The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1647: Ambush Su Yi

Guyue rubbed his chin, then recast his eyes on the light curtain, his eyes full of solemnity.

"The palace lord is not here, the jade card of the palace lord is the most important, everyone closely monitors every inch of the light screen to ensure the normal progress of the game of Yutianhun!" Gu Yue gave an order.

Immediately, he took Han Wulong back and said in a low voice: "Sect Master Han, don't worry, Su Yi won't be taken care of by these little fish and shrimp! Just wait and see!"

Han Wulong tilted his head slightly, recalling what the ordinary elders said just now, and said harshly: "Elder Gu Yue, I listen to you, if those trash say a few more words, it happens that Palace Master Duanmu is not here, I, Han Wulong, will immediately Just kill them!"

At this moment, Long Poshan, Luo Wuya and a group of princes and elders walked to Guyue's side at this moment, their expressions were extremely dignified: "Sect Master Han calm down first, what happened? Why did Palace Master Duanmu leave suddenly?"

Gu Yue shook his head lightly, thinking that Jun Haotian is the disciple who has dived the deepest, and said: "The palace master has gone to 20,000 meters first, and it seems that there should be a vision happening below 20,000 meters! Is Jun Haotian okay? "

Above the light curtain, Jun Haotian has dived to a depth of 8,000 meters, and is descending at a decent speed, leaving all the light spots behind him far behind.

"Haotian is still going on, and it is currently the number one. Most of the alchemy and weapon refining projects are gathered in the circle of three thousand meters to four thousand meters, which is expected. Most of the soul masters are still at five thousand The depth of meters to six thousand meters is a bit strange."

Luo Wuya looked at Guyue, stroked his beard, and said with some doubts.

"There is no problem with the ranking, but the speed and depth of the large soul-controlling troop is a bit wrong?" Long Poshan, who was standing beside him, had a strange light in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Elder Long?"

Hearing this, Han Wulong, who sensed the strange signs, was slightly stunned. His tall and burly body shook, as if he also felt the unusualness of the seabed.

"I can't say it, but the disciples of Yutian Palace shouldn't be only five or six kilometers away at this time except for soul refining and weapon refining." Long Poshan swung his sleeves, and his vicissitudes of face trembled.


Han Wulong frowned, flew to the light curtain again, and stopped to watch carefully.

Under the sea breeze, the light curtain swayed in the sky like a piece of paper. Han Wulong studied the situation of the Soul of the Sky before him, turned his head and said to everyone.

"That's right! It's exactly as Elder Long said! Most of the soul masters are only five thousand meters to six thousand meters away."

As we all know, the daily soul energy needed to control the soul is several times that of alchemy and weapon refining, so the depth that can be dived in the Broken Sword Sea should also be several times that of alchemy and tool refiners.

One to seven thousand meters is the range for alchemy and weapon refining, and most people gather at three thousand meters to five thousand meters, there is nothing unusual.

It's just that the rules of the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition are that the competition range for the Soul-Controlling Brawl is only at seven thousand meters, which is a bit weird.

"Many of our Yutian Palace disciples are direct disciples. Could it be that they can only swim to a distance of 5,000 meters or 6,000 meters? Can't even reach 7,000 meters?" Guyue was a little puzzled.

With such doubts, all the elders of the princes and the elders of the teaching staff began to gather their soul energy and began to make preparations.

"It seems that the palace lord is right, it's not unusual! Everyone, get ready! Wait for the palace lord's order." Gu Yue gave an order.

"Yes!" All the elders looked serious, and there was already a hint of bad signal smell in the air.

The Broken Sword Sea is located between 3,000 and 4,000 meters away.

"Bang bang bang!"

The fishy-sweet sea water kept surging around, and the continuous underwater sonic boom made the Yutian Palace disciples on both sides of the high platform terrified.

More than a dozen people are besieging a white flood dragon, and Su Yi on it is majestic and majestic, and the pressure of the soul is overwhelming, as if the majestic momentum from across the sky makes the coral stones on the bottom of the sea crack and shatter in an instant, this shocking force , cannot be described in words at all.

"This Su Yi is too strong, I haven't seen him use any soul skills, but he has fought dozens of people back and forth and won the upper hand!" the disciple of Yutian Palace murmured in a low voice, looking up from time to time.

"Don't look, hurry up and make alchemy! Who is Su Yi, who are you? Don't meddle in other people's business!" A Yutian Palace disciple scolded his colleagues around him.


I saw that the remnant soul of the White Flood Dragon God, who was covered in snow and was almost materialized, continuously spewed out huge sonic attacks in the air, and the violent energy ripples rippling crazily like material-like fluctuations.

Immediately, with the huge impact of the terrifying vortex, the destructive power generated under the Sea of ​​Broken Swords immediately made more than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples feel fear, and their bodies staggered!

"not good!"

A dozen people raised their heads in an instant, but only saw Bai Jiaoshen's incomparably huge body flying in the air, like heavy artillery shells pressing on the bodies of more than a dozen Yutiangong disciples.

Suddenly, the soul coercion around the body of more than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples was shattered like a plate of radiant paper, and the power of the thundering sky was under the huge beast tail of the White Flood Dragon God, directly smashing the surrounding area of ​​three thousand meters to four thousand meters. Get the sea stone and smash it directly.

There was a loud noise, and sand and gravel filled the air.

Like mountains and rivers overturning, more than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples were locked in place by the terrifying breath, unable to move, and the soul energy crushed on their bodies was also sucked in by the terrifying air vortex in an instant.

"Su Yi, don't be complacent, we are only the first batch!"

"There are a lot of people behind, waiting to catch you! If you want to show off in our Yutian Palace, there is no way!"

"Yeah! My legs! The cheap dragon let me go!"

"Su Yi, you villain, you're going to die! Use me, the God of the Heavenly Palace, to deal with us!"

Before the words were finished, several fire dragon-like horses in Su Yi's hands had already formed, and they directly hit the disciples of Yutian Palace, and he groaned in pain.

The alchemy refiners below who were concentrating on it were full of horror and lowered their heads one after another, not daring to say anything, unwilling to look any further.

"Bang bang!"

The Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu in the body was working again, and Wuyou's Yutian Jue also swept across the entire circle in an instant. The people in the entire circle had already witnessed the situation where Su Yi instantly killed everyone, and they all gasped.

A fierce and terrifying fire attribute energy storm was set off around Su Yi's body, his body flew out like a stream of light, and in an instant, he pierced through the air and arrived at the side of more than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples.

All of a sudden, the blood-toothed mad sharks that were drawn out by more than a dozen Yutian Palace disciples had turned into spots of light and dissipated. Su Yi's eyes in the distance fluctuated slightly, revealing a trace of solemnity.

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