand meters soon!"

Su Yi also understood in his heart that being able to dive to 5,000 meters was already the limit of the Bai Jiao God, and if it went any lower, it was very likely that the Bai Jiao God would immediately lose his soul.


There were roaring and sprinting horrific vortexes on both sides, as if they were going to swallow everyone alive, but suddenly in the vortex, two afterimages of monster beasts with teeth and claws rushed straight over.

A few phantoms flashed in the air, and in an instant, a overwhelming force of repulsion swept across the entire space, and the incomparably huge soul pressure was like a collapsed ancient mountain and river, all pressing on Su Yi's body.


Hearing the sound of bones all over Su Yi's body, and the slight movement of joints, the entire golden dragon pattern began to emerge, covering Su Yi's body like a god's light, and the power was loud.

"Is it a sea monster?" Su Yi thought to himself, this place is only less than 3,000 meters away, how could there be a sea monster?

"Ho Ho!"

Su Yi raised his gaze, and subconsciously, he roared in his heart, and two flames shot out from the palm of his hand like a thunder dragon, colliding with the afterimage of the ferocious beast in the darkness.


The two icy figures flashed like cold lights, Su Yi took a closer look, and found that they were the remnants of two blood-toothed mad shark beasts, extremely cold and bright with cold light.

After being hit by Su Yi's fire dragon, his body retreated violently. Near the boundless Sea of ​​Broken Swords, he exhaled scarlet coercion. He kept staring at Su Yi, roared lowly, and wanted to swallow Su Yi alive at any time!

At the same time, Su Yi could feel the space ripples flashing in the mid-air around him, and a dozen figures appeared at the same time, and suddenly the energy in the whole world began to condense the energy of the soul, with awe-inspiring killing intent, and a dozen eyes stared like sharp knives. He stared at Su Yi.

"Who am I? We meet again!" Su Yi sneered.

It turned out that the people who came were none other than the few Yutian Palace disciples whom I was angry with at the end just now. Now that I have reached the 3000-4000-meter mark, I turned back to meet myself and brought the other two team.

"Run back to die? Don't you think it's too long!" Su Yi shouted angrily!

At this moment, under Su Yi's seemingly inadvertent gaze, the soul energy in his body instantly reached the extreme, overwhelming and blocking all of them.

"Don't be crazy! Su Yi! Stop here today!"

In an instant, more than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples were provoked by Su Yi into a fighting spirit. Suddenly, the seawater of Broken Sword surged, and the coercion of the turbulent seawater and the pressure of everyone's souls released an extremely terrifying force. The sound of "Woo" can be heard everywhere, and the whole space trembles immediately.


More than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples shot at the same time, with a sudden wave of their hands, the handprints changed, and the vast fluctuations began to permeate from the palms, and accompanied by this fluctuation that gathered more than a dozen people instantly moved the entire three thousand meters to four The space pressure in the kilometer circle was instantly disrupted.

Several consecutive sonic booms roared out, and the attacks like water cannonballs continued to explode around the body. The entire Broken Sword Seabed was swept by like a huge wave in an instant, and everyone's minds were shaken.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

More than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples stepped back more than a dozen steps, while Su Yi took two steps back even though he had grasped the wings of the White Flood Dragon God.

The dozen or so Yutian Palace disciples in front of me are all at the beginning of the third rank or at the middle rank of the third rank, and only one has reached the high rank of the third rank, which is not very strong, and the soul quality is at most half a step of the heavenly rank. Totally a mob.

Seeing the joint attack of more than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples, Su Yi's eyes instantly became fierce, and he shot out with a killing intent in his eyes, secretly analyzing in his heart, the reason why such a huge soul was able to be produced just now Coercion is the gathering of the soul energy of all people, which is definitely a terrifying energy.

Immersed in soul cultivation all year round, making their soul energy extremely condensed and solid. Compared with myself, they are living entirely by soul talent, and they don't even have soul skills that can be used. This is what Su Yi wants Duanmu Xiaoman to do. Guide yourself to your real reasons.

This trip to Yutian Palace, to improve his soul energy, exercise his soul cultivation, and use it to participate in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament, is the most important reason for Su Yi besides visiting the Su family.

"Su Yi! Hmph! Did you have a good time talking about it just now?" The disciple of Yutian Palace looked at Su Yi with resentment in his heart, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop laughing.

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want with Gu Yue and the Palace Master guarding you. This is the bottom of Broken Sword, and no one will know if you are killed!"

"Yes! We can't reach seven thousand meters, but you may not be able to swim! No, you will definitely not be able to swim!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The eyes of more than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples shivered. They also knew that today's Yutian Soul Competition is different from the previous ones. It is a selection of the best, as long as the best is the best, not average!

Therefore, these above-average Yutian Palace disciples naturally gave up hope for the Yutian Soul Competition early on.

Living in Gongque Lake on weekdays, he has always looked up to Yu Tianchuan's direct disciples. He originally thought that most of the direct disciples would be eliminated and he would have a chance.

But because of the change of the rules, all their efforts turned into phantoms. In the end, this contest of controlling the sky soul is still a contest between Jun Haotian and Su Yi, and has nothing to do with them!

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