The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1656: Sinking in Shock


"If it's not someone playing tricks, there must be something here!" Su Yi's eyes sank, and he looked up at the sea of ​​broken swords that could no longer see the top.

The blood-colored sky shines all around, the light is fleeting, the water is filled with waves, and there is a stench everywhere.

The sound of sobbing and bubbling is like the dangerous breath of ghosts crying together. The unclear bottom of the sea is filled with a murderous and scarlet breath, which adds a kind of chilling feeling to people invisibly.

If there is really something, Duanmu Xiaoman will definitely know, Su Yi's brows are getting tighter and tighter, and white light surges around him again, with a majestic to the extreme speed, flying downward like a stream of light.

Flying towards the gradually crimson circle of light, the sky was covered with darkness, and the entire space was filled with monstrous blood.

In an instant, a streamer figure as delicate as a silk thread pierced the sky and the earth, as if breaking through the darkness before dawn.

"Twelve kilometers!"

Su Yi finally broke through to 12,000 meters. As soon as he arrived at the new circle, the meridians and bones of his whole body seemed to be full of blood, and he seemed to see a huge scarlet flower in full bloom, entwined with bewitching branches, and the clouds and mist between the sky and the earth were covered with blood. The map is bright red.

Su Yi, who was not used to it, almost fell down. While staggering, Su Yi opened his eyes again, and could see a pair of blood-colored giant pupils patrolling in mid-air like dragon eyes. When he looked carefully, he was dying with a fierce light. Staring at himself, with four eyes facing each other, Su Yi couldn't help gasping.

"What kind of illusion is this? It's amazing!" Su Yi frowned.

A huge suppressive force spread in waves in Su Yi's body invisibly.

The bloody power was overwhelming, as if it was about to devour itself into pieces at any time.

Standing between the blood-colored sea and sky, Su Yi's messy long black hair flew freely, and there was a throbbing expression on his resolute and mature face.

"Uh..." A painful moan that twisted and exploded quickly emerged from Su Yi's throat.

"Stinky boy, calm down, the sea water here can already confuse the mind! Use all your exercises!" Tie Hunxuan roared loudly in the entrance.

Looking at the surrounding environment like a pool of blood, Su Yi suddenly fell into a feast of blood. The misty sky and chaotic eyes made Su Yi feel like falling into a dream. Plants hang around.

In an instant, there was a "boom", and Su Yi, who was in a daze, held his mind, his complexion changed slightly, and he could obviously feel that his Tianyuan demon soul was suppressed to a certain extent.

In the slightly turbid eyes, Su Yi's tiger eyes flickered, and he slightly straightened his expression. At this moment, Su Yi didn't dare to be careless anymore.

With a secret mind, he closed his eyes, and the vitality in his body roared and rushed from the deep sea of ​​Taixu in an instant. Let the vitality circulate endlessly, and feel the changes in the rules of the surrounding space!


Watching the circulation of the meridian Yuan Qi in the body, the Yuan Qi flowing like the Yangtze River flows wave after wave along the soul energy to the Tian Yuan Demon Soul, ensuring that the light of the Tian Yuan Demon Soul will not disperse.

Hearing the majestic energy in the space around him is moving like a vortex, and the astonishing sound of bubbles is like the clanging of wind and thunder.

"Ho Ho!"

Su Yi, who was tightly crushed, guarded the last bit of intelligence and soul in his body, his handprints kept changing, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu spread and swept across in an instant.

The sea water roared and the space trembled.

The majestic energy tore apart the space in an instant, and amidst the bloody killing that covered the sky and the sun, everything seemed to be dead.

After half a breath of effort, using Tian Yu Jue, Heavenly Demon Ancient Sutra and Hunyuan Supreme Art at the same time, the wind and thunder burst, and the whole body was flickered with electric lights. Su Yi was trying his best to drain the blood away, and Su Yi began to regain consciousness.

Seizing the opportunity, Su Yi gained a trace of vitality from the suffocating vacuum blood, seized the opportunity instantly, opened his round eyes suddenly, and shouted loudly.

"come out!"

The space is full of blood and blood, and under the strange and psychedelic illusion, the vitality is annihilated, and the energy mechanism is dried up.

Su Yi's complexion was slightly pale, and in the withered vacuum environment, there was a hint of a sneer in his eyes.

"It's a pity that no matter how thick it is, it's still water! Water can't trap me!"

All of a sudden, the palms turned downwards, and an icy glow faintly overflowed, and Su Yi's palms pushed forward with difficulty.

The tiger's palm stomped slightly, and the cloud shadow stepped on the frost like a horse training, and shot out together with the tiger's eyes, creating two new space ripples out of thin air.

"Bang bang!"

The huge sound of piercing the sky rose into the sky instantly like a whistling sound, the sound waves rolled and reverberated in the space, and the feet swaying and changing steps condensed out, and the wings behind him moved like the wind.


Just like that, with one push and one fly, the two palms used the cloud shadow to step on the frost to open the passage, the feet swung to the extreme, and coupled with the extreme speed of the power of the White Flood Dragon God, Su Yi moved forward by a large amount in one breath. step.

"Bang bang bang!"

As if the blood in the frozen space began to flow, the soul energy spread smoothly again.

Su Yi, who seized the opportunity, enveloped the space within a kilometer with his soul energy, shouted loudly, and rushed out again with a lunge.


Su Yi, who took a deep breath of fresh air, finally realized what it means to be happy and refreshed at this moment, with lingering fears still in his heart, he said to Tie Hunxuan, "Old Tie, the blood here is too thick. The space enchantment that has passed is even more powerful!"

"Well, it's really weird, we still have time to go back now!"

Su Yi sneered, he had already reached this depth, there was no reason to leave as soon as he said it, looking around, Su Yi could find that the floating silver wood, weapons, natural cultivation materials, etc. that Xi Wuqing said had all been transformed into Debris flew.

The entire space was devoid of vitality, like a giant beast that swallowed the sky with its mouth wide open, trying to swallow everything in an instant, leaving nothing, including yourself.

"It's a pity that there are so many treasures under these floating silver trees. It's a pity that few people can dive to this level on weekdays!"

After Su Yi sighed for a while, he immediately lifted his spirits, stepped on the Profound Handle, and left quickly.

"Let's go! I'll find out whether it's a human or a ghost today, and those two people, there's no reason to lose to them!"

Su Yi's heart suddenly burned with the will not to admit defeat. What puzzled Su Yi was that they had already reached this point. Are those two people really so much higher than him in terms of soul attainment?


In an instant, the icy light soared into the sky, and a blue light instantly rushed out of a huge deep hole in front of it like an ice dragon suppressing the sky.

The blood energy and the blue light collided with each other, and Su Yi got closer and closer to the 13,000-meter light.


The majestic blue beam of light went all the way to the end, and suddenly the fierce thunder in the depths of the blood sea resounded out of thin air, and the space that was already turbulent began to tremble again.

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